

单词 burn


burn 1

B0563100 (bûrn)v. burned or burnt (bûrnt), burn·ing, burns v.intr.1. To undergo combustion or be consumed as fuel: The dry wood burned quickly.2. To be damaged, injured, or destroyed by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent: a house that burned to the ground; eggs that burned and stuck to the pan.3. To consume fuel: a rocket stage designed to burn for three minutes before being jettisoned.4. a. To emit heat or light by fire or energy: campfires burning in the dark; lights burning in the windows.b. To become dissipated or be dispelled: The fog burned off as the sun came up. Their anger burned away in time.5. a. To suffer death or punishment by fire: souls burning in hell.b. To be electrocuted.6. a. To be very hot; bake: a desert burning under the midday sun.b. To feel or look hot: a child burning with fever.c. To impart a sensation of heat: a liniment that burns when first applied.7. a. To penetrate something by intense heat, energy, or caustic effect: The acid burned into the table.b. To cause a strong impression, especially by emotional intensity: a look that burned into them; shame burning into my heart.8. a. To become irritated or painful, as by chafing or inflammation: eyes burning from the smoke.b. To become sunburned or windburned.9. To be consumed with strong emotion, especially:a. To be or become angry: an insult that really made me burn.b. To be very eager: was burning with ambition.v.tr.1. a. To cause to undergo combustion, especially to the point of destruction: We burned the scrap wood in the fireplace.b. To consume (fuel or energy, for example): burned all the wood that winter.2. a. To use as a fuel: a furnace that burns coal.b. To metabolize (glucose, for example) in the body.3. To damage or injure by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent: burned the toast; burned my skin with the acid.4. a. To make or produce by fire or heat: burn a hole in the rug.b. To dispel or dissipate, as by heat: The sun burned off the fog. Resentments that burned away their tender feelings.5. a. To execute or kill with fire: burning heretics at the stake.b. To execute by electrocution.6. a. To irritate or inflame, as by chafing or sunburn.b. To impart a sensation of intense heat to: The chili burned my mouth.c. To make angry: What really burns me is his arrogance.7. To brand (an animal).8. a. To engrave or make indelible by burning: burned his initials into the wood.b. To cause to be felt or remembered because of emotional intensity: The image of the accident was burned into my memory.9. To harden or impart a finish to by subjecting to intense heat; fire: burn clay pots in a kiln.10. a. To defeat in a contest, especially by a narrow margin.b. Sports To outplay or score on (an opponent), especially through quick or deceptive movement.c. To inflict harm or hardship on; hurt: "Huge loan losses have burned banks in recent years" (Christian Science Monitor).d. To swindle or deceive; cheat: We really got burned on the used car we bought.11. a. To write data onto (an optical disc).b. To write (data) onto an optical disc.n.1. An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.2. A burned place or area: a cigarette burn in the tablecloth.3. An act, process, or result of burning: The fire settled down to a steady burn.4. A sensation of intense heat, stinging pain, or irritation: a chili burn on the tongue; the burn of alcohol on an open wound.5. A sunburn or windburn.Phrasal Verbs: burn out1. To stop burning from lack of fuel: The campfire eventually burned out.2. To wear out or make or become inoperative as a result of heat or friction: The short circuit burned out the fuse. The computer's motherboard burned out.3. To make or become exhausted, especially as a result of long-term stress: "Hours are long, stress is high, and many recruits drop out or burn out" (Robert J. Samuelson).4. To cause (someone) to have to evacuate an area or building because of fire: The shopkeeper was burned out by arsonists. burn up1. To make angry: Their rudeness really burns me up.2. To travel over or through at high speed: drag racers burning up the track.Idioms: burn itself out To stop burning from lack of fuel: The brush fire finally burned itself out. burn (one's) bridges To eliminate the possibility of return or retreat.burn the/one's candle at both ends To exhaust oneself or one's resources by leading a hectic or extravagant life. burn the midnight oil To work or study very late at night. to burn In great amounts: They had money to burn.
[Middle English burnen, from Old English beornan, to be on fire, and from bærnan, to set on fire; see gwher- in Indo-European roots.]Synonyms: burn1, scorch, singe, sear1, char1
These verbs mean to injure or alter by means of intense heat or flames. Burn, the most general, applies to the effects of exposure to a source of heat or to something that can produce a similar effect: burned the muffins in the oven; skin burned by the wind and sun. Scorch involves superficial burning that discolors or damages the texture of something: scorched the shirt with the iron. Singe specifies superficial burning and especially the removal of hair or feathers from a carcass before cooking: singed his finger lighting the match; plucked and singed the chicken before roasting it. Sear applies to rapid superficial burning using high heat: seared the meat in a hot skillet. To char is to reduce a substance to carbon or charcoal by partial burning: trees charred by the forest fire.

burn 2

B0563100 (bûrn)n. Scots A small stream; a brook.
[Middle English, from Old English burna; see bhreu- in Indo-European roots.]


(bɜːn) vb, burns, burning, burnt or burned1. (Chemistry) to undergo or cause to undergo combustion2. to destroy or be destroyed by fire3. (tr) to damage, injure, or mark by heat: he burnt his hand; she was burnt by the sun. 4. to die or put to death by fire: to burn at the stake. 5. (intr) to be or feel hot: my forehead burns. 6. to smart or cause to smart: brandy burns one's throat. 7. (intr) to feel strong emotion, esp anger or passion8. (tr) to use for the purposes of light, heat, or power: to burn coal. 9. (tr) to form by or as if by fire: to burn a hole. 10. to char or become charred: the potatoes are burning in the saucepan. 11. (tr) to brand or cauterize12. (General Engineering) (tr) to cut (metal) with an oxygen-rich flame13. (Chemistry) to produce by or subject to heat as part of a process: to burn charcoal. 14. (Computer Science) (tr) to copy information onto (a CD-ROM)15. (Nuclear Physics) astronomy to convert (a lighter element) to a heavier one by nuclear fusion in a star: to burn hydrogen. 16. (Card Games) cards chiefly Brit to discard or exchange (one or more useless cards)17. (tr; usually passive) informal to cheat, esp financially18. slang chiefly US to electrocute or be electrocuted19. (tr) slang Austral to drive (a vehicle) fast20. burn one's bridges burn one's boats to commit oneself to a particular course of action with no possibility of turning back21. burn the candle at both ends See candle322. burn one's fingers to suffer from having meddled or been rashn23. (Pathology) an injury caused by exposure to heat, electrical, chemical, or radioactive agents. Burns are classified according to the depth of tissue affected: first-degree burn: skin surface painful and red; second-degree burn: blisters appear on the skin; third-degree burn: destruction of both epidermis and dermis24. a mark, e.g. on wood, caused by burning25. (Astronautics) a controlled use of rocket propellant, esp for a course correction26. (Physiology) a hot painful sensation in a muscle, experienced during vigorous exercise: go for the burn!. 27. (Forestry) Austral and NZ a controlled fire to clear an area of scrub28. slang tobacco or a cigarette[Old English beornan (intr), bærnan (tr); related to Old Norse brenna (tr or intr), Gothic brinnan (intr), Latin fervēre to boil, seethe]


(bɜːn; Scottish bʌrn) n (Physical Geography) Scot and Northern English a small stream; brook[Old English burna; related to Old Norse brunnr spring, Old High German brunno, Lithuanian briáutis to burst forth]



v. burned burnt, burn•ing, v.i. 1. to consume fuel and give off heat, gases, and usu. light; be on fire. 2. a. to undergo combustion; oxidize. b. to undergo fission or fusion. 3. (of a fireplace, furnace, etc.) to contain a fire. 4. to give off light; glow brightly: The lights burned all night. 5. to be hot: The pavement burned in the noon sun. 6. to produce or feel sharp pain or a stinging sensation: The whiskey burned in his throat. 7. to be injured, damaged, scorched, or destroyed by fire, heat, or acid. 8. to feel extreme anger. 9. to feel strong emotion: to burn with desire. 10. to sunburn. 11. Slang. to die in an electric chair. 12. to be engraved by or as if by burning: His words burned into her heart. v.t. 13. to cause to undergo combustion or be consumed partly or wholly by fire. 14. to use as fuel or as a source of light: to burn coal. 15. to sunburn. 16. to injure, damage, scorch, or destroy with or as if with fire. 17. to execute by burning at the stake. 18. to produce with or as if with fire: to burn a hole. 19. to cause sharp pain or a stinging sensation in: The iodine burned his cut. 20. Slang. to cheat, deceive, or swindle: burned by a phony stock deal. 21. to record data on (a compact disc). 22. burn down, to burn to the ground. 23. burn in, a. (in printing from a photographic negative) to expose (parts of an image) to more light for increased density. b. to run (a new computer or other electronic system) continuously for several hours or days, as a test of quality before delivery to the purchaser. 24. burn off, (of morning mist) to be dissipated by the warmth of the rising sun. 25. burn out, a. to cease operating or functioning because of heat, friction, or lack of fuel. b. to deprive of a place to live, work, etc., by reason of fire. c. to exhaust (oneself) or become exhausted or apathetic through overwork, stress, or intense activity. 26. burn up, a. to burn completely. b. Informal. to make or become angry. n. 27. a burned place or area. 28. an injury caused by heat, abnormal cold, chemicals, poison gas, or electricity, and characterized by a painful reddening and swelling of the epidermis (first-degree burn), damage extending into the dermis, usu. with blistering (second-degree burn), or destruction of the epidermis and dermis extending into the deeper tissue (third-degree burn). 29. the process or an instance of burning or baking, as in brickmaking. 30. the firing of a rocket engine. 31. Slang. a swindle. Idioms: 1. burn one's fingers, to suffer injury or loss by meddling or by acting rashly. 2. burn the candle at both ends, to use up one's strength or energy by immoderation. 3. burn the midnight oil, to work, study, etc., until late at night. [before 900; Middle English bernen, brennen, Old English beornan (intrans.)] burn′a•ble, adj.



n. Scot. a brook or rivulet. [before 900; Middle English b(o)urne, Old English burna, brunna brook]


(bûrn)Verb To be on fire; undergo combustion. A substance burns if it is heated up enough to react chemically with oxygen. See Note at oxidation.Noun Medicine An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic chemical agent. Burns are classified according to the degree of damage done to the tissues.


Past participle: burned/burnt
Gerund: burning
I burn
you burn
he/she/it burns
we burn
you burn
they burn
I burned/burnt
you burned/burnt
he/she/it burned/burnt
we burned/burnt
you burned/burnt
they burned/burnt
Present Continuous
I am burning
you are burning
he/she/it is burning
we are burning
you are burning
they are burning
Present Perfect
I have burned/burnt
you have burned/burnt
he/she/it has burned/burnt
we have burned/burnt
you have burned/burnt
they have burned/burnt
Past Continuous
I was burning
you were burning
he/she/it was burning
we were burning
you were burning
they were burning
Past Perfect
I had burned/burnt
you had burned/burnt
he/she/it had burned/burnt
we had burned/burnt
you had burned/burnt
they had burned/burnt
I will burn
you will burn
he/she/it will burn
we will burn
you will burn
they will burn
Future Perfect
I will have burned/burnt
you will have burned/burnt
he/she/it will have burned/burnt
we will have burned/burnt
you will have burned/burnt
they will have burned/burnt
Future Continuous
I will be burning
you will be burning
he/she/it will be burning
we will be burning
you will be burning
they will be burning
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been burning
you have been burning
he/she/it has been burning
we have been burning
you have been burning
they have been burning
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been burning
you will have been burning
he/she/it will have been burning
we will have been burning
you will have been burning
they will have been burning
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been burning
you had been burning
he/she/it had been burning
we had been burning
you had been burning
they had been burning
I would burn
you would burn
he/she/it would burn
we would burn
you would burn
they would burn
Past Conditional
I would have burned/burnt
you would have burned/burnt
he/she/it would have burned/burnt
we would have burned/burnt
you would have burned/burnt
they would have burned/burnt


A Scottish word for a stream.
Noun1.burn - pain that feels hot as if it were on fireburn - pain that feels hot as if it were on fireburninghurting, pain - a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder; "the patient developed severe pain and distension"
2.burn - a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sunburn - a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sunsunburn, suntan, tanhyperpigmentation - unusual darkening of the skin
3.burn - an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiationharm, hurt, injury, trauma - any physical damage to the body caused by violence or accident or fracture etc.electric burn - a burn caused by heat produced by an electric currentscorch, singe - a surface burnscald - a burn cause by hot liquid or steamfirst-degree burn - burn causing redness of the skin surfacesecond-degree burn - burn causing blisters on the skin and superficial destruction of the dermisthird-degree burn - burn characterized by destruction of both epidermis and dermis
4.burn - a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)burn markblemish, mar, defect - a mark or flaw that spoils the appearance of something (especially on a person's body); "a facial blemish"cigarette burn - a burn mark left by a smoldering cigarette; "a cigarette burn on the edge of the table"
5.burn - damage inflicted by firescathe, damage, harm, hurt - the act of damaging something or someonescald - the act of burning with steam or hot water
Verb1.burn - destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"burn down, fireburn, combust - undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well"incinerate, burn - cause to undergo combustion; "burn garbage"; "The car burns only Diesel oil"backfire - set a controlled fire to halt an advancing forest to prairie firecremate - reduce to ashes; "Cremate a corpse"torch - burn maliciously, as by arson; "The madman torched the barns"scorch - destroy completely by or as if by fire; "The wildfire scorched the forest and several homes"; "the invaders scorched the land"ruin, destroy - destroy completely; damage irreparably; "You have ruined my car by pouring sugar in the tank!"; "The tears ruined her make-up"
2.burn - shine intensely, as if with heat; "The coals were glowing in the dark"; "The candles were burning"glowbeam, shine - emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light; "The sun shone bright that day"; "The fire beamed on their faces"gutter - burn unsteadily, feebly, or low; flicker; "The cooling lava continued to gutter toward lower ground"
3.burn - undergo combustion; "Maple wood burns well"combustchange state, turn - undergo a transformation or a change of position or action; "We turned from Socialism to Capitalism"; "The people turned against the President when he stole the election"burn down, burn up, go up - burn completely; be consumed or destroyed by fire; "The hut burned down"; "The mountain of paper went up in flames"smolder, smoulder - burn slowly and without a flame; "a smoldering fire"burn, burn down, fire - destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"scorch, sear, singe - become superficially burned; "my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames"deflagrate - burn with great heat and intense light; "the powder deflagrated"flame - be in flames or aflame; "The sky seemed to flame in the Hawaiian sunset"blaze up, burn up, flame up, flare - burn brightly; "Every star seemed to flare with new intensity"blaze - burn brightly and intensely; "The summer sun alone can cause a pine to blaze"
4.burn - cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfortburn - cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun burned his face"sting, bitenettle, urticate - sting with or as with nettles and cause a stinging pain or sensationburn - feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"hurt, smart, ache - be the source of pain
5.burn - cause to burn or combust; "The sun burned off the fog"; "We combust coal and other fossil fuels"combustignite, light - cause to start burning; subject to fire or great heat; "Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter"; "Light a cigarette"set ablaze, set afire, set aflame, set on fire - set fire to; cause to start burning; "Lightening set fire to the forest"catch fire, take fire, ignite, combust, conflagrate, erupt - start to burn or burst into flames; "Marsh gases ignited suddenly"; "The oily rags combusted spontaneously"char, coal - burn to charcoal; "Without a drenching rain, the forest fire will char everything"
6.burn - feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion; "She was burning with anger"; "He was burning to try out his new skies"feel, experience - undergo an emotional sensation or be in a particular state of mind; "She felt resentful"; "He felt regret"
7.burn - cause to undergo combustion; "burn garbage"; "The car burns only Diesel oil"incineratechange integrity - change in physical make-upincinerate - become reduced to ashes; "The paper incinerated quickly"burn, burn down, fire - destroy by fire; "They burned the house and his diaries"
8.burn - burn at the stake; "Witches were burned in Salem"execute, put to death - kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment; "In some states, criminals are executed"
9.burn - spend (significant amounts of money); "He has money to burn"squander, waste, blow - spend thoughtlessly; throw away; "He wasted his inheritance on his insincere friends"; "You squandered the opportunity to get and advanced degree"
10.burn - feel hot or painful; "My eyes are burning"sting, bite, burn - cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort; "The sun burned his face"hurt, smart, ache - be the source of pain
11.burn - burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent; "The surgeon cauterized the wart"cauterise, cauterizecare for, treat - provide treatment for; "The doctor treated my broken leg"; "The nurses cared for the bomb victims"; "The patient must be treated right away or she will die"; "Treat the infection with antibiotics"
12.burn - get a sunburn by overexposure to the sunsunburndiscolour, discolor, color, colour - change color, often in an undesired manner; "The shirts discolored"
13.burn - create by duplicating data; "cut a disk"; "burn a CD"cutproduce, create, make - create or manufacture a man-made product; "We produce more cars than we can sell"; "The company has been making toys for two centuries"cut - record a performance on (a medium); "cut a record"
14.burn - use up (energy); "burn off calories through vigorous exercise"burn off, burn updeplete, use up, wipe out, eat up, exhaust, run through, eat, consume - use up (resources or materials); "this car consumes a lot of gas"; "We exhausted our savings"; "They run through 20 bottles of wine a week"
15.burn - burn with heat, fire, or radiation; "The iron burnt a hole in my dress"scald - burn with a hot liquid or steam; "She scalded her hands when she turned on the faucet and hot water came out"damage - inflict damage upon; "The snow damaged the roof"; "She damaged the car when she hit the tree"blacken, char, sear, scorch - burn slightly and superficially so as to affect color; "The cook blackened the chicken breast"; "The fire charred the ceiling above the mantelpiece"; "the flames scorched the ceiling"


verb1. be on fire, blaze, be ablaze, smoke, flame, glow, flare, flicker, go up in flames I suddenly realized the blanket was burning.2. set on fire, light, ignite, kindle, incinerate, reduce to ashes He found out he'd won the Lottery, but he'd burnt the ticket.3. scorch, toast, sear, char, singe, brand I burnt the toast.4. sting, hurt, smart, tingle, bite, pain When you go to the toilet, it burns and stings.5. shine, glow, beam, glare, gleam, shimmer, radiate, glimmer, emit light, give off light a single light burning in a third-story window6. blush, be red, flush, colour, be hot, be on fire, redden, turn red, feel hot, go red (as a beetroot), turn scarlet Liz's face was burning.7. be passionate, blaze, be excited, be aroused, be inflamed The young boy was burning with a fierce ambition.8. seethe, boil, fume, be angry, simmer, smoulder, be wild, be livid, be beside yourself He was burning with rage.9. yearn, long, desire, hunger, ache, crave, itch, hanker, have a yen for (informal), set your heart upon, would give your eyeteeth for He's burning to prove he's still the best.


verb1. To undergo combustion:blaze, combust, flame, flare.2. To undergo or cause to undergo damage by or as if by fire:char, scorch, sear, singe.3. To emit a bright light:beam, blaze, gleam, glow, incandesce, radiate, shine.4. To feel or look hot:bake, broil, roast, swelter.5. To feel or cause to feel a sensation of heat or discomfort:bite, smart, sting.6. To cause to become sore or inflamed:inflame, irritate, sting.7. To cause to feel or show anger.Also used with up:anger, enrage, incense, infuriate, madden, provoke.Idioms: make one hot under the collar, make one's blood boil, put one's back up.8. To be or become angry:anger, blow up, boil over, bristle, explode, flare up, foam, fume, rage, seethe.Informal: steam.Idioms: blow a fuse, blow a gasket, blow one's stack, breathe fire, fly off the handle, get hot under the collar, hit the ceiling, lose one's temper, see red.9. To be in a state of emotional or mental turmoil:boil, bubble, churn, ferment, seethe, simmer, smolder.phrasal verb
burn outTo lose so much strength and power as to become ineffective or motionless:give out, run down.Slang: poop out.nounDamage or a damaged substance that results from burning:char, scorch, sear, singe.


(bəːn) past tense, past participles burned, ~burnt (-t) verb1. to destroy, damage or injure by fire, heat, acid etc. The fire burned all my papers; I've burnt the meat. 燒毀 烧坏2. to use as fuel. 當作燃料使用 使用某物为燃料3. to make (a hole etc) by fire, heat, acid etc. The acid burned a hole in my dress. 燒出 烧成4. to catch fire. Paper burns easily. 著火 着火,(使)燃烧 noun an injury or mark caused by fire etc. His burns will take a long time to heal; a burn in the carpet. 燒傷 烧伤ˈburner noun any device producing a flame. I'll have to use a burner to get this paint off. 燃燒器 燃烧器


烧zhCN, 烧伤zhCN, 烧掉zhCN, 烫伤zhCN



1. noun, slang An insult. A: "Nice ears, Dumbo." B: "Ooh, sick burn, dude. Like I don't know my ears stick out!"2. verb, slang To insult someone. Did you hear what she said? You just got burned, bro.


1. n. a cigarette. Fred just stood there with a burn on his lower lip and his hands in his pockets. 2. tv. to smoke a cigarette. I need to burn a fag. Just a minute. 3. tv. to smoke cannabis. (Drugs.) The two of them sat there burning reefers for hours on end. 4. tv. to execute someone in the electric chair. (Underworld.) I’ll see that they burn you for this! 5. in. to die by electrocution in the electric chair. (Underworld.) I ain’t afraid I’ll burn, copper! 6. tv. to cheat or rob someone. Tom tried to burn me by selling me a bum watch, but I’m too clever. 7. tv. to shoot someone. (see also burner = gun.) He burned the guy with a pistol, but it didn’t stop him. 8. n. a deception; an instance of being cheated. Man, that was a burn. That guy was really mad. 9. n. the charge or rush after the injection of a drug into a vein. (Drugs.) I don’t want a big burn; just drag it out for about an hour. 10. tv. to cook food. Why don’t you burn some chow for me?


1. mod. cheated; betrayed. Man, did I get burned in that place! 2. mod. disappointed; humiliated; put down. Ha! You’re burned! 3. and burned up mod. very angry. I’ve never been so burned up at anyone. I am really burned! Totally burned! See also: burn


the/one's candle at both ends To exhaust oneself or one's resources by leading a hectic or extravagant life.
  • a slow burn
  • be burnt to a crisp
  • brain-burned
  • burn
  • burn (one) in effigy
  • burn (one) out of (something)
  • burn (one's) boats
  • burn (one's) bridges
  • burn (one's) bridges in front of (one)
  • burn (one's) fingers
  • burn (someone or something) to a cinder
  • burn (someone or something) to a crisp
  • burn a hole in (one's) pocket
  • burn artist
  • burn at the stake
  • burn away
  • burn both ends of the candle
  • burn bridges
  • burn bridges in front of
  • burn daylight
  • burn down
  • burn for
  • burn for (someone or something)
  • burn in
  • burn in effigy
  • burn in(to) (something)
  • burn into
  • burn itself out
  • Burn not your house to fright the mouse away
  • burn off
  • burn one's bridges
  • burn one's bridges/boats, to
  • burn one's fingers
  • burn one's fingers, to
  • burn out
  • burn out of
  • burn rubber
  • burn someone down
  • burn someone up
  • burn something to a cinder/crisp
  • burn the candle at both ends
  • burn the candle at both ends, to (you can't)
  • burn the midnight oil
  • burn the midnight oil, to
  • burn through
  • burn through (something)
  • burn to a cinder
  • burn to a crisp
  • burn up
  • burn up the road
  • burn with
  • burn with (something)
  • burn with a low blue flame
  • burn your boats
  • burn your bridges
  • burn your fingers
  • burned
  • burned out
  • burned out, to be
  • burned to a cinder
  • burned up
  • crash and burn
  • do a slow burn
  • ears are burning, one's
  • eyes like two burnt holes in a blanket
  • fiddle while Rome burns
  • fiddle while Rome burns, to
  • freezer burn
  • get (one's) fingers burned
  • get burned (by someone)
  • get fingers burned
  • get your fingers burned
  • go for the burn
  • have (one's) fingers burned
  • have (something) to burn
  • have money to burn
  • have to burn
  • hot enough to burn a polar bear's butt
  • If you play with fire, you get burned
  • If you play with fire, you get burnt
  • in effigy
  • make (someone's) ears burn
  • money burns a hole in (one's) pocket
  • money burns a hole in one's pocket
  • Money burns a hole in pocket
  • money burns a hole in your pocket
  • money to burn
  • slash and burn
  • slash-and-burn
  • slow burn
  • that (really) burns me up
  • that burns me
  • to burn



injury resulting from exposure to heat, electricity, radiation, or caustic chemicals. Three degrees of burn are commonly recognized. In first-degree burns the outer layer of skinskin,
the flexible tissue (integument) enclosing the body of vertebrate animals. In humans and other mammals, the skin operates a complex organ of numerous structures (sometimes called the integumentary system) serving vital protective and metabolic functions.
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, called epidermis, becomes red, sensitive to the touch, and often swollen. Medical attention is not required but application of an ointment may relieve the pain. Second-degree burns are characterized by the variable destruction of epidermis and the formation of blisters; nerve endings may be exposed. The more serious cases should be seen by a physician and care should be taken to avoid infection. Local therapy includes application of a chemical such as silver nitrate to produce a soft crust, reduce the threat of infection, and relieve the pain. Third-degree burns involve destruction of the entire thickness of skin and the underlying connective tissue. In the more severe cases underlying bones are also charred. The surface area involved is more significant than the depth of the burn. Shockshock,
any condition in which the circulatory system is unable to provide adequate circulation to the body tissues, also called circulatory failure or circulatory collapse. Shock results in the slowing of vital functions and in severe cases, if untreated, in death.
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 must be prevented or counteracted; blood transfusion may be required to replace lost body fluids. Invasion of various bacteria must be prevented or cured by administering antibiotics and other drugs. Morphine may be employed to ease pain. Long-term treatment may include transplantationtransplantation, medical,
surgical procedure by which a tissue or organ is removed and replaced by a corresponding part, usually from another part of the body or from another individual.
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 of natural or artificial skin grafts.



an injury to the skin, mucosa, and underlying tissue as a result of exposure to high temperatures (thermal burns), such chemicals as concentrated acids and caustic bases (chemical burns), electric current (electric burns), and ionizing radiation (radiation burns). The severity of the injury is determined by the depth and extent of the burn.

In 1960, Soviet medicine adopted the classification of burns that is based on the determination of the depth of pathological changes in the tissues. According to this classification, first-degree burns are accompanied by redness and edema; second-degree, by the formation of blisters; third-degree, by dry or colliquative necrosis of the skin with liquefaction of dead tissues; and fourth-degree, by charring of the skin and the underlying tissues—fatty tissue, fascia, muscle, and bone. The area of a burn can be determined by several methods, including the use of tables, formulas, and simple measurement with the palm of the hand. (The area covered by an outstretched hand is roughly equivalent to 1–1.2 percent of the surface area of the body.) A first-degree burn is usually considered life-threatening if it covers 50 percent of the body; second-degree, more than 30 percent; and third-degree, about 30 percent. With superficial first- and second-degree burns that cover more than 20 percent of the body, burn syndrome arises. This is characterized by four stages: shock; acute toxemia, in which the body is poisoned by microbial toxins and the products of tissue breakdown; septicemia, in which suppuration arises; and convalescence, or recovery.

First aid procedures for first- and second-degree burns involve eliminating the source of the burn, warming the body and taking other measures to prevent shock, applying dry, sterile dressings (in cases of extensive burns, wrapping with a clean sheet), and transporting the victim to a hospital or clinic.

In chemical burns, the rapid reaction between acids and tissue proteins results in coagulation necrosis and formation of a solid dry crust. First aid consists of copious washing with tapwater and subsequent application of a 2-percent sodium carbonate solution. Caustic bases cause colliquative necroses that dissolve the surface layers of the skin and form a soft, loose crust. After copious washing with water, pads soaked in mild solutions of weak acids, for example, a 2-percent solution of acetic or boric acid or 0.5-percent solution of citric acid, are applied to the affected area. In burns of the esophagus and stomach caused by the ingestion of bases or vinegar essence, the victim must drink large quantities of milk or water and receive antidotes. Chemical burns of the eyes require flushing with water. In all cases, the victims must be promptly brought to a hospital or clinic.

In the hospital, tetanus antitoxin and toxoid are administered, the skin around the burn is treated with alcohol, and a dry dressing is applied. Local burns are treated by the closed method, which involves the application of dressings impregnated with antibacterial ointments; in some cases, the exposure method is used. Deep burns require an operation called dermoplasty to close the skin lesion. The general treatment involves blood transfusion, infusion of blood substitutes, infusion of serum from patients who are recovering from burns, oxygen therapy, and the use of antibiotics, antihistamines, and vitamins. The victim should be kept on a high-calorie, protein-rich diet. Aseptic procedures must be observed. The linen should be frequently changed and the patient’s room should be well ventilated. Prevention of bedsores and other complications is essential.


Ar’ev, T. Ia. Ozhogi i otmorozheniia. Leningrad, 1971.



[bərn] (engineering) To consume fuel. (medicine) An injury to tissues caused by heat, chemicals, electricity, or irradiation effects.


1. an injury caused by exposure to heat, electrical, chemical, or radioactive agents. Burns are classified according to the depth of tissue affected: first-degree burn: skin surface painful and red; second-degree burn: blisters appear on the skin; third-degree burn: destruction of both epidermis and dermis 2. a hot painful sensation in a muscle, experienced during vigorous exercise 3. Austral and NZ a controlled fire to clear an area of scrub


To write a write-once optical medium such as a CD-R, DVD-R or BD-R disc. Such a disc is considered "burned," because once recorded, it cannot be erased and rewritten. The term is also erroneously used for rewritable disks, such as CD-RWs and DVD-RWs, but rewritable media are not "burned;" they are "written." Burn means "once and done." See CD-R, DVD-R and DVD+R. See also burn in.

A Burned Disc
You can see the "burned" part of this CD-R disc by noticing the slight change in reflectivity on the recording side. In this example, the arrow points to the end of the small recorded area, which is less than 6% of the 700MB capacity of the disc.



 [bern] injury to tissues caused by contact with dry heat (fire), moist heat (steam or liquid), chemicals, electricity, lightning, or radiation. Safety measures in the home and on the job are extremely important in the prevention of burns. Burns have traditionally been classified according to degree: A first-degree burn involves a reddening of the skin area. In a second-degree burn the skin is blistered. A third-degree burn is the most serious type, involving damage to the deeper layers of the skin with necrosis through the entire skin. In some cases the growth cells of the tissues in the burned area may be destroyed. See accompanying table.
Another classification describes burns as partial-thickness wounds in which the epithelializing elements remain intact, and full-thickness wounds in which all of the epithelializing elements and those lining the sweat glands, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands are destroyed. A deep thermal burn is a deep partial-thickness wound that may have the white, waxy appearance of a full-thickness burn.
It is difficult to determine the depth of a wound at first glance, but any burn involving more than 15 per cent of the body surface is considered serious. Because surface area as well as depth is important in evaluating a burned patient's status, a method called the rule of nines has been developed to determine surface area involvement. The head and each arm are figured at 9 per cent. The anterior and posterior trunk and the two legs comprise 18 or (2×9) per cent each, and the perineum is figured as 1 per cent. An improvement on the rule of nines, the berkow formula, takes into account the age of the burn victim.
In a burn the crust is the dry, scablike covering that forms over a superficial burn. eschar is a hard layer of tissue that results from full-thickness injury. It is considered to be a protective covering over the wound, serving as a barrier to bacterial invasion. Research indicates that eschar may be viable tissue that can contribute to healing and the prevention of scarring. Immediate Treatment. The following steps should be taken for prompt and effective treatment of the various types of burns. Major Burns. A burn is classified as major if it meets the following criteria: (1) in children, one that involves 10 to 15 per cent of total body surface and is a second- or third-degree burn; (2) in adults, one involving 25 to 30 per cent of total body surface, with deep partial-thickness or full-thickness destruction of epithelializing structures; (3) in children and adults, electrical burns, burns of the face and hands, or those that have traumatized the bronchi and lungs. Emergency care at the scene of the injury includes application of cool water to neutralize the continued thermal effects of the burn agent and to dilute and wash away any chemicals that may be on the skin. In order to avoid shock, no more than 10 to 20 per cent of the burned area should be cooled at one time. If there is evidence of a major burn, it is necessary to establish and maintain an airway. Respiratory problems are especially likely if the person was burned in an enclosed place or was burned on the face and neck. Singed nasal hairs, darkened oral and nasal membranes, hoarseness, and carbon particles in the sputum are indicative of thermal injury to the respiratory tract.
The victim should be wrapped in a clean, preferably sterile, sheet. A blanket is used to cover the unaffected areas and to maintain normal body temperature if possible. If available, an intravenous infusion of Ringer's lactate solution is begun. If intravenous therapy is not available and the victim is conscious and able to swallow, fluids can be given by mouth. Nausea, vomiting, and ileus contraindicate the administration of any food or liquids.
Clothing is removed from the burned area only if this does not further traumatize the skin. Burned clothing should be sent to the burn center, as it may help determine the chemicals and other substances that either caused or entered the wound. Absorbent cotton, oily salves, ointments, and creams should not be applied to moderate and severe burns. Blisters are not opened or disturbed in any way.
Minor Burns. For a small first-degree burn, the reddened area is immersed in clean cold water, or ice cubes are applied. This relieves the pain. Even first-degree burns are extremely serious if they involve a large area. They should receive prompt medical attention. Death may result if a first-degree burn covers as much as two thirds of the body area. On a child such burns are dangerous on a smaller area of the skin. Chemical and Other Burns. For chemical burns, such as those caused by acids, the affected area should be bathed immediately with water, using plenty of water and continuing bathing the area until all of the chemical has been washed away. A health care worker should be called and first aid treatment should be given as for any similar heat burn. If the burned area is extensive, the victim should be given care" >emergency care for a major burn.
If the area affected is the eye, it is held open and flushed gently but thoroughly with water. Then it is covered with a sterile dressing and medical aid is sought immediately.
In electrical burns, shock is the main danger. It may be necessary to use artificial respiration. This should be begun as soon as contact with the current has been broken. A person stricken by lightning also requires artificial respiration if the shock has been severe enough to interfere with normal breathing.
Hospital Treatment. A major burn presents problems of respiratory impairment, disruption of fluid and electrolyte balance, disturbances of tissue perfusion and homeostasis, and the potential for infection, delayed healing, and unnecessary scarring. Long-term effects also include orthopedic deformities resulting from immobility.
In the United States, most severely burned patients are given emergency care in a local hospital and then transferred to a large burn center for intensive long-term care. Patients who show signs of trauma to the respiratory tract must be watched closely for signs of developing laryngeal edema and obstruction of the air passages. This condition can develop any time from 4 to 48 hours after the accident. When wheezing on inhalation or other signs of respiratory distress occur, intubation, frequent suctioning, and ventilator assistance may be needed.
Fluid loss by the evaporation of free water through the burned area causes disturbances in the extracellular and intracellular fluids. This can lead to burn shock, renal damage, and other life-threatening conditions. In addition to a loss of body water and changes in fluid composition, there are alterations in the composition of blood and the development of acidosis" >metabolic acidosis. If untreated, the changes in volume, concentration, and composition of extracellular fluid can be fatal. Information about the specific kinds of intravenous fluids that should be administered should be obtained from the burn center to which the patient will be transferred so that there is no break in the continuity of patient care.
In order to avoid nausea, vomiting, and the gastric and intestinal distention resulting from decreased peristaltic activity, a nasogastric tube is inserted and gentle suction applied. A retention catheter is inserted into the urinary bladder to obtain accurate measurement of output and periodic urine specimens for the determination of specific gravity and the presence of protein and blood.
In the emergency department, the burn wounds are cleansed according to established protocol, using clean technique and avoiding excessive loss of body heat. The cleansed wounds are then usually covered with dry sterile dressings, or with saline-soaked dressings that are covered with dry bandages before the patient is transferred. Exposed bone and tendon must be kept moist at all times with sterile saline-soaked dressings.
The major cause of death in burn victims is infection. Immunization against tetanus by administration of tetanus toxoid is recommended. If the patient has not received basic immunization prior to injury, he is also given tetanus immune globulin (Hyper-Tet).
The kind of environment provided in special burn units in large medical centers varies, but all have the objectives of avoiding contamination of the wound. Some special units use complete reverse isolation precautions and elaborate laminar air flow systems to maintain an environment that is as free of microorganisms as possible.
When the patient is cared for in a general hospital, it is recommended that some form of reverse isolation be used. Every effort should be made to protect the patient from autocontamination as well as from contamination from others and from the environment. It has been estimated that more than half of all burn wound infections can be traced to contamination by microorganisms such as Staphylococcus that originate in the patient. Physically isolating the patient from others should not be allowed to foster neglect and failure to attend to basic principles of cleanliness and good personal hygiene in day-to-day care.
Burn wounds can be treated in either of two ways: open or closed methods of therapy. In the open, exposed method of treatment no dressings are applied. Every effort is made to avoid disturbance of the eschar and the introduction of pathogenic microorganisms into the wound. If, however, the eschar causes a circumferential constriction of the trunk or an extremity, an escharotomy is indicated to prevent ischemic necrosis. antimicrobial agents are given systemically and, if the open method is used, they are applied topically. Examples of these topical medications include silver nitrate, silver sulfadiazine cream, and mafenide acetate.
The closed method of treatment may involve the application of dry occlusive dressings or wet dressings soaked in saline or some other solution preferred by the physician. The wet dressings require frequent changes when there is much exudate from the wound.
Immersion in water is especially helpful in cleansing the wound, removing debris and caked creams, and exercise" >therapeutic exercise is essential to avoid orthopedic deformities. See also hydrotherapy.
grafting" >Skin grafting is done soon after the initial injury. The donor skin is best taken from the patient, but when this is not possible, the skin of a matched donor can be used. Prior to grafting, or in some cases as a substitute for it, the burn may be covered with either cadaver or porcine (pig) skin to keep it moist and free from exogenous bacterial infection. Patient Care. The primary concerns in patient care are prevention of infection, avoidance of a fluid and electrolyte imbalance, and prevention of such orthopedic deformities as contractures and ankylosis. If the patient is confined to a bed or frame, all the hazards of immobility must be guarded against. In addition to these measures, it is especially important that good sanitation practices and sterile technique be carried out faithfully. Handwashing is of vital importance.
The patient must be protected from extremes of heat and cold whether dry or wet dressings are used. Dry dressings, which do not allow for circulation of air, can cause a buildup of body heat, especially in a febrile patient. The patient receiving wet dressings must be protected from drafts and other conditions that could produce chilling.
Careful and accurate taking and recording of vital signs is done periodically and any significant change reported immediately. An accurate record of intake and output is of primary importance. Because large amounts of body fluids and many essential minerals and salts can escape through burn wounds, it is imperative that a record be kept of fluids excreted through the kidneys or intestinal tract or by emesis. Observations should include not only the amount but also the color, concentration, unusual odor, or any other characteristic of the urine, emesis, or liquid stool.
A high-protein diet with supplemental vitamins and minerals is prescribed to aid in the repair of damaged tissue. Ingenuity and imagination may be needed to encourage the patient to eat meals as well as the between-meal feedings prescribed.
The patient who has suffered disfigurement from burns will have additional emotional problems in adjusting to a new body image. Burn therapy can be long and tedious for the patient and family. They will need emotional and psychological support as well as attention to their spiritual needs as they work their way through the many problems created by the physical and emotional trauma of a major burn.
acid burn injury to tissues caused by an acid, such as sulfuric acid or nitric acid. Emergency first aid for an acid burn of the skin includes immediate and thorough washing of the burn with water for 20 minutes and transportation of the victim with extensive burns to an emergency care facility. See also discussion of Chemical and Other Burns, under burn.


(bern), Joshua Harold, British pharmacologist, 1892-1981. See: Burn and Rand theory.


(bern), 1. A sensation of pain caused by excessive heat, or similar pain from any cause. 2. A lesion caused by heat or any cauterizing agent, including friction, caustic agents, electricity, or electromagnetic energy; types of burns resulting from different agents are relatively specific and diagnostic. The division of burns into three levels (superficial, partial thickness, full-thickness, [q.v.]) reflects the severity of skin damage (erythema, blisters, charring, respectively). [A.S. baernan]


(bûrn)v.1. To undergo or cause to undergo combustion.2. To consume or use as fuel or energy.3. To damage or injure by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.4. To irritate or inflame, as by chafing or sunburn.5. To become sunburned or windburned.6. To metabolize (glucose, for example) in the body.n.1. An injury produced by fire, heat, radiation, electricity, or a caustic agent.2. A burned place or area.3. The process or result of burning.4. A stinging sensation.5. A sunburn or windburn.


verb A popular term for infecting someone with a sexually transmitted infection.


(bŭrn) 1. To cause a lesion by means of heat or a similar lesion by other means. 2. A sensation of pain caused by excessive heat, or similar pain from another cause. 3. A lesion caused by heat or any cauterizing agent, including friction, caustic agents, electricity, or electromagnetic energy. Types of burns resulting from different agents are relatively specific anddiagnostic. The division of burns into three types (e.g., superficial, partial thickness, and full thickness) reflects the severity of skin damage (e.g., erythema, blisters, and charring,respectively).
See also: rule of nines
[A.S. baernan]


(burn) SECOND DEGREE BURNBURNSBURNSBURNSTissue injury resulting from excessive exposure to thermal, chemical, electrical, or radioactive agents. The effects may be local, resulting in cell injury or death, or both local and systemic, involving primary shock (which occurs immediately after the injury and is rarely fatal) or secondary shock (which develops insidiously following severe burns and is often fatal). In the U.S. about 1.25 million people receive medical care for burns annually. More than 50,000 of these burn victims are hospitalized as a result of severe burn injury. Burns are usually classified as:

First degree: a superficial burn in which damage is limited to the outer layer of the epidermis and is marked by redness, tenderness, and mild pain. Blisters do not form, and the burn heals without scar formation. A common example is sunburn.

Second degree: a burn that damages partial thickness of the epidermal and some dermal tissues but does not damage the lower-lying hair follicles, sweat, or sebaceous glands. The burn is painful and red; blisters form, and wounds may heal with a scar. See: illustration

Third degree: a burn that extends through the full thickness of the skin and subcutaneous tissues beneath the dermis. The burn leaves skin with a pale, brown, gray, or blackened appearance. The burn is painless because it destroys nerves in the skin. Scar formation and contractures are likely complications.

Fourth degree: a burn that extends through the full thickness of the skin and into underlying bone, fat, muscles, and tendons. Third- and fourth-degree burns are best managed at specialized burn centers. See: illustration


Sloughing of skin, gangrene, scarring, erysipelas, nephritis, pneumonia, immune system impairment, or intestinal disturbances are possible complications. Shock and infection must always be anticipated with higher-degree or larger burns. The risk of complication is greatest when more than 25% of the body surface is burned.


Burns may result from ultraviolet radiation, bursts of steam, heated liquids and metals, chemical fires, electrocution, or direct contact with flame or flammable clothing.


A person in burning clothing should never be allowed to run. The individual should lie down and roll. A rug, blanket, or anything within reach can be used to smother the flames. Care must be taken so that the individual does not inhale the smoke. The clothing should be cut off carefully so that the skin is not pulled away. Synthetic fabrics that have melted into the burn wound are best removed later in the emergency department or burn center. Jewelry should be removed even if not near the burn wounds due to concerns for fluid shifts and swelling. Blisters should not be opened, as this increases the chance for infection. Patients with large burn areas or third- and fourth-degree burns must receive appropriate tetanus prophylaxis.


In severe, widespread burns, the patient must be transferred to a burn center as soon as is practical.


The first responsibility in the care of the burn patient is to assess the patency of the airway and to ensure that breathing is unimpaired. If smoke inhalation or airway injury is suspected, intubation should be performed before edema makes this impossible. Airway injury is most likely to occur after facial burns or smoke inhalation in closed spaces. A cough productive of soot or charred material increases the likelihood of inhalational injury.

The second task in burn care is to ensure cardiac output and tissue perfusion. Volume resuscitation with crystalloid is given per standard protocols; at the same time, urinary output, blood pressure and pulse, body weights, and renal function are closely monitored to ensure adequate hydration.

The immediate care of the burn itself involves the removal of any overlying clothing and jewelry and the irrigation of the affected tissues with cool water, taking care to avoid excessively cooling the body. To help prevent hypothermia and infection, cover the burn wounds with sterile dressings if available, or a clean sheet, separating burn wound surfaces. Gentle tissue débridement should be followed by application of nonadherent dressings, skin substitutes, topical antiseptics, or autografts, as dictated by circumstances. Tetanus prophylaxis is routinely given, usually with both tetanus toxoid and tetanus immune globulin.

In specific circumstances, additional interventions such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy for carbon monoxide intoxication, escharotomy for circumferential burns, antibiotic therapy for infections, pressor support for hypotension, or nutritional support may be needed.

Patients with large or complex burn injuries should be transferred to regional burn centers or to the care of surgeons with special interest in burn management.

Patient care

During rehabilitation, individually fitted elastic garments are applied to prevent hypertrophic scar formation, and joints are exercised to promote a full range of motion. The patient is encouraged to increase activity tolerance, obtain adequate rest, strive for physical and emotional independence, and resume vocational and social functioning. Referrals for occupational therapy, psychological counseling, support groups, or social services are often necessary. Reconstructive and cosmetic surgery may be required. Support groups and services are available to assist the patient with life adjustments.

Patients' previous psychological states may predispose them to injury and may have an adverse effect on recovery. Patients with burn injuries demonstrate a wide range of emotional responses including anger, frustration, irritability, and psychological states (delirium, anxiety, depression, and grief). Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may occur after a burn injury. Often, the PTSD patient will need help from primary or specialized care providers to recover psychologically. Explain patient needs and care concerns to family to help alleviate their cares and concerns (and varied psychological responses). Involve them with you in patient care as permissible. Family members should be encouraged to sit with the patient, and to touch, speak to, read to, and otherwise communicate with the patient. Providing patients with a sense of purpose will help to alleviate feelings of helplessness and will provide both patient and family with more comfortable and comforting memories.

The provision of optimal nutrition to burn patients is an important component of recovery. Because of protein losses, the total protein consumed by a burn patient should be at least 2.5 g/kg of body weight daily. Total caloric needs may exceed 30 kcal/kd/daily. The risk of infections may be reduced by the provision of dietary supplements, esp. arginine and glutamine.

acid burn

A burn caused by exposure to corrosive acids such as sulfuric, hydrochloric, and nitric.

Patient care

The burn area should be flushed with large volumes of water. For further details of definitive treatment, see under sulfuric acid poisoning.

actinic burns

Burns caused by ultraviolet or sun rays. Treatment is the same as for dry heat burns.

burn of aerodigestive tract

Necrosis of the oral mucosa, trachea, or esophagus due to the ingestion of caustic substances. After an assessment of the patient's airway, breathing, and circulation, the medical team determines the severity of the exposure by physical examination or laryngoscopy. Some patients may require hospitalization for local care and the administration of intravenous steroids, histamine antagonists, and antibiotics. Late complications may include strictures of the affected internal organs.

alkali burn

A burn caused by caustic alkalies such as lye, caustic potash (potassium hydroxide), and caustic soda (sodium hydroxide), and marked by a painful skin lesion, often associated with gelatinization of tissue.

Emergency Care

The burn is irrigated with large volumes of water and dressed.


Be careful to brush dry powder off the skin before applying water, as some chemicals, such as lye, react with water.

aspirin burn

A shallow red ulcer in the oral cavity, produced when acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) tablets are held in the mouth, e.g. in an attempt to relieve dental pain.

brush burn

A combined burn and abrasion resulting from friction.


Loose dirt is carefully brushed away and the area is cleansed with soap and water. An antiseptic solution or ointment is applied and covered with a dressing. Tetanus toxoid or antitoxin is given if required. A brush burn is also informally called a “road rash” as in the case of a motorcyclist who slid across the pavement.

chemical burn

Tissue destruction caused by corrosive or irritating chemicals such as strong acids or bases, phenols, pesticides, disinfectants, fertilizers, or chemical warfare agents.


Irrigate with large quantities of water.

electric burn

Tissue destruction caused by the passage of electrical current through the body, usually as a result of industrial accidents or lightning exposures. Entry and exit wounds are usually present; significant internal organ damage may be found along the path of the current through the body.

burn of eye

A burn of the eyeball due to contact with chemical, thermal, electrical, or radioactive agents.

Emergency Care

The eye should be washed immediately with the nearest available supply of water, even if it is not sterile. Irrigation may need to be continued for hours if burn is due to lye. Care must be taken to prevent runoff from draining into the uninjured eye.

fireworks burn

Injury from explosives; usually a burn, often with embedded foreign bodies and a high incidence of infection and tetanus, which should be prevented by meticulous care of injury and use of antitetanus toxoid and immune globulin.

flash burn

A burn resulting from an explosive blast such as occurs from ignition of highly inflammable fluids, or in war from a high-explosive shell or a nuclear blast.

gunpowder burn

A burn resulting from exploding gunpowder, usually at very close range. It is often followed by tetanus, which should be prevented by administration of antitetanus toxoid and immune globulin and meticulous care of the injury area.

inhalation burn

Inhalation injury.

radiation burn

A burn resulting from overexposure to radiant energy as from x-rays, radium or other radioactive elements, sunlight, or nuclear blast.

respiratory burn

A burn to the components of the respiratory system usually caused by inhaling superheated gases. See: inhalation injuryBLISTERED PARTIAL THICKNESS THERMAL BURN

thermal burn

A burn resulting from contact with fire, hot objects, or fluids. See: illustration

x-ray burn

See: radiation burn


(bŭrn) 1. A sensation of pain caused by excessive heat, or similar pain from any cause. 2. A lesion caused by heat or any cauterizing agent, including friction, caustic agents, electricity, or electromagnetic energy; types of burns resulting from different agents are relatively specific and diagnostic. The division of burns into three levels (superficial, partial thickness, full-thickness, [q.v.]) reflects the severity of skin damage (erythema, blisters, charring, respectively). [A.S. baernan]

Patient discussion about burn

Q. How do you define burns? I know there are first, second and third degree burns, but I'm not sure what that means. And how do you calculate the percentage of your body burned? ("he has 18% second degree burn")A. First, second, or third degree describes the depth of injury. First-degree burns are the most shallow (superficial). They affect only the top layer of skin (epidermis). Second-degree burns extend into the middle layer of skin (dermis). Third-degree burns involve all three layers of skin (epidermis, dermis, and fat layer).
Doctors determine the severity of the burn by estimating the percentage of the body surface that has been burned. Special charts are used to show what percentage of the body surface various body parts comprise. For example, in an adult, the arm constitutes about 9% of the body.

Q. How to treat minor burns? I got burned the other day while cooking. How do I treat minor burns in the best way?A. Here is a video with instructions on how to treat first degree burns:

Q. How to prevent burns from babies? I have a 4 month old baby and when I gave him a bath last night, he turned red because of the hot water. After the bath the color faded but now I am worried, can this burn him?A. yes,you need to make sure the water isnt to hot,it only needs to be luke warm,a babies skin is very senitive while they are young,i know i have 3 kids,although my little girl isnt real senitive to hot things.

More discussions about burn



1. In printing, the time at which an image is put on a plate.

2. In film, a ghost of an image that remains after the image has disappeared.


BURNBuffer Under Run Proof
BURNBuffer Under-Run Protection (CD-R/RW drives)
BURNBrazilian UFO Research Network
BURNBlack Urban Ryders Network (motorcycle club)
BURNBirmingham University Radio Network (Birmingham, England, UK)


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for burn

verb be on fire


  • be on fire
  • blaze
  • be ablaze
  • smoke
  • flame
  • glow
  • flare
  • flicker
  • go up in flames

verb set on fire


  • set on fire
  • light
  • ignite
  • kindle
  • incinerate
  • reduce to ashes

verb scorch


  • scorch
  • toast
  • sear
  • char
  • singe
  • brand

verb sting


  • sting
  • hurt
  • smart
  • tingle
  • bite
  • pain

verb shine


  • shine
  • glow
  • beam
  • glare
  • gleam
  • shimmer
  • radiate
  • glimmer
  • emit light
  • give off light

verb blush


  • blush
  • be red
  • flush
  • colour
  • be hot
  • be on fire
  • redden
  • turn red
  • feel hot
  • go red (as a beetroot)
  • turn scarlet

verb be passionate


  • be passionate
  • blaze
  • be excited
  • be aroused
  • be inflamed

verb seethe


  • seethe
  • boil
  • fume
  • be angry
  • simmer
  • smoulder
  • be wild
  • be livid
  • be beside yourself

verb yearn


  • yearn
  • long
  • desire
  • hunger
  • ache
  • crave
  • itch
  • hanker
  • have a yen for
  • set your heart upon
  • would give your eyeteeth for

Synonyms for burn

verb to undergo combustion


  • blaze
  • combust
  • flame
  • flare

verb to undergo or cause to undergo damage by or as if by fire


  • char
  • scorch
  • sear
  • singe

verb to emit a bright light


  • beam
  • blaze
  • gleam
  • glow
  • incandesce
  • radiate
  • shine

verb to feel or look hot


  • bake
  • broil
  • roast
  • swelter

verb to feel or cause to feel a sensation of heat or discomfort


  • bite
  • smart
  • sting

verb to cause to become sore or inflamed


  • inflame
  • irritate
  • sting

verb to cause to feel or show anger


  • anger
  • enrage
  • incense
  • infuriate
  • madden
  • provoke

verb to be or become angry


  • anger
  • blow up
  • boil over
  • bristle
  • explode
  • flare up
  • foam
  • fume
  • rage
  • seethe
  • steam

verb to be in a state of emotional or mental turmoil


  • boil
  • bubble
  • churn
  • ferment
  • seethe
  • simmer
  • smolder

phrase burn out: to lose so much strength and power as to become ineffective or motionless


  • give out
  • run down
  • poop out

noun damage or a damaged substance that results from burning


  • char
  • scorch
  • sear
  • singe

Synonyms for burn

noun pain that feels hot as if it were on fire


  • burning

Related Words

  • hurting
  • pain

noun a browning of the skin resulting from exposure to the rays of the sun


  • sunburn
  • suntan
  • tan

Related Words

  • hyperpigmentation

noun an injury caused by exposure to heat or chemicals or radiation

Related Words

  • harm
  • hurt
  • injury
  • trauma
  • electric burn
  • scorch
  • singe
  • scald
  • first-degree burn
  • second-degree burn
  • third-degree burn

noun a place or area that has been burned (especially on a person's body)


  • burn mark

Related Words

  • blemish
  • mar
  • defect
  • cigarette burn

noun damage inflicted by fire

Related Words

  • scathe
  • damage
  • harm
  • hurt
  • scald

verb destroy by fire


  • burn down
  • fire

Related Words

  • burn
  • combust
  • incinerate
  • backfire
  • cremate
  • torch
  • scorch
  • ruin
  • destroy

verb shine intensely, as if with heat


  • glow

Related Words

  • beam
  • shine
  • gutter

verb undergo combustion


  • combust

Related Words

  • change state
  • turn
  • burn down
  • burn up
  • go up
  • smolder
  • smoulder
  • burn
  • fire
  • scorch
  • sear
  • singe
  • deflagrate
  • flame
  • blaze up
  • flame up
  • flare
  • blaze

verb cause a sharp or stinging pain or discomfort


  • sting
  • bite

Related Words

  • nettle
  • urticate
  • burn
  • hurt
  • smart
  • ache

verb cause to burn or combust


  • combust

Related Words

  • ignite
  • light
  • set ablaze
  • set afire
  • set aflame
  • set on fire
  • catch fire
  • take fire
  • combust
  • conflagrate
  • erupt
  • char
  • coal

verb feel strong emotion, especially anger or passion

Related Words

  • feel
  • experience

verb cause to undergo combustion


  • incinerate

Related Words

  • change integrity
  • incinerate
  • burn
  • burn down
  • fire

verb burn at the stake

Related Words

  • execute
  • put to death

verb spend (significant amounts of money)

Related Words

  • squander
  • waste
  • blow

verb feel hot or painful

Related Words

  • sting
  • bite
  • burn
  • hurt
  • smart
  • ache

verb burn, sear, or freeze (tissue) using a hot iron or electric current or a caustic agent


  • cauterise
  • cauterize

Related Words

  • care for
  • treat

verb get a sunburn by overexposure to the sun


  • sunburn

Related Words

  • discolour
  • discolor
  • color
  • colour

verb create by duplicating data


  • cut

Related Words

  • produce
  • create
  • make
  • cut

verb use up (energy)


  • burn off
  • burn up

Related Words

  • deplete
  • use up
  • wipe out
  • eat up
  • exhaust
  • run through
  • eat
  • consume

verb burn with heat, fire, or radiation

Related Words

  • scald
  • damage
  • blacken
  • char
  • sear
  • scorch




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