Acronym | Definition |
CER➣Comparative Effectiveness Research (US DHHS) |
CER➣Certified Emission Reduction (under Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change guidelines) |
CER➣Certified Emission Reduction |
CER➣Center for Environmental Research (various locations) |
CER➣Center for Education Reform (school choice advocacy group) |
CER➣Centre for European Reform |
CER➣Claim, Evidence, Reasoning (course) |
CER➣Commission for Energy Regulation (Electricity and Gas regulator for Republic of Ireland) |
CER➣Canonical Encoding Rules |
CER➣China Economic Review (magazine) |
CER➣Controlled Environment Room |
CER➣Centre for Entrepreneurship Research (UK and Ireland) |
CER➣Closer Economic Relations (Australia/New Zealand trade agreement) |
CER➣Central Europe Review |
CER➣Cisco Emergency Responder (computing) |
CER➣Cost Estimate Review (US DoD budget) |
CER➣Cisco Enterprise Reporting |
CER➣Corporate Error Reporting |
CER➣Confidence Error Rate |
CER➣Certificate Reply |
CER➣Cell Edge Router |
CER➣Core Edge Router |
CER➣Cursor Engine Resources |
CER➣Compiler Error |
CER➣Customer Error Reporting |
CER➣Certificate Export |
CER➣Customer Edge Router |
CER➣Cisco Emergency Responder |
CER➣Clinical Evaluation Report |
CER➣Center for Enterprise Research (Germany) |
CER➣Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies |
CER➣Carbon-Emission Reduction |
CER➣Computer Evidence Recovery |
CER➣Claim Evidence Reason |
CER➣Central Europe Rally |
CER➣Combat Engineer Regiment (Australian Army Unit) |
CER➣Coeficiente de Estabilización de Referencia (currency index) |
CER➣Cell Error Ratio |
CER➣Classic Endurance Racing (France) |
CER➣Centre Éducatif Renforcé (French educational center) |
CER➣Control Event Rate |
CER➣Constant Exchange Rate |
CER➣Cost Estimating Relationship |
CER➣Comparative Education Review |
CER➣Comprehensive Evaluation Report (education) |
CER➣Cost Effectiveness Ratio |
CER➣Conditioned Emotional Response |
CER➣Centre d'Économie Rurale (French: Rural Economy Center; Belgium) |
CER➣Community of European Railways (Belgium) |
CER➣Chemical Education Resources |
CER➣Centro Especializado en Rehabilitación (Spanish: Specialized Rehabilitation Center) |
CER➣Continuing Education Reciprocity (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) |
CER➣Centro Especializado En Recuperación (Spanish: Center Specializing In Recovery) |
CER➣Comitato per l'Edilizia Residenziale (Italian) |
CER➣Cultural Emergency Response (Prince Claus Fund; Netherlands; est. 2003) |
CER➣Centre d'Education Routière (French) |
CER➣Content Enhancement Routine (education) |
CER➣Carbon Evolution Rate |
CER➣Cadet Evaluation Report (United States Coast Guard) |
CER➣Cell Error Rate |
CER➣Character Error Rate |
CER➣Canadian Engineer Regiment |
CER➣Corporate Environmental Report |
CER➣Cellule Économique Régionale (French: Regional Economic Unit) |
CER➣Cross-over Error Rate (biometrics) |
CER➣Community Economic Regeneration (UK) |
CER➣Compagnie des Eaux de Royan (French: Royan Water Company; Royan, France) |
CER➣Contactless Electroreflectance |
CER➣Capital Expenditure Request (Finance) |
CER➣Cherbourg, France - Maupertus (Airport Code) |
CER➣Chief Electrician Radio (US Navy rank) |
CER➣Comitato Esecutivo Regionale |
CER➣Central Equipment Room |
CER➣Customer Edge Router (router in the customer network interfacing the provider network) |
CER➣Centrale d'Encaissement et de Recouvrement (French: Central Collection and Recovery) |
CER➣Conférence des Eglises Romandes |
CER➣Consultative Environmental Review (Australia) |
CER➣Constellation Expansion Ratio |
CER➣Categorical Exclusion Review |
CER➣Communications Equipment Room |
CER➣Civil Engineering Report |
CER➣Conceptual Engineering Report |
CER➣Carriage of Explosives Regulations (UK) |
CER➣Centre d'Études Religieuses (French: Center for Religious Studies) |
CER➣Complete Engineering Release |
CER➣Complete Engine Repair |
CER➣Cercle d'Escrime Rhodanien (French fencing club) |
CER➣CHAMPS Excellence Review |
CER➣Combat Effectiveness Report |
CER➣Center for Epidemiological Research |
CER➣Committee on Ecumenical Relations |
CER➣Capital Equipment Request |
CER➣Crom Equipment Rentals (Gainesville, FL) |
CER➣Component Engineering Request |
CER➣Controlled Energy Release (golf) |
CER➣Camp Eagle Ridge (summer camp; Mellen, WI; est. 1994) |
CER➣Coordinated Ecosystem Research |
CER➣Certified Electronic Reporter (American Association of Electronic Reporters and Transcribers) |
CER➣Centre for Research on Economic Relationships (Mid-Sweden University; Sundsvall, Sweden) |
CER➣Computer Engineering Roosendaal (now CER International bv; Roosendaal, The Netherlands) |
CER➣Complete Engine Repair Cards |
CER➣Computer Security Enhancement Review |
CER➣Climate Emissions Rate |
CER➣Crop Equivalence Rating |
CER➣Climb En Route |
CER➣Cold Eyes Review |
CER➣Centro Europa Richerche |