

单词 cer



abbreviation for (Commerce) Closer Economic Relations: a trade agreement between Australia and New Zealand signed in 1983
Noun1.CER - an emotional response that has been acquired by conditioningconditioned emotion, conditioned emotional responseemotion - any strong feeling



Canonical Encoding Rules


On drawings, abbr. for ceramic.


goddess of violent death. [Gk. Myth.: Kravitz, 75]See: Death
FinancialSeeCoupon Equivalent Rate


CERComparative Effectiveness Research (US DHHS)
CERCertified Emission Reduction (under Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines)
CERCertified Emission Reduction
CERCenter for Environmental Research (various locations)
CERCenter for Education Reform (school choice advocacy group)
CERCentre for European Reform
CERClaim, Evidence, Reasoning (course)
CERCommission for Energy Regulation (Electricity and Gas regulator for Republic of Ireland)
CERCanonical Encoding Rules
CERChina Economic Review (magazine)
CERControlled Environment Room
CERCentre for Entrepreneurship Research (UK and Ireland)
CERCloser Economic Relations (Australia/New Zealand trade agreement)
CERCentral Europe Review
CERCisco Emergency Responder (computing)
CERCost Estimate Review (US DoD budget)
CERCisco Enterprise Reporting
CERCorporate Error Reporting
CERConfidence Error Rate
CERCertificate Reply
CERCell Edge Router
CERCore Edge Router
CERCursor Engine Resources
CERCompiler Error
CERCustomer Error Reporting
CERCertificate Export
CERCustomer Edge Router
CERCisco Emergency Responder
CERClinical Evaluation Report
CERCenter for Enterprise Research (Germany)
CERCommunity of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies
CERCarbon-Emission Reduction
CERComputer Evidence Recovery
CERClaim Evidence Reason
CERCentral Europe Rally
CERCombat Engineer Regiment (Australian Army Unit)
CERCoeficiente de Estabilización de Referencia (currency index)
CERCell Error Ratio
CERClassic Endurance Racing (France)
CERCentre Éducatif Renforcé (French educational center)
CERControl Event Rate
CERConstant Exchange Rate
CERCost Estimating Relationship
CERComparative Education Review
CERComprehensive Evaluation Report (education)
CERCost Effectiveness Ratio
CERConditioned Emotional Response
CERCentre d'Économie Rurale (French: Rural Economy Center; Belgium)
CERCommunity of European Railways (Belgium)
CERChemical Education Resources
CERCentro Especializado en Rehabilitación (Spanish: Specialized Rehabilitation Center)
CERContinuing Education Reciprocity (National Association of Insurance Commissioners)
CERCentro Especializado En Recuperación (Spanish: Center Specializing In Recovery)
CERComitato per l'Edilizia Residenziale (Italian)
CERCultural Emergency Response (Prince Claus Fund; Netherlands; est. 2003)
CERCentre d'Education Routière (French)
CERContent Enhancement Routine (education)
CERCarbon Evolution Rate
CERCadet Evaluation Report (United States Coast Guard)
CERCell Error Rate
CERCharacter Error Rate
CERCanadian Engineer Regiment
CERCorporate Environmental Report
CERCellule Économique Régionale (French: Regional Economic Unit)
CERCross-over Error Rate (biometrics)
CERCommunity Economic Regeneration (UK)
CERCompagnie des Eaux de Royan (French: Royan Water Company; Royan, France)
CERContactless Electroreflectance
CERCapital Expenditure Request (Finance)
CERCherbourg, France - Maupertus (Airport Code)
CERChief Electrician Radio (US Navy rank)
CERComitato Esecutivo Regionale
CERCentral Equipment Room
CERCustomer Edge Router (router in the customer network interfacing the provider network)
CERCentrale d'Encaissement et de Recouvrement (French: Central Collection and Recovery)
CERConférence des Eglises Romandes
CERConsultative Environmental Review (Australia)
CERConstellation Expansion Ratio
CERCategorical Exclusion Review
CERCommunications Equipment Room
CERCivil Engineering Report
CERConceptual Engineering Report
CERCarriage of Explosives Regulations (UK)
CERCentre d'Études Religieuses (French: Center for Religious Studies)
CERComplete Engineering Release
CERComplete Engine Repair
CERCercle d'Escrime Rhodanien (French fencing club)
CERCHAMPS Excellence Review
CERCombat Effectiveness Report
CERCenter for Epidemiological Research
CERCommittee on Ecumenical Relations
CERCapital Equipment Request
CERCrom Equipment Rentals (Gainesville, FL)
CERComponent Engineering Request
CERControlled Energy Release (golf)
CERCamp Eagle Ridge (summer camp; Mellen, WI; est. 1994)
CERCoordinated Ecosystem Research
CERCertified Electronic Reporter (American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers)
CERCentre for Research on Economic Relationships (Mid-Sweden University; Sundsvall, Sweden)
CERComputer Engineering Roosendaal (now CER International bv; Roosendaal, The Netherlands)
CERComplete Engine Repair Cards
CERComputer Security Enhancement Review
CERClimate Emissions Rate
CERCrop Equivalence Rating
CERClimb En Route
CERCold Eyes Review
CERCentro Europa Richerche


  • noun

Synonyms for CER

noun an emotional response that has been acquired by conditioning


  • conditioned emotion
  • conditioned emotional response

Related Words

  • emotion




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