Acronym | Definition |
CNL➣Confédération Nationale du Logement (French: National Confederation of Housing) |
CNL➣Centre National du Livre (French: National Book Center) |
CNL➣Cancel |
CNL➣Clinical Nurse Leader |
CNL➣Centre National de la Littérature (French: National Center of Literature; Luxembourg) |
CNL➣Colonel |
CNL➣CityNightLine (German Rail) |
CNL➣Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia (disease) |
CNL➣C Numerical Library |
CNL➣Centre Nautique de Lorient (French nautical center) |
CNL➣Could Not Locate (various organizations) |
CNL➣Commercial Net Lease (Orlando, FL) |
CNL➣Caisse National du Logement (French: National Housing Fund; Algeria) |
CNL➣Cercle Nautique de Loctudy (French nautical club) |
CNL➣Centre de Naturopathie Lausanne (French; Swiss naturopathy center) |
CNL➣Competitive Need Limitation (trade) |
CNL➣Controlled Natural Language |
CNL➣Center for Naval Leadership |
CNL➣Club Nautique de Limoges (French nautical club) |
CNL➣Catalog of Nonprofit Literature (database; Foundation Center) |
CNL➣Allensworth State Park (Amtrak station code; Earlimart, CA) |
CNL➣Cambridge Newspapers Ltd. (UK) |
CNL➣Compensated Neutron Log (oil industry) |
CNL➣Committee of National Liberation (World War II Italian group) |
CNL➣Cumulative Net Loss |
CNL➣Constrained Natural Language (restricted set of nouns and verbs for requirements documents) |
CNL➣Crocker Nuclear Lab |
CNL➣Circuit Net Loss |
CNL➣Certificate of Non-Licensure (Pennsylvania criminal legal document) |
CNL➣Conical-Nose Lead (bullets) |
CNL➣Columbia, Newberry, and Laurens Railroad Company |
CNL➣Cambridge Neurodynamics Limited |
CNL➣Canal de Noticias Lisboa (Portugal) |
CNL➣Commission Nationale de Linguistique (French: National Linguistic Commission; Benin & Togo) |
CNL➣Sindal Airport, Denmark (IATA code) |