essential thrombocythemia


 [throm″bo-si-the´me-ah] thrombocytosis.essential thrombocythemia (hemorrhagic thrombocythemia) a clinical syndrome with repeated spontaneous hemorrhages, either external or into the tissues, and a greatly increased number of circulating platelets, considered one of the myeloproliferative disorders" >myeloproliferative disorders. Called also megakaryocytic leukemia.

essential thrombocythemia

Essential thrombocytosis Hematology A primary myeloproliferative disorder of older–age 55-75–adults, or less commonly of young ♀, with a platelet count is > 600 x 109/L; ET has many clinical features of P vera; it affects the same age group, is accompanied by splenomegaly, has similar BM findings, intensity of leukocytosis Diagnosis Polycythemia Vera Study Group criteria Treatment Hydroxyurea, a myelosuppressant, prevents recurrent thromboses. See Polycythema vera. Essential thrombocythemia-diagnostic criteria 1. Platelets > 1 x 109 /L (US: < 1000/mm3) 2. Hb < 2.05 mmol/L (US < 13.0 g/dL) 3. Iron in BM or if absent, little ↑ in Hb after 1 month of oral iron therapy 4. Absent marrow fibrosis by biopsy and 5. Absent Philadelphia chromosome Polycythemia Vera Study Group