

单词 done



finished: all done for the day; cooked completely: Soup’s done.
Not to be confused with:dun – a demand for payment


D0336700 (dŭn)v.Past participle of do1.adj.1. Having been carried out or accomplished; finished: a done deed.2. Cooked adequately.3. Socially acceptable: Spitting on the street is just not done in polite society.4. Informal Totally worn out; exhausted.Idioms: be done To have finished something: Are you done with your homework yet? Are they done eating dinner? done for Informal Doomed to death or destruction. done in Informal Totally worn out; exhausted.
done′ness n.


(dʌn) vb1. the past participle of do12. be done with have done with to end relations with3. have done to be completely finished: have you done?. 4. that's done it a. an exclamation of frustration when something is ruinedb. an exclamation when something is completedinterj (Commerce) an expression of agreement, as on the settlement of a bargain between two partiesadj5. completed; finished6. (Cookery) cooked enough: done to a turn. 7. used up: they had to surrender when the ammunition was done. 8. socially proper or acceptable: that isn't done in higher circles. 9. informal cheated; tricked10. done for informal a. dead or almost deadb. in serious difficulty11. done in done up informal physically exhausted



v. 1. pp. of do 1. 2. Nonstandard. a pt. of do1. auxiliary verb. 3. Southern U.S. Nonstandard. (used often with a principal verb in the past tense to indicate completed action): I done told you. adj. 4. a. finished; completed; accomplished: a done deal; Our work is done. b. at a point of completion; through: When you are done, turn out the lights. 5. cooked sufficiently. 6. worn out, exhausted, or used up. 7. in keeping with acceptable behavior or practice: That sort of thing simply isn't done. Idioms: 1. done for, a. dead or dying. b. doomed to failure. 2. done in, very tired; exhausted. usage: Usage guides occasionally object to done in the adjectival senses “finished” and “through,” but the meanings are standard. done was formerly used attributively (The argument between them was a done thing), but it is now more common as a complement.
Adj.1.done - having finished or arrived at completion; "certain to make history before he's done"; "it's a done deed"; "after the treatment, the patient is through except for follow-up"; "almost through with his studies"through, through withfinished - ended or brought to an end; "are you finished?"; "gave me the finished manuscript"
2.done - cooked until ready to servecooked - having been prepared for eating by the application of heat


adjective1. finished, completed, accomplished, over, through, ended, perfected, realized, concluded, executed, terminated, consummated, in the can (informal) By evening the work is done, and just in time.2. cooked, ready, cooked enough, cooked to a turn, cooked sufficiently When the cake is done, remove it from the oven.3. acceptable, proper, polite, conventional, protocol, de rigueur (French) It simply isn't done.4. (Informal) cheated, tricked, conned (informal), duped, taken for a ride (informal) If you paid more than a hundred quid for that, you've been done.interjection1. agreed, you're on (informal), O.K. or okay (informal), it's a bargain, it's a deal 'You lead and we'll look for it.' - 'Done.'done for finished (Informal) lost, beaten, defeated, destroyed, ruined, broken, dashed, wrecked, doomed, foiled, undone I thought we were all done for.done in or up (Informal) exhausted, bushed (informal), all in (slang), worn out, dead (informal), knackered (slang), clapped out (Austral. & N.Z. informal), tired out, ready to drop, dog-tired (informal), zonked (slang), dead beat (informal), fagged out (informal), worn to a frazzle (informal), on your last legs, creamcrackered (Brit. slang) You must be really done in.have or be done with something or someone be through with, give up, be finished with, throw over, wash your hands of, end relations with Let us have done with him.


adjective1. Having reached completion:complete, through.2. No longer effective, capable, or valuable:done for, finished, through, washed-up.Informal: kaput.Idioms: at the end of the line, over the hill, past one's prime.3. Having no further relationship:finished, through.


(duː) 3rd person singular present tense does (daz) : past tense did (did) : past participle done (dan) : negative short forms don't (dount) doesn't (ˈdaznt) , didn't (ˈdidnt) verb1. used with a more important verb in questions and negative statements. Do you smoke? 助動詞(和動詞一起構成問句和否定句) 助动词(和动词一起构成问句和否定句) 2. used with a more important verb for emphasis; (I did buy a ticket but I must have lost it) ; (Do sit down) . 用於動詞前表示強調 用于动词前表示强调3. used to avoid repeating a verb which comes immediately before. I thought she wouldn't come, but she did. 用於代表之前已出現的動詞以免重覆 用于代表之前已出现的动词以避免重复4. used with a more important verb after seldom, ~rarely and little. Little did he know what was in store for him. 用於seldom等副詞之後以構成倒裝句調 用于构成倒装句,表示强调 5. to carry out or perform. What shall I do?; That was a terrible thing to do.6. to manage to finish or complete. When you've done that, you can start on this; We did a hundred kilometres in an hour. 完成 完成7. to perform an activity concerning something. to do the washing; to do the garden / the windows. 處理 整理8. to be enough or suitable for a purpose. Will this piece of fish do two of us?; That'll do nicely; Do you want me to look for a blue one or will a pink one do?; Will next Saturday do for our next meeting? 合適,足夠 适合,足够 9. to work at or study. She's doing sums; He's at university doing science. 研究,學習 研究,学习 10. to manage or prosper. How's your wife doing?; My son is doing well at school. 進展 安排11. to put in order or arrange. She's doing her hair. 整理 整理12. to act or behave. Why don't you do as we do? 行動,表現 行为表现13. to give or show. The whole town gathered to do him honour. 給予 给与14. to cause. What damage did the storm do?; It won't do him any harm. 造成 引起,产生 15. to see everything and visit everything in. They tried to do London in four days. 遊覽 游览 nounplural do's an affair or a festivity, especially a party. The school is having a do for Christmas. 慶祝活動(尤指宴會) 庆祝会,欢庆会 ˈdoer noun a person who does something. an evildoer; a doer of good deeds. 做某事的人 做某事的人ˈdoings noun plural the things which a person does. He tells me about all your doings. 所作所為 所作所为done (dan) adjective1. finished or complete. That's that job done at last. 完成的 完成的2. (of food) completely cooked and ready to eat. I don't think the meat is quite done yet. (食物)熟的 (食品)熟的 3. socially accepted. the done thing. 合乎禮俗的 合乎礼仪的,社会接受的 ˌdo-it-yourˈself noun, adjective (of) the art or practice of doing one's own decorating, repairs etc (also DIY). I've just bought a book on do-it-yourself so I can try to tile the bathroom; a do-it-yourself job. 自己動手做 自己动手做to-ˈdo a fuss. a tremendous to-do about the missing papers. 大驚小怪 忙乱骚动I/he etc could be doing with / could do with it would be better if I, he etc had or did (something). I could do with a cup of coffee. 真想 (得到某物或做某事) 需要,希望得到,真想 do away with to get rid of. They did away with uniforms at that school years ago. 丟棄 去掉do for to kill or cause the end of. That attack of flu almost did for him. 殺死,致死 弄死done for ruined, defeated or about to be killed etc. The police are coming – run for it or we're done for! 完蛋了,毀了 毁掉done in exhausted. 筋疲力竭 使极度疲乏,累坏的 do out to clean thoroughly. The room's tidy – I did it out yesterday. 清掃 打扫,收拾 do out of to prevent from getting, especially by using dishonest methods. My boss tried to do me out of a day's holiday. 坑走某物(從某人身上) (用不诚实方式)骗取 do's and don'ts (dounts) rules or advice for action. If you want to lose weight, I can give you a list of do's and don'ts. 注意事項 行为规范(做和不应做的规则) do without to manage without and accept the lack of. We'll just have to do without a phone; If you're too lazy to fetch the ice-cream you can just do without; I can do without your opinion, if you don't mind. 沒有...也行 没有...也行to do with1. (with have) to have dealings with. I never had anything to do with the neighbours. 與...打交道 与...打交道2. (with have) to be involved in, especially to be (partly) responsible for. Did you have anything to do with her death? 涉入某事(尤指須負部份責任時) 涉入某事(尤指须负部份责任时) 3. (with have) to be connected with. Has this decision anything to do with what I said yesterday? 與...有關 与...有关系4. (with be or have) to be about or concerned with. This letter is/has to do with Bill's plans for the summer. 關於 关于5. (with have) to be the concern of. I'm sorry, but that question has nothing to do with me; What has that (got) to do with him? 與...有關 与...有关what are you etc doing with1. why or how have you etc got. What are you doing with my umbrella? 你拿某物要做什麼?你怎麼拿到某物的? 你拿某物要做什么?你怎么拿到某物的? 2. what action are you etc taking about. What are they doing with the children during the day if they're both working? 關於某人或某事你要怎麼辦? 关于某人或某事你要怎么办?


  • Where can I get some photocopying done? → 哪儿能复印资料?


  • (all) done by mirrors
  • (all) done with mirrors
  • (have done) more (something) than (one) has had hot dinners
  • a done deal
  • a woman's work is never done
  • after all is said and done
  • all done with mirrors
  • and be done with it
  • as good as done
  • be done
  • be done and dusted
  • be done for
  • be done in
  • be done like a (dog's) dinner
  • be done to a turn
  • be done to death
  • be done with (someone or something)
  • be hard done-by
  • be not the done thing
  • be over and done with
  • be/feel hard done by
  • be/get done for something/for doing something
  • be/have done with somebody/something
  • been and gone and done it
  • been there, done that
  • Been there, done that got the T-shirt
  • been there, done that, bought the T-shirt
  • been there, done that, got the T-shirt
  • difficult is done at once; the impossible takes a little longer
  • do
  • do (all) the running
  • do (double) duty
  • do (double) duty as (something)
  • do (one) a power of good
  • do (one's) best
  • do (one's) bit
  • do (one's) dash
  • do (one's) homework
  • do (one's) level best
  • do (one's) stuff
  • do (something) by halves
  • do (something) for the best
  • do (something) the hard way
  • do (something) to death
  • do (something) up brown
  • do a (someone)
  • do a 180
  • do a bad job
  • do a bit
  • do a disappearing act
  • do a double take
  • do a fade
  • do a good job
  • do a job on (someone or something)
  • do a land-office business
  • do a Melba
  • do a moonlight flit
  • do a number on (someone or something)
  • do a roaring trade
  • do a shot
  • do a slow burn
  • do a vanishing act
  • do an about-face
  • do anything for a quiet life
  • do badly by (one)
  • do battle
  • do bird
  • do dope
  • do drugs
  • do in
  • do it
  • do lunch
  • do more harm than good
  • do nicely
  • do porridge
  • do so
  • do some bongs
  • do some fine coin
  • do something/anything about
  • do stuff
  • do the business
  • do the dishes
  • do the donkey work
  • do the drink thing
  • do the drug thing
  • do the Dutch
  • do the hard yards
  • do the honors
  • do the job
  • do the rounds
  • do the unthinkable
  • do time
  • do too
  • do up
  • do well
  • do what comes naturally
  • do with (something)
  • do wonders
  • done and done
  • done and dusted
  • done by mirrors
  • done deal
  • done deal, a
  • done for
  • done in
  • done like (a) dinner
  • done like a dinner
  • done like a dog's dinner
  • done like dinner
  • done over
  • done to a turn
  • done up like a dog's dinner
  • done with
  • done with (someone or something)
  • done with mirrors
  • easier said than done
  • feel hard done-by
  • get (something) over and done with
  • get done for (something)
  • go and (do something)
  • go down the drain
  • good as done
  • good as done, as
  • hard done by
  • hard done-by
  • have done
  • have done with
  • have done with (someone or something)
  • have work done
  • he, she, etc. has gone/been and done something
  • If you want a thing done well, do it yourself
  • if you want a thing done well/right, do it yourself
  • if you want something done well/right, do it yourself
  • I've done my do
  • I've never (done something) in all my (born) days
  • need doing
  • No harm done
  • no sooner said than done
  • not do a hand's turn
  • not done
  • not let catch doing
  • now (someone) has gone and done it
  • over and done with
  • see that is done
  • see that it is done
  • seen one, seen them all
  • the done thing
  • to a T
  • Well begun is half done
  • well done
  • Well done!
  • What has (someone) done with (something)?
  • What's done cannot be undone
  • what's done is done
  • when all is said and done
  • when all's (is) said and done
  • when all's said and done
  • who are you, and what have you done with (someone)


DONEDemocrats Over Nominating Elitists (patriotism group)
DONEDigital Open Network Environment (Finland)
DONEDepartment of Neighborhood Empowerment (Los Angeles, CA)


  • all
  • adj
  • interj
  • phrase

Synonyms for done

adj finished


  • finished
  • completed
  • accomplished
  • over
  • through
  • ended
  • perfected
  • realized
  • concluded
  • executed
  • terminated
  • consummated
  • in the can

adj cooked


  • cooked
  • ready
  • cooked enough
  • cooked to a turn
  • cooked sufficiently

adj acceptable


  • acceptable
  • proper
  • polite
  • conventional
  • protocol
  • de rigueur

adj cheated


  • cheated
  • tricked
  • conned
  • duped
  • taken for a ride

interj agreed


  • agreed
  • you're on
  • O.K. or okay
  • it's a bargain
  • it's a deal

phrase done for


  • finished
  • lost
  • beaten
  • defeated
  • destroyed
  • ruined
  • broken
  • dashed
  • wrecked
  • doomed
  • foiled
  • undone

phrase done in or up


  • exhausted
  • bushed
  • all in
  • worn out
  • dead
  • knackered
  • clapped out
  • tired out
  • ready to drop
  • dog-tired
  • zonked
  • dead beat
  • fagged out
  • worn to a frazzle
  • on your last legs
  • creamcrackered

phrase have or be done with something or someone


  • be through with
  • give up
  • be finished with
  • throw over
  • wash your hands of
  • end relations with

Synonyms for done

adj having reached completion


  • complete
  • through

adj no longer effective, capable, or valuable


  • done for
  • finished
  • through
  • washed-up
  • kaput

adj having no further relationship


  • finished
  • through

Synonyms for done

adj having finished or arrived at completion


  • through
  • through with

Related Words

  • finished

adj cooked until ready to serve

Related Words

  • cooked




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