durham fitting
Durham fitting
drainage fitting, Durham fitting
A cast-iron, threaded fitting, used on drainage pipes; has a shoulder such as to present a smooth, continuous interior surface.
faculty of education, university of toronto
faculty of electrical engineering and communication
faculty of engineering
faculty of engineering and technology
faculty office 5
faculty of forensic and legal medicine
faculty of geo science
faculty of graduate and postdoctoral studies
faculty of graduate studies
faculty of graduate studies and research
faculty of health sciences
faculty of hospitality and tourism studies
faculty of informatics and information technology
faculty of informatics masaryk university
faculty of information and media studies
faculty of information sciences and engineering
faculty of information studies
faculty of information studies student council
faculty of information technology
faculty of intensive care of the australian and new zealand college of anaesthetists
faculty of liberal arts
faculty of management studies
faculty of medicine university of indonesia
faculty of pharmaceutical medicine
faculty of pharmacy cairo university
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