释义 |
CMYK (graphic arts) A color model that synthesizes all colors as combinations of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black; it begins with white, and subtracts the appropriate color to yield the desired color. Also known as CMY. CMYK (graphics)cyan, magenta, yellow, key.
A colour model that describes each colour in terms of thequantity of each secondary colour (cyan, magenta, yellow), and"key" (black) it contains. The CMYK system is used forprinting. For mixing of pigments, it is better to use thesecondary colours, since they mix subtractively instead ofadditively. The secondary colours of light are cyan, magentaand yellow, which correspond to the primary colours of pigment(blue, red and yellow). In addition, although black could beobtained by mixing these three in equal proportions, infour-colour printing it always has its own ink. This givesthe CMYK model. The K stands for "Key' or 'blacK,' so as notto cause confusion with the B in RGB.
Alternative colour models are RGB and HSB.CMYK(Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK) The color space used for commercial printing and most color computer printers. In theory, cyan, magenta and yellow (CMY) can print all colors, but inks are not pure and black comes out muddy. The black ink (K) is required for quality printing. See color space, RGB and ink coverage.
 | Colors Are Separated |
Before printing, the image is separated into CMYK inks that blend together when printed. (Image courtesy of Intergraph Computer Systems.) |
 | A CMYK Printer |
Color laser printers use four toner cartridges. Unlike commercial printing, in which the page is printed four times, each of the four inks in a laser printer is applied to the drum, and then the page is printed. |
 | CMYK Ribbon |
This is a dye sublimation or thermal wax transfer ribbon where four panels of dye or wax-based ink exist for each page, and each panel is the size of the page. After printing a page, the ribbon is advanced to the next four-color set. See dye sublimation printer and thermal wax transfer printer. |
 | CMYK and More |
For greater color accuracy, some inkjet printers use more than CMYK. The Canon printer (top) adds a gray (GY) cartridge. The Epson (bottom) includes lighter versions of cyan and magenta. See PGBK. |
Acronym | Definition |
CMYK➣Cyan-Magenta-Yellow-Key/blacK (4-color ink model used for printing) | CMYK➣Cyan Magenta Yellow Black | CMYK➣Cookie Mob Yardie Krew (UK) |