

单词 cep



or cèpe C0205300 (sĕp)n. See porcini mushroom.
[French cèpe, from Gascon cep, tree trunk, cep, from Latin cipus, cippus, post, boundary marker.]


(sɛp) n (Plants) another name for porcino[C19: from French cèpe, from Gascon dialect cep, from Latin cippus stake]


or cèpe


n. a brown-capped boletus mushroom, Boletus edulis, prized for its flavor. [1860–65; < French cèpe < Gascon cep mushroom, tree trunk < Latin cip(p)us boundary stone, pillar]
белый гриб



(astronomy) Cepheus



 [por-fēr´e-ah] a genetic disorder characterized by a disturbance in porphyrin" >porphyrin metabolism with resultant increase in the formation and excretion of porphyrins (uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin) or their precursors; called also hematoporphyria. Porphyrins, in combination with iron, form hemes" >hemes, which in turn combine with specific proteins to form hemoproteins" >hemoproteins. hemoglobin" >hemoglobin is a hemoprotein, as are many other substances essential to normal functioning of the cells and tissues of the body.
Two general types are known: the erythropoietic porphyrias, which are concerned with the formation of erythrocytes in the bone marrow; and the hepatic porphyrias, which are responsible for liver dysfunction. Manifestations of porphyria include gastrointestinal, neurologic, and psychologic symptoms, cutaneous photosensitivity, pigmentation of the face (and later of the bones), and anemia with enlargement of the spleen. Large amounts of porphyrins are excreted in the urine and feces.
Treatment of this condition has been primarily symptomatic and varies in its effectiveness. Emphasis is on prevention of attacks by avoiding fasting and drugs that precipitate the symptoms. Photosensitivity may be controlled by avoiding exposure to light. Removal of the spleen is useful in some cases of the erythropoietic type of porphyria. Drug therapy includes the use of phenothiazines, chlorpromazine and promazine in particular. These drugs allay pain and nervousness and apparently allow a period of remission from symptoms. Meperidine hydrochloride (Demerol) may be given for pain and hydroxypheme (Hemetin) is given intravenously to compensate for genetic impairment of heme synthesis.
Patients with porphyria must not be given barbiturates, sulfonamides, alcohol, or chloroquine as these chemicals may precipitate or intensify attacks. It is recommended that persons with this disease carry with them at all times identification saying that they have porphyria so that in an emergency they will not be given medication that could precipitate an attack or even death.
acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) a hereditary, autosomal dominant, form of hepatic porphyria manifested by recurrent attacks of abdominal pain, gastrointestinal dysfunction, and neurologic disturbances, and by excessive amounts of δ-aminolevulinic acid and porphobilinogen in the urine; it is due to an abnormality of pyrrole metabolism. Called also intermittent acute porphyria.congenital erythropoietic porphyria (CEP) a form of erythropoietic porphyria, with cutaneous photosensitivity leading to mutilating lesions, hemolytic anemia, splenomegaly, excessive urinary excretion of uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin, and invariably erythrodontia and hypertrichosis. Called also Günther disease.porphyria cuta´nea tar´da (PCT) the most common form of porphyria, characterized by cutaneous photosensitivity that causes scarring bullae, discoloration, growth of facial hair, and sometimes sclerodermatous thickenings and alopecia; it is frequently associated with alcohol abuse, liver disease, or hepatic siderosis. Urinary levels of uroporphyrin and coproporphyrin are increased. There are two main types: an autosomal dominant (or familial ) form in which activity of the affected enzyme is reduced to half normal in liver, erythrocytes, and fibroblasts; and a sporadic (but probably also familial) form in which the reduction is confined to the liver. Both types are believed to be heterozygous and clinical expression occurs in adulthood, precipitated by disease or environmental factors. A more severe homozygous form begins in childhood and is called hepatoerythropoietic porphyria.erythropoietic porphyria porphyria in which excessive formation of porphyrin or its precursors occurs in bone marrow erythroblasts; the group includes congenital erythropoietic porphyria and erythropoietic protoporphyria.hepatic porphyria porphyria in which the excess formation of porphyrin or its precursors is found in the liver; it includes acute intermittent porphyria, variegate porphyria, and hereditary coproporphyria.hepatoerythropoietic porphyria (HEP) a severe homozygous form of porphyria cutanea tarda believed to result from an autosomal dominant defect in the same enzyme as is affected in porphyria cutanea tarda; it is clinically identical to that disease but onset is in early childhood and enzyme activity in liver, erythrocytes, and fibroblasts is virtually absent.intermittent acute porphyria acute intermittent porphyria.porphyria variega´ta (variegate porphyria (VP)) a hereditary, autosomal dominant, type of hepatic porphyria characterized by chronic cutaneous manifestations, notably extreme mechanical fragility of the skin, particularly areas exposed to the sunlight, and by episodes of abdominal pain and neuropathy. There is typically an excess of coproporphyrin and protoporphyrin in the bile and feces.


Abbreviation for congenital erythropoietic porphyria.


CEPComplex Event Processing
CEPCourier Express Parcel (Postal)
CEPCommunity Expansion Pack (Neverwinter Nights gaming)
CEPCircular Error Probable
CEPCentre d'Éducation Permanente (French: Center for Continuing Education; various locations)
CEPCampaign for an English Parliament (England)
CEPConsommation en Energie Primaire (French: Primary Energy Consumption)
CEPChristian Education Publications
CEPClinical Exercise Physiologist (chronic disease assistance)
CEPConsejo Electoral Provisional (Spanish: Provisional Electoral Counci; Haiti)
CEPCenter for Effective Philanthropy (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
CEPCommon Experience Payment (Canada)
CEPCloser Economic Partnership (New Zealand/Thailand agreement)
CEPChemical Engineering Progress (magazine)
CEPCidade Estado Pais (Portuguese: City State Country)
CEPCharacter Education Partnership (Washington, DC)
CEPCenter on Education Policy
CEPCommunity Education Partners
CEPContinuing Education Program
CEPCommunications, Energy and Paperworkers Union (Canada)
CEPCenter for Engineering and Planning (Ramallah, Palestine)
CEPCertified Equity Professional
CEPControl Engineering Practice (journal)
CEPCenter for Emergency Preparedness
CEPCommunity Education Program (various locations)
CEPConfiguración Energética Preestablecida (Spanish: Energy Preset Settings)
CEPCentral Energy Plant (various locations)
CEPCivic Education Project
CEPConcurrent Enrollment Program (various schools)
CEPCommunity Engagement Program (various locations)
CEPCertificate Enrollment Protocol
CEPClean Energy Partnership
CEPCircuit Establishment Packet
CEPCircuit Emulation over Packet
CEPCanon Express Protocol
CEPCharacter Education Program (advocacy group; Washington, DC)
CEPCenter for Economic Progress (various locations)
CEPCommittee for Environmental Protection
CEPCivil Emergency Planning
CEPCertified Estate Planner
CEPCool Edit Pro (an audio program)
CEPComplete Environmental Products (various locations)
CEPChile, Ecuador and Peru
CEPCivil Engineering Program (various organizations)
CEPCouncil on Epidemiology and Prevention (cardiology)
CEPCaspian Environment Programme
CEPConferencia Episcopal Peruana (Spanish: Peruvian Episcopal Conference; Peru)
CEPCertificate Enrollment Protocol (Cisco/Verisign)
CEPCódigo de Endereçamento Postal (Brazilian postal code)
CEPCenter for Environment and Population (New Canaan, Connecticut)
CEPCouncil on Economic Priorities
CEPCongenital Erythropoietic Porphyria
CEPConnecting Environmental Professionals
CEPCentre for European Politics (various locations)
CEPCivic Engagement Program (various organizations)
CEPContinuing Education Professional (various locations)
CEPCommunity Energy Project (various locations)
CEPCirculating Endothelial Precursor
CEPClassical Evolutionary Programming (computer programming)
CEPCommon Entry Point
CEPCommunity Engagement Partnership (UK)
CEPCoastal Environment Program (Philippines)
CEPCustodian of Enemy Property (various locations)
CEPCarolina Environmental Program (University of North Carolina)
CEPCentre Énergétique et Procédés (French: Center for Energy and Processes; est. 1976)
CEPCitizenship Education Project (est. 1949)
CEPContrat d'Etudes Prospectives (French: Contract for Future Studies; France)
CEPCentre d'Expertise de la Performance (French: Performance Expertise Center; est. 1994)
CEPCell Envelope Protein (microbiology)
CEPConsumer Electronic Product
CEPCentraal Economisch Plan (Dutch)
CEPContinuous Evaluation Program (US Air Force)
CEPConférence Européenne Permanente (French: European Standing Conference)
CEPCable Entrance Panel (US DoD)
CEPCatalytic Extraction Processing
CEPChicago Equity Partners (est 1989; Chicago, IL)
CEPCoordinated Examination Program
CEPConcurrent Enrollment Partnership (various schools)
CEPCentre École de Parachutisme (French skydiving school)
CEPCertified Environmental Professional (NAEP)
CEPCommunity Energy Programme (UK)
CEPCertificat d'Études Politiques (French: Certificate of Political Studies; various universities)
CEPCreative Economy Programme (UK)
CEPCertified Educational Planner
CEPCyber Education Project (Philippines via satellite)
CEPCaribbean Environment Program
CEPCircle of Equal Probability (missile guidance/targeting)
CEPCapital Equipment Project
CEPChairman's Exercise Program (US DoD)
CEPCelestial Ephemeris Pole
CEPConnection End Point
CEPCollège des Enseignants de Pneumologie (French: College of Teachers of Pneumology)
CEPCooperative Engagement Processor
CEPConcept Experimentation Program
CEPCareer Enhancement Plan
CEPCompensatory Education Programs
CEPCommunications Earplug
CEPCentre Éducatif et Pédagogique (French: Educational and Teaching Center; Switzerland)
CEPCredit Enhancement Program
CEPConcept Evaluation Program
CEPCongregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples (Rome, Italy)
CEPClient Employed Provider
CEPCooperative Enterprise Program (Cornell University; Ithaca, NY)
CEPCollege Entry Program (various schools)
CEPChambre d'Économie Publique du Jura Bernois (French: Chamber of Public Economy of the Bernese Jura; Bern, Switzerland)
CEPCompetitive Exclusion Principle
CEPConcept Exploration Phase
CEPContact Evaluation Plot (US Navy)
CEPCentro de Educación para la Participación
CEPCentre d'Éducation Physique (French: Physical Education Center; various locations)
CEPChemically Enhanced Planarization
CEPCombat Entry Poin (US Air Force)
CEPConstruction Electrician (Power)
CEPClub Épicure Paris (French wine club)
CEPCertified Emergency Paramedic
CEPControls for Environmental Pollution
CEPCentral Economic Plan (The Netherlands)
CEPChurch Extension Plan
CEPCondensate Extraction Pump (thermodynamics)
CEPCommon Engine Program
CEPContinuing Education Project
CEPConseil de l'Ethique Publicitaire (French: Advertising Ethics Council)
CEPCercle des Étudiants en Philosophie (French: Undergraduate Philosophy Circle; Belgium)
CEPContainment Evaluation Panel
CEPClimatisation Électricité Plomberie (French air conditioning, electrical and plumbing company)
CEPCentre École Parapente (French paragliding school)
CEPCNO Executive Panel
CEPCenter for Energy Policy (various locations)
CEPConcept Evaluation Phase
CEPComptoir des Essences et Parfums (French; Tunisian perfume company)
CEPContract Estimating and Pricing
CEPCircor Energy Products
CEPComputer Entry Punch
CEPCOMSEC Equipment Program
CEPCellule à Effet Peltier (French: Peltier Effect Cell)
CEPCercle des Étudiants en Pharmacie (French: Pharmacy Students Circle)
CEPContraintes et Preuves (French: Constraints and Proofs)
CEPCorridor Electro-Pneumatic (British railways vehicle)
CEPCivilian Employment Plan
CEPCombined Experiments Program
CEPConcept Evaluation Plan
CEPCredit Enhancement Provider
CEPCircular Error Projection
CEPCommunications Equipment Program
CEPCentral Engineer Park
CEPCommonwealth Education Project
CEPCurriculum Evaluation Process
CEPContamination Environment Package
CEPCodeword Error Probability
CEPCircuit Emulation Protocol
CEPContractor Emporium (Amperex Plant in Emporium; electronic tubes made by Amperex for US army)
CEPCombined Exercise Planning
CEPControlled Entry Point
CEPContamination Experiment Package
CEPCommand Education Plan
CEPContract Estimating & Pricing
CEPContainment Evaluation Priorities
CEPController Evaluation Program
CEPCertified Environmental Planner (American Institute of Certified Planners; American Planning Association)
CEPControl Electronics Package
CEPCongressional Engagement Plan
CEPC-CS Effectiveness Panel
CEPCulminating Experience Project
CEPContinuous/Continuing Evaluation Program
CEPContract/or Evaluation Plan
CEPCooperative Engagement Plan
CEPCertificate of European Pharmacopeia (certificate of suitability)




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