Architects Union of the USSR

Architects’ Union of the USSR


(from 1932 to 1955, the Soviet Architects’ Union), an organization of architects created in 1932 by the resolution On the Restructuring of Literary and Artistic Organizations, which was issued by the Central Committee of the ACP(B) on Apr. 23, 1932. The union’s charter was adopted in 1937 and was modified and supplemented in 1970 and 1975. Congresses have been held in 1937,1955,1961,1965,1970, and 1975.

The goal of the Architects’ Union of the USSR is to upgrade the level of Soviet architecture, to develop the professional skill of Soviet architects, and to support initiative and innovation in the struggle for communist ideological content and multinational character in Soviet architecture. The union’s network includes architects’ unions of the Union republics and local organizations in autonomous republics, krais, oblasts, and cities. The total membership in 1976 was 13,418. The union publishes the journal Arkhitektura SSSR jointly with Gosstroi’s State Committee for Civil Construction and Architecture.

The major body of the architects’ union is the all-Union congress; between congresses the executive bodies are the board and the secretariat. The Architectural Fund is under the jurisdiction of the board. From 1932 to 1950, K. S. Alabian was executive secretary of the board. First secretaries have included S. E. Cher-nyshev (1950–55), P. V. Abrosimov (1955–61), A. V. Vlasov (1961–62), and G. M. Orlov (1963-).

The Architects’ Union of the USSR is a charter member of the International Union of Architects. It was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1970.


100 let obshchestvennykh arkhitekturnykh organizatsii v SSSR,1867–1967. Moscow, 1967.