

单词 cmt
释义 DictionarySeetachycardia



 [tak″e-kahr´de-ah] abnormally rapid heart rate, usually taken to be over 100 beats per minute. adj., adj tachycar´diac.A, Sinus tachycardia; B, Ventricular tachycardia. From Chernecky, 2001.antidromic circus movement tachycardia a supraventricular tachycardia supported by a circuit" >reentry circuit that uses the atrioventricular node in the retrograde direction and an pathway" >accessory pathway in the anterograde direction; this produces a broad QRS rhythm indistinguishable from ventricular tachycardia. Such a tachycardia may also use two pathways" >accessory pathways (one anterograde and one retrograde) and not involve the AV node at all.atrial tachycardia a rapid heart rate, between 140 and 250 beats per minute, with the ectopic focus in the atria and with no participation by the atrioventricular node or the sinoatrial node. It is recognizable on the electrocardiogram because the P wave precedes the QRS complex, as opposed to being merged with it or following it. This condition is usually associated with block" >atrioventricular block or digitalis toxicity.benign ventricular tachycardia tachycardia originating in the ventricles, not associated with structural heart disease or significant hemodynamic symptoms.bidirectional ventricular tachycardia (bifascicular ventricular tachycardia) a ventricular arrhythmia characterized by heart rates of 90 to 160 beats per minute, alternating right and left deviation" >axis deviation, ectopic focus that alternates between the anterior superior and posterior inferior fascicles, and a right bundle branch block pattern in lead V1; seen in digitalis toxicity and other conditions.chaotic atrial tachycardia an ectopic atrial tachycardia due to multifocal activity, characterized by at least three different shapes of P waves on the electrocardiogram; often associated with chronic obstructive lung disease.circus movement tachycardia (CMT) a circuit" >reentry circuit that uses an pathway" >accessory pathway or pathways; there are two subtypes, antidromic and orthodromic circus movement tachycardia.ectopic tachycardia rapid heart action in response to impulses arising outside the sinoatrial node.junctional tachycardia rhythm at the rate of 100 to 140 beats per minute that arises in response to impulses originating in the atrioventricular junction, i.e., the atrioventricular node. It is often seen with digitalis toxicity and is due to triggered activity, but it may also be due to altered automaticity. In the case of digitalis toxicity, the term may be used to encompass the entire span of junctional rates with this condition, i.e., approximately 70 to 140 beats per minute.monomorphic ventricular tachycardia a type that has a uniform beat-to-beat QRS morphology.nonsustained ventricular tachycardia a type that terminates spontaneously within 30 seconds and does not lead to hemodynamic collapse.orthodromic circus movement tachycardia a supraventricular tachycardia supported by a circuit" >reentry circuit that uses the atrioventricular node in the anterograde direction and an pathway" >accessory pathway in the retrograde direction, producing a narrow QRS complex.orthostatic tachycardia disproportionate rapidity of the heart rate on arising from a reclining to a standing position.paroxysmal tachycardia rapid heart action that starts and stops abruptly.paroxysmal atrial tachycardia paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia.paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) a narrow QRS tachycardia that begins and ends abruptly; it may be terminated with a vagal maneuver. It has two common mechanisms, atrioventricular nodal reentry and movement" >circus movement that uses the atrioventricular node anterogradely and an pathway" >accessory pathway retrogradely. On the electrocardiogram it is characterized by abrupt onset, and mechanisms are differentiated by the relation of the P wave to the QRS complex.polymorphic ventricular tachycardia a type that has a constantly, and sometimes subtly, changing beat-to-beat QRS configuration.potentially malignant ventricular tachycardia a type that is not associated with structural heart disease or hemodynamically important cardiac symptoms but is sometimes associated with left ventricular dysfunction.sinus tachycardia (ST) a rapid rhythm originating in the sinoatrial node with a rate of usually 100 to 160 beats per minute; conduction through the ventricles is normal. During exercise or stress this is normal, but if it occurs during rest it is abnormal.supraventricular tachycardia a combination of junctional tachycardia and atrial tachycardia.sustained ventricular tachycardia tachycardia that lasts more than 30 seconds and leads to hemodynamic collapse.ventricular tachycardia an abnormally rapid ventricular rhythm with aberrant ventricular excitation, characterized by at least three consecutive complexes" >ventricular complexes of more than 100 beats per minute. It is generated within the ventricle and is most often associated with dissociation" >atrioventricular dissociation.


Abbreviation for Certified Medical Transcriptionist. See: medical transcriptionist.


Abbreviation for:
canine mammary tumour
catechol methyltransferase
central macular thickness
Certified Massage Therapist
Certified Medical Technician
chiropractic manipulative therapy
chronic motor tics
circus movement tachycardia
combined modality therapy
Commissioning Management Team (Medspeak-UK)
controlled medical terminology (Medspeak-UK)
corporate management team (Medspeak-UK)
Council of Medical Television
current medical terminology
critical micelle temperature
cutaneous mixed tumour


Abbreviation for certified massage therapist; certified medical transcriptionist.
FinancialSeeChartered Market Technician


CMTCountry Music Television
CMTCountry Music Television, Inc
CMTConnecticut Mastery Test
CMTCertified Massage Therapist
CMTComisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones (Spain)
CMTCharcot-Marie-Tooth Disease (muscular atrophy)
CMTChip Multi-Threading (Sun Microsystems)
CMTChartered Market Technician
CMTCore Molding Technologies (Columbus, OH)
CMTCold Metal Transfer (welding)
CMTConstruction Materials Testing (Des Moines, IA)
CMTConstant Maturity Treasury
CMTCollectionneurs de Médailles Touristiques (French: Tourist Medal Collectors)
CMTCrisis Management Team
CMTCompagnie Minière de Touissit (French; Moroccan mining company)
CMTCertified Medical Transcriptionist
CMTCommittee of Ministers of Trade (South Africa)
CMTComité Martiniquais du Tourisme (French: Martinique Tourism Committee; Martinique)
CMTCrédit Municipal de Toulon (French bank)
CMTCommunications, Media and Technology (various organizations)
CMTCentre des Musiques Traditionnelles (French: Center for Traditional Music)
CMTConnection Management
CMTConstrained Multidimensional Transform Technology
CMTChpid Mapping Tool
CMTChannel Measurement Tool
CMTCode Metric Tool
CMTChip Multi Threading Technology
CMTChannel Mapping Tool
CMTCics Maintained Data Table
CMTConvertible Mini Tower
CMTConfigurable Messenger Transmitter
CMTContainer Managed Transactions
CMTCcs Message Transport
CMTCentroid Moment Tensor (seismology)
CMTComputed Microtomography
CMTCalifornia Mastitis Test
CMTConfédération Mondiale du Travail (French: World Workers Confederation)
CMTCrawford, Murphy & Tilly (engineering firm; Springfield, IL)
CMTCash Management Trust
CMTCondensed Matter Theory
CMTConfederación Mundial del Trabajo (Spanish: World Confederation of Labour)
CMTCorporate Management Team
CMTConsommation Médicale Totale (French: Total Medical Consumption)
CMTConvertible Mini Tower (Hewlett Packard PC)
CMTComputer Music Toolkit (software)
CMTConnection Management (Sprint)
CMTCompagnie des Moteurs et Transmissions (French: Engines and Transmissions Company)
CMTConstruction and Mining Technique
CMTCorporate Minimum Tax (various locations)
CMTCustomary Marine Tenure
CMTCommunication Management Team (various businesses)
CMTCapital Management Techniques (finance)
CMTCreative Music Therapy
CMTCultured Marble Top
CMTContent Management Tool
CMTCreative Marketing Team (Texas)
CMTCertified Music Therapist
CMTComposite Material Technology (various organizations)
CMTCertificate Management Tool
CMTCut, Make & Trim (price term used in garment industry)
CMTCampus Ministry Team (various schools)
CMTCarrie Music Television
CMTCore Management Team
CMTCompagnie Multi-Technique (French machinery manufacturer)
CMTConfiguration Management Tool
CMTCryptographic Module Testing
CMTCadmium Mercury Telluride
CMTCulturally Modified Tree (archaeology)
CMTCertified Medical Technician
CMTChiropractic Manipulative Therapy
CMTCellular Mobile Telephone
CMTCentral Macular Thickness (ophthalmology)
CMTCreative Market Tokyo (Japan)
CMTCoupled-Mode Theory (optics)
CMTCervical Motion Tenderness
CMTChâtenay Malabry Tennis (French tennis club)
CMTChinese Medicine Times (various locations)
CMTConstruction Management Team
CMTContract Management Team
CMTCyberterra Mean Time (virtual realm)
CMTCentre for Music Technology (University of Glasgow, UK)
CMTComputer Mediated Technology (social interaction and education)
CMTCanine Massage Therapy
CMTCoaching, Mentoring, Training
CMTCompagnie Méridionale d'Application Thermique (French air conditioning company)
CMTCombat Medical Technician (British Army Royal Army Medical Corps)
CMTCellular Messaging Teleservice
CMTCombat Maneuver Training
CMTContinuous Mapping Theorem
CMTCommon Military Training (Australian military)
CMTCréations Miniatures de Touraine (French: Miniature Creations of Touraine; Touraine, France)
CMTCircus Movement Tachycardia
CMTCable Management Trays
CMTCorvallis Micro Technology
CMTCertificate of Music Teaching (St. Cecilia School of Music; Australia)
CMTCardiac Monitor Technician
CMTCitizen's Military Training (Philippines)
CMTChildrens Musical Theatre
CMTConfiguration Management Team
CMTCommie Mutant Traitor (role playing game)
CMTCritical Mobile Targets
CMTContent Management Team
CMTCharacter-Mode Terminal (Nortel)
CMTCompany Maintenance Team
CMTContact Maintenance Truck
CMTCorrection Message Table
CMTCovariance Matrix Taper
CMTConfederation Management Tool
CMTCheck My Thread
CMTCorrected Mean Temperature
CMTContract Maintenance Team
CMTCanadian Mining Technology (MMS Canada)
CMTCourse Modeling Tool
CMTCompliance Management Tool (software used to track environmental compliance issues)
CMTChronic Multiple Tic (syndrome)
CMTCraft Manufacturing & Tooling (Hot Springs, Arkansas)
CMTCombat Mission Trainer
CMTCrew Maintenance Time
CMTCustomer Management and Technology (Sprint)
CMTCharge Medical Technician (USAF)
CMTCrane Motor Traction
CMTCertificate of Military Training (UK)
CMTChronic Mebendazole Therapy
CMTCybermedia Technologies, Inc.
CMTCountermine Tactics
CMTCritical Mission Thread
CMTControl, Monitor & Test
CMTComisión de Mercado de las Telcomunicaciones
CMTCorporate MOR Team
CMTCentrally Maintained Table (database management)
CMTComponent Management Tool
CMTCrew Mission Time (US Coast Guard)




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