Asipenko, Aleksandr Kharitonovich

Asipenko, Aleksandr Kharitonovich


Born Sept. 7, 1919, in the village of Pushkari, Vitebsk Province. Soviet Byelorussian writer. Studied at the Vitebsk Pedagogical Institute. Participated in the partisan movement in Byelorussia during the Great Patriotic War.

Asipenko writes primarily about life in the kolkhoz village and about young people and their upbringing. He is the author of the novellas and stories “The Latest Version” (1956), “Along a Bumpy Road” (1957), “The Ice Is Melting” (1958), “The Breathing of Flowers and Labor” (1960), “The Road Into the Distance” (1962), “The Long-occupied Corner” (1964), and “The Grain” (1968) and the novel The Fiery Azimuth (1966). He has been the editor in chief of the magazine Youth since 1966.


Bryl’, Ia. “Pis’mennik i suchasnasts’.” Polymia, 1960, no. 4.
Iurevich, U. “Suchasnasts’ i maisterstva.” Polymia, 1961, no. 10.
Iurevich, U. “Pravda znachitel’naia, nastupatel’naia.” Druzhba narodov, 1964, no. 12.
Pis’menniki Savetskai Belarusi: Karotki biiagrafichny davednik. Minsk, 1959.