Emelianov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich

Emel’ianov, Nikolai Aleksandrovich


Born Dec. 20, 1871, (Jan. 1, 1872), in Sestroretsk; died there Aug. 13, 1958. Active participant in the Russian revolutionary movement; worker in the Sestroretsk arms plant. Member of the Communist Party from 1904. Son of a worker.

Emel’ianov joined a Social Democratic organization in 1899. He organized adruzhina (armed workers’ detachment) in 1905 and participated in the transport of arms and revolutionary literature from Finland. In the autumn of that year, he made the acquaintance of V. I. Lenin. Emel’ianov was repeatedly subjected to reprisals. After the February Revolution of 1917, he was elected as a deputy to the Petrograd Soviet. In July and August of 1917, he hid Lenin in Razliv from persecution by the bourgeois Provisional Government. During October he took part in the defense of Smol’ny and the storming of the Winter Palace. In 1919 he served as chairman of the Sestroretsk city soviet, and in 1921 he took part in putting down the Kronstadt Rebellion. In late 1921, he went abroad as an agent of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Trade, and in 1925 he began economic work in home management. In 1932 he retired on a personal pension. V. I. Lenin characterized Emel’ianov as “the best and most reliable Petrograd worker” (Poln. sobr. soch., 5th ed., vol. 50, p. 295). He was awarded the Order of Lenin.


“V poslednem podpol’e.” In Vospominaniia o V. I. Lenine, vol. 2. Moscow, 1969. Pages 410–16.


Mushtukov, V. Riadovoi leninskoi gvardii. Moscow, 1965.
Mushtukov, V. “N. A. Emel’ianov.” In Geroi Oktiabria, vol. 1. Leningrad, 1967.