focal glomerulonephritis

fo·cal glo·mer·u·lo·ne·phri·tis

glomerulonephritis affecting a small proportion of renal glomeruli that commonly presents with hematuria and may be associated with acute upper respiratory infection in young males, not usually due to streptococci; associated with IgA deposits in the glomerular mesangium and may also be associated with systemic disease, as in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Synonym(s): Berger disease, Berger focal glomerulonephritis, focal nephritis, IgA nephropathy

fo·cal glo·mer·u·lo·ne·phri·tis

(fō'kăl glō-mer'yū-lō-nĕ-frī'tis) Glomerulonephritis affecting a small proportion of renal glomeruli that commonly presents with hematuria and may be associated with acute upper respiratory infection in young males, not usually due to streptococci; associated with IgA deposits in the glomerular mesangium and may also be associated with systemic disease, as in Henoch-Schönlein purpura.
Synonym(s): Berger disease, Berger focal glomerulonephritis.


Jean, 20th century French nephrologist. Berger disease - Synonym(s): focal glomerulonephritisBerger focal glomerulonephritis - Synonym(s): focal glomerulonephritis