Burdach tract

cu·ne·ate fas·cic·u·lus

[TA] the larger lateral subdivision of the posterior funiculus. Synonym(s): fasciculus cuneatus [TA], Burdach column, Burdach fasciculus, Burdach tract, cuneate funiculus, wedge-shaped fasciculus

Burdach tract

Continuation of the dorsolateral column of the spinal cord into the medulla oblongata. Synonym: fasciculus cuneatus Synonym: Burdach fasciculusSee also: Burdach, Karl


Karl F., German anatomist and physiologist, 1776-1847. Burdach column - the larger lateral subdivision of the posterior funiculus. Synonym(s): Burdach fasciculus; Burdach tract; cuneate fasciculusBurdach fasciculus - Synonym(s): Burdach columnBurdach nucleus - Synonym(s): cuneate nucleusBurdach tract - Synonym(s): Burdach column