

单词 cnp
释义 DictionarySeecertification



(1) (Card Not Present) Making a credit card purchase online or over the phone without physically inserting, swiping or tapping a credit card at a merchant's payment terminal. See EMV.

(2) (Certified Network Professional) A professional designation and accreditation given to individual IT networking professionals by the Network Professional Association (www.npa.org). Introduced in 1996 and earned by successful completion of a networking exam, the certification was updated and re-released in 2005. Additional requirements include work experience, continuing education and adherence to a code of ethics. For more information, visit www.cnp.org. See certification. See also CMP.



Abbreviation for Community Nurse Practitioner.


A gene on chromosome 2q24-qter that encodes a member of the natriuretic peptide family. The secreted NPPB protein product binds to NPR2 and NPR3 receptors; it is involved in natriuresis, diuresis, vasorelaxation, inhibition of renin and aldosterone secretion, and plays a key role in cardiovascular homeostasis. NPPC also plays a role in endochondral ossification by regulating cartilaginous growth plate chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation.


CNPCaisse Nationale de Prévoyance (French: National Provident Fund; insurance company)
CNPCenterPoint Energy (Houston, TX)
CNPCod Numeric Personal (Romanian identity card)
CNPCare Nurse Practitioner
CNPChild Nutrition Program
CNPClassification Nationale des Professions (Canada)
CNPCampaign for National Parks (UK)
CNPCard-Not-Present (internet credit card transactions)
CNPCouncil for National Policy
CNPChitwan National Park (Nepal)
CNPCuerpo Nacional de Policía (Spain's national police force)
CNPComplete No Package
CNPCorporate Network Products
CNPCampus Network Programmers
CNPCertified Nonprofit Professional (credential)
CNPCarbon Nanoparticle (lymph node tracer)
CNPC-Type Natriuretic Peptide
CNPClinical Nurse Specialist
CNPCertified Nurse Practitioner
CNPChief of Naval Personnel
CNPCentro Properties Group (Australia)
CNPCustomer Not Present (credit cards)
CNPCentre National de Préhistoire (French: National Prehistory Center; est. 1978)
CNPConsejo Nacional de Produccion (Spanish: National Production Council, Costa Rica)
CNPCenter for National Policy (USA)
CNPCouncil for National Parks (UK)
CNPControlled Negative Pressure
CNPCardholder Not Present (credit card transaction)
CNPCut and Paste
CNPCenter for Non-Profits (various locations)
CNPCertified Network Professional
CNPCenter on Nonprofits and Philanthropy
CNPDonald C. Cook Nuclear Plant (Indiana Michigan Power Company)
CNPCairngorms National Park (Scotland)
CNPChinese New Party (Taiwan, ROC)
CNPCellular Networking Perspectives
CNPCampaign for Nuclear Phaseout (Canada)
CNPCalifornia Newspaper Project
CNPConseil National du Patronat du Sénégal
CNPConseil National du Peuplier (French: National Poplar Council)
CNPCentro Nacional de Productividad (Colombia)
CNPCoil Near Plug (automobile ignition system)
CNPCanyonlands National Park
CNPConnectionless Network Protocol (OSI)
CNPContinuous Negative Pressure
CNPCannot Process
CNPCertified Nutritional Practitioner (Institute of Holistic Nutrition; Canada)
CNPCanadian Niagara Power
CNPConstructions Nancéiennes de Pesage (French construction equipment company)
CNPCollaborative Nursing Program
CNPCorbett National Park (India)
CNPChronic Nonmalignant Pain
CNPCommand Navigation Program (fictional, Battlestar Galactica)
CNPCascadian National Party
CNPCollege Now Program (University of Massachusettes Dartmouth; North Dartmouth, MA)
CNPCanadian Naturopathic Foundation
CNPContinued Next Post
CNPCovenant Network of Presbyterians (San Francisco, CA)
CNPCommunity Nutrition Promoter (Bangladesh)
CNPClub Nautique de Pornic
CNPConnection-Not-Possible signal
CNPComcast Network Philadelphia (TV channel)
CNPCounter Narcotics Program
CNPCouncil of Nurse Practitioners
CNPConsejo Nacional de Prensa (Guatemalan Journalist Association)
CNPConnection Negotiation Protocol
CNPColumbian National Police
CNPChemistry of Natural Products
CNPConstructivist Narrative Perspective (psychology)
CNPCoalition for Namespace Purity (humor)
CNPClassic Not Plastic (vintage scooter rally)
CNPChocolate Noise Party (band)
CNPCertified Notary Public
CNPCorporate Network Product
CNPCommunications, Navigation, and Positioning
CNPCometary Nucleus Penetrator
CNPCandidate Nomination Proposal
CNPCovered in the Next Post (chat abbreviation)
CNPCustomer Net Price
CNPClosed Not Paid (insurance)
CNPCoupon Next to Product




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