释义 |
EntryPoint EntryPointAn Internet news and information service that evolved out of the PointCast product. In 1999, San Diego-based LaunchPad Technologies, creator of eWallet, merged with PointCast and revamped and renamed the product EntryPoint. Instead of downloading all the details into the user's machine as was done with PointCast, EntryPoint became the launching pad to the information on the Web. In 2000, EntryPoint merged with the Internet Financial Network and turned the product into Infogate. EntryPoint also supported a digital wallet, which was dropped with Infogate. See Infogate and PointCast.
 | The EntryPoint Toolbar |
LaunchPad turned PointCast into a toolbar that delivered customized news and stock prices. It was the launching pad to detailed information on the Web. (Image courtesy of EntryPoint, Inc.) |