Extracurricular Education

Extracurricular Education


the aggregate of forms of cultural-educational, general educational, and training work among the adult population. The term ’’extracurricular education” appeared in the second half of the 19th century and became widespread in Russia at a time when public libraries, homes, and universities, Sunday schools, workers’ clubs, and other cultural-educational institutions for adults were being established for educational purposes in a number of European countries.

In the USSR after the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution extracurricular education was included in the general system of popular education. After the organization of the Main Political Education Committee (1920), it was termed political education and later, cultural-educational work.


Vakhterov, V. P. Vneshkol’noe obrazovanie naroda. Moscow, 1896. Charnolusskii, V. I. Osnovnye voprosy organizatsii vneshkol’nogo obrazovaniia v Rossii. St. Petersburg, 1909.
Frid, L. S. Kul’turno-prosvetitel’naia rabota v Rossii do Velikoi Oktiabr’skoi sotsialisticheskoi revoliutsii i ee rol’ v formirovanii revoliutsionnogo mirovoz-zreniia trudiashchikhsia mass. Moscow, 1967. [Textbook.]