Burdach, Karl Friedrich

Burdach, Karl Friedrich


Born June 12, 1776, in Leipzig; died July 16, 1847, in Königsberg. German anatomist and physiologist; professor at the universities of Dorpat (Tartu, 1811) and Königsberg (1814).

Burdach devoted special attention to the study of the morphology, ontogeny, and phylogeny of the brain, in which he distinguished the projectional, commissural, and associational conducting systems. The nerve bundle in the posterior columns of the spinal cord that provides tactility and deep sensitivity to the upper extremities and the upper parts of the torso bears his name. Burdach founded the first scientific anatomical institute (at the University of Königsberg) and participated in the creation of an anatomical museum.


Über die Aufgabe der Morphologie. London, 1818.
Vom Baue und Leben des Gehirns, vols. 1-3. Leipzig, 1819-26.
Über Psychologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft, vols. 1-4. Leipzig, 1826-32.


Raikov, B. E. Germanskie biologi-evoliutsionisty do Darvina: L. Oken, K. F. Burdakh, M. G. Ratke. Leningrad, 1969.