


an Udmurt site of a fortified settlement of the 10th-12th centuries in Glazov Raion, Udmurt ASSR, 14 km from the city of Glazov. It was discovered by N. G. Pervukhin and investigated by A. A. Spitsyn at the end of the 19th century. A. P. Smirnov excavated the site in 1926-27. Dwellings of pole construction with hearths, barns for livestock, storehouses for produce (grains of wheat, rye, barley, and legumes have been preserved), wells, and a smithy were found. Various tools and weapons were also discovered, among which were sickles, axes, spears, and arrows as well as plowshares, Samanid dirhems from the tenth century, and various handicrafts made from bone. The large amount of bones testifies to the existence of developed livestock raising and fur trapping.


Smirnov, A. P. “Dondy-Karskoe gorodishche.” In the collection >Trudy Nauchnogo obshchestva po izucheniiu Votskogo kraia,fasc. 4. Izhevsk, 1928.