Acronym | Definition |
BUP➣Barn- och Ungdomspsykiatri (Sweden) |
BUP➣Bononia University Press (University of Bologna; Italy) |
BUP➣Back up File |
BUP➣Bangladesh Unnayan Parishad (Bangladeshi development organization) |
BUP➣Bachillerato Unificado Polivalente |
BUP➣Business Unit Performance |
BUP➣Barracks Upgrade Program |
BUP➣Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania |
BUP➣Bureau of Unclaimed Property |
BUP➣Build Up Pallet (shipping) |
BUP➣Base Unifiée Presse (French: Unified Press Base) |
BUP➣Business Unit Plan |
BUP➣Back-Up Plate |
BUP➣Bureau des Utopies & des Progrès (French: Office of Utopias & Progress) |