

单词 cmp
释义 DictionarySeecardiomyopathy



(cytidine monophosphate): see cytosinecytosine
, organic base of the pyrimidine family. It was isolated from the nucleic acid of calf thymus tissue in 1894. A suggested structure for cytosine, published in 1903, was confirmed in the same year when that base was synthesized in the laboratory.
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On drawings, abbr. for “corrugated metal pipe.”


(1)cellular multiprocessing.


(2)Container Managed Persistance.


(3)Configuration Management Plan.


(1) Formerly CMP Media, CMP was acquired by United News and Media in 1999. See UBM.

(2) (Cellular MultiProcessing) An earlier multiprocessing architecture for Intel CPUs from Unisys. Providing up to 32 processors that are crossbar connected to 64GB of memory and 96 PCI cards, a CMP system provided mainframe-like architecture using Intel CPUs. CMP supported Windows NT and 2000 Server, AIX, NetWare and UnixWare and could run as one large SMP system or multiple systems with different operating systems. See SMP.

Eight Subpods, Four Crossbars
A CMP subpod contained four x86 or Itanium CPUs, which connected through a third-level memory cache to the crossbar. Each crossbar supported two subpods, two direct I/O bridges (DIBs) and connected to four memory storage units (MSUs). This diagram shows the four crossbars and all eight subpods that made up a complete CMP system.



Symbol for cytidine 5'-monophosphate (secondarily, for any cytidine monophosphate).


Abbreviation for:
cartilage matrix protein
caudal mesenteric plexus
cell membrane protein
chondrocyte metalloprotease
chronic marginal periodontitis
civil monetary penalty
Civilian Medical Practitioner (Medspeak-UK)
competitive medical plan
comprehensive metabolic panel
cow milk protein
cytidine monophosphate
cytosine monophosphate


Abbreviation for cytidine 5'-monophosphate (secondarily, any cytidine monophosphate).


(kard?e-o-mi-op'a-the) [ cardio- + myopathy],


Any disease that affects the heart muscle, diminishing cardiac performance.

alcoholic cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy caused by years of heavy alcohol abuse. Affected patients have enlarged hearts and left ventricular failure. Abstinence from alcohol may halt or reverse the course of the illness in some people.

arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

Abbreviation: ARVC
Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.

congestive cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy associated with enlargement of the left ventricle of the heart and congestive heart failure.

constrictive cardiomyopathy

Restrictive cardiomyopathy.

eosinophilic cardiomyopathy


hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Abbreviation: HCM
An autosomal dominant cardiomyopathy marked by excessive and disorganized growth of myofibrils, impaired filling of the heart (diastolic dysfunction), a reduction in the size of ventricular cavities, and, often, ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death. Examination of the heart by echocardiography or other modalities may show the enlargement of the heart to be most pronounced in the interventricular septum. Hypertrophy in that location may limit the flow of blood (and increase pressure gradients) from the left ventricle to the aorta. Abnormal anterior motion of the mitral valve during systole also may be found. These two findings are often designated on echocardiographic reports of patients with HCM by the abbreviation ASH-SAM (asymmetric septal hypertrophy–systolic anterior motion [of the mitral valve]). Other forms of HCM may affect only the cardiac apex or cause diffuse enlargement of the heart muscle. The mass of the left ventricle in HCM is > 500 g. See: illustration

Symptoms and Signs

Although patients may be asymptomatic for many years, they commonly report shortness of breath (particularly on exertion), fatigue, atypical chest pain (at rest and after meals), orthopnea, dizziness, and other symptoms of congestive heart failure after the heart muscle markedly enlarges. An S4 and a harsh crescendo-decrescendo systolic murmur, best heard at the left lower sternal border, may be present. Ventricular arrhythmias are common and may result in palpitations, syncope, or sudden death.


Drug therapies include beta blocking and calcium channel blocking drugs (such as verapamil) to slow heart rate, control arrhythmias, and reduce myocardial oxygen demand. Anticoagulants and antiarrhythmic agents are also occasionally used. For patients with marked enlargement of the ventricular septum and high outflow tract pressure gradients (> 50 mm Hg), surgical removal of the enlarged muscle or ablation often produces favorable improvements in exercise tolerance and breathing.

Patient care

Strenuous physical exercise should be discouraged because it may produce breathlessness, presyncope, or frank loss of consciousness. If applicable, the patient should be encouraged to lose weight, stop smoking, and limit alcohol intake. An implanted cardioverter/defibrillator (ICD) may be required. The patient should be advised to report symptoms of chest pain, prolonged dyspnea, or syncope promptly. First-degree relatives of those affected should be referred for evaluation.

idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy

Abbreviation: IDC
Cardiomyopathy of occult or uncertain cause, possibly due to viral infections, unrecognized toxic exposures, or a genetic predisposition, but not to ischemia, hypothyroidism, hypertension, valvular disease, or alcohol abuse.


General supportive therapy includes rest, weight control, abstinence from tobacco, and moderate exercise at a level that does not cause symptoms. A salt-restricted diet is recommended. Therapy includes the use of vasodilators, such as ACE inhibitors, and diuretics like furosemide. Anticoagulants are important to prevent thrombus formation. IDC is a principal indication for cardiac transplant.

cardiomyopathy of overload

Enlargement of heart muscle resulting from long-standing or severe hypertension or aortic stenosis. Like all other forms of cardiomyopathy, the end result is heart failure.

peripartum cardiomyopathy

Dilated cardiomyopathy occurring either in the last month of pregnancy or in the six months after delivery. Its cause is unknown, but it occurs more often in older and multiparous women.

primary cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy of unknown cause.

restrictive cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy associated with lack of flexibility of the ventricular walls. Common causes include amyloidosis, hemochromatosis, sarcoidosis, and other diseases in which the heart is infiltrated by foreign material or scarred. Synonym: constrictive cardiomyopathy

secondary cardiomyopathy

Any cardiomyopathy in which the cause is either known or associated with a well-defined systemic disease. Included are cardiomyopathies associated with inflammation, toxic chemicals, metabolic abnormalities, and inherited muscle disorders.

stress-induced cardiomyopathy

Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.

tachycardia-induced cardiomyopathy

Cardiac remodeling and dysfunction that results from a chronically increased heart rate, usually a supraventricular arrhythmia. It is treated with medications such as beta blockers that slow the heart rate.

takotsubo cardiomyopathy

Reversible dysfunction of the left ventricle. It may be the cause of transient heart failure that occurs after exceptionally stressful events. The heart in such instances takes on a rounded shape with a narrow neck, resembling a traditional Japanese lobster trap (takotsubo). It is informally called broken-heart syndrome. Synonym: apical ballooning syndrome; stress-induced cardiomyopathy; transient left ventricular apical ballooning

comprehensive metabolic panel



A frequently ordered cluster of lab tests, comprising measurements of serum electrolytes (sodium, potassium, chloride, and calcium), renal function (blood urea nitrogen [BUN] and creatinine), acid-base balance (bicarbonate), liver functions, and glucose. The test is obtained by drawing a blood sample from a peripheral vein or, in critical care, from a central vein. Synonym: complete metabolic panel
FinancialSeeCivil Money Penalty


CMPConnection Management Protocol
CMPCommunications plenum cable
CMPCooperative Marketing Partner
CMPCertified Meeting Professional
CMPChemical Mechanical Polishing
CMPCamp (street suffix)
CMPCivilian Marksmanship Program
CMPCode des Marchés Publics (French: Procurement Code)
CMPCentre Médico-Psychologique (French community mental health center)
CMPCamp On
CMPChange Management Process
CMPCorps of Military Police (various locations)
CMPCondensed Matter Physics (various organizations)
CMPCrédit Municipal de Paris (French bank; Paris, France)
CMPCentral Maine Power Company
CMPCalifornia Museum of Photography
CMPCommission Mixte Paritaire (French Parliament)
CMPChemical Mechanical Planarization
CMPContainer-Managed Persistence (Enterprise Java Beans)
CMPCreative Media Production (various organizations)
CMPCommunications in Mathematical Physics (Springer publication)
CMPCrapped My Pants
CMPCloud Management Platform (various companies)
CMPCoastal Management Program
CMPCalabogie Motorsports Park (Canada)
CMPCorrugated Metal Pipe
CMPContrats et Marchés Publics (French: Public Contracts and Markets; LexisNexis)
CMPChinese Medicine Practitioner
CMPCompensatory Mitigation Plan (various locations)
CMPCisco Meeting Place
CMPContainer Managed Persistence
CMPControl and Monitoring Processor
CMPChip Level Micro Processing
CMPCaching Multicast Protocol
CMPCertificate Management Protocol
CMPContent Management Platform
CMPChip Multi Processor
CMPConnection Manager Profile
CMPCamshaft Position
CMPCentre de Médecine Préventive (French: Center for Preventive Medicine)
CMPComprehensive Master Plan (various locations)
CMPChemicals Management Plan (Chemical Substances; Canada)
CMPCertificate Management Protocol (Internet protocol)
CMPComprehensive Metabolic Panel
CMPClamavi de Profundis (musical group)
CMPComprehensive Management Plan
CMPCivil Money Penalty
CMPCredential Maintenance Program (Green Building Certification Institute)
CMPCurrent Market Price
CMPCâmara Municipal do Porto (Portugal)
CMPControlled Materials Plan (US War Production Board)
CMPComprehensive Maintenance Plan (education)
CMPClosed Material Procedure (law; UK)
CMPCytidine 5'-Monophosphate
CMPContract Manufacturing and Packaging (publication)
CMPChemistry and Molecular Physics (various schools)
CMPCamshaft Position Sensor
CMPChip Multi-Processor
CMPConfiguration Management Plan
CMPCongestion Management Program
CMPCircuits Multi-Projets (French computer service organization)
CMPCertified Meeting Planner
CMPCaptioned Media Program
CMPCase Mix Programme (patient outcomes)
CMPCertified Music Practitioner
CMPComplete Meeting Package (convention/hospitality industry)
CMPCommand Module Pilot (US NASA Apollo missions)
CMPCalifornia Mathematics Project (California)
CMPCentre Microélectronique de Provence (French: Microelectronics Center of Provence; est. 2003)
CMPConservation Management Plan
CMPCanadian Mounted Police
CMPColegio Médico del Perú
CMPCrisis Management Plan
CMPCoastal Migratory Pelagics
CMPCreative Management Platform (advertising)
CMPCollections Management Policy (various organizations)
CMPComplete Metabolic Panel
CMPCentral de Movimentos Populares (Portuguese: Popular Movement Center; Brazil)
CMPCentre Mondial de la Paix (French: World Center of Peace)
CMPCapacity Management Process
CMPConceptual Master Plan (various organizations)
CMPConnected Mathematics Program
CMPCommon Mid-Point (reflection seismology, GPR)
CMPConstruction Management Professionals (various locations)
CMPCondition Management Programme (UK government initiative)
CMPConseil Marketing Publicité (French: Marketing Advertising Council)
CMPCase Management Program
CMPChamber Music Program (various organizations)
CMPCommon Minimum Program (Indian politics)
CMPCommunity Master Plan (various locations)
CMPConfiguration Management Process
CMPCentral Metabolic Pathway
CMPConstruction de Mécanique de Précision (French: Construction of Precision Mechanics)
CMPCercle Magique de Paris (French: Magic Circle of Paris; Paris, France)
CMPChondromalacia Patella
CMPCommunications Message Processor (US DoD)
CMPClean Marina Program
CMPCommunity Music Program (various locations)
CMPCapital Markets Project (various locations)
CMPCommon Mid Point (seismic exploration)
CMPChamber Music PLUS (Tucson, AZ)
CMPCanadian Military Pattern
CMPCourt Mediation Program (various locations)
CMPChip Level Multiprocessing
CMPCommercial Multi Peril (insurance)
CMPCertified Massage Practitioner (designation)
CMPCarbon Management Programme (UK)
CMPCongestion Management Procedure (various organizations)
CMPChemo-Mechanical Polishing
CMPCholet Mécanique de Précision (French: Cholet Precision Mechanics; Cholet, France)
CMPContract Management Plan
CMPCellular Multi Processing (Computer architecture designed by Unisys Corp)
CMPCoalition for Medical Progress
CMPCentral Maintenance Panel
CMPCarreaux et Mosaïques de Provence (French tile company)
CMPCourse Management Plan
CMPCable Management Panel
CMPCompliance Monitoring Program
CMPCommunity Meeting Point (UK)
CMPComprehensive Medical Plan
CMPCommand Message Processor (US DoD)
CMPColégio Municipal Pelotense (Portuguese: College Hall Pelotense; Brazil)
CMPClass Maintenance Plan
CMPConference Meeting Package (various locations)
CMPCornell Migrant Program (Cornell University; New York)
CMPChristian Music Place
CMPCopenhagen Malmo Port
CMPCourts Métrages de Providence (French: Short Films of Providence; film enthusiasts' club)
CMPCow Milk Protein
CMPComplete Metabolic Profile
CMPCertified Mulligan Practitioner
CMPCommon Message Processor
CMPCooperative Marketing Program
CMPCertified Medical Planner
CMPContinuous Monitoring Program
CMPCanadian Mind Products
CMPConcomitant Medical Problem
CMPCooperative Marketing Partner (DEC)
CMPCompanion Virus (virus scanners)
CMPCommittee for Missing Persons (Cyprus)
CMPCompogravure Munsch Packaging (French packaging supply company)
CMPContinuous Mill Plate (steel manufacturing)
CMPCombat Marksmanship Program (US Marine Corps)
CMPCritical Measurements Program (Missile Defense Agency)
CMPCareer Motivation Program (various organizations)
CMPComité Mixte à La Production (French)
CMPCooperative Mobility Program (Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development, MIT)
CMPCertified Management Professional (London Academy of Professional Management, London, England)
CMPComplaint Mediation Panel (New York County Lawyers' Association)
CMPChild Maintenance Premium (UK)
CMPComplete Mentoring Program (software)
CMPCommunity Manufacturing Partnership
CMPConstrained Market Pricing
CMPChemical Measurement Process
CMPCapacitively-coupled Microwave Plasma (usually seen as CCMP)
CMPChemicals, Metals and Pesticides (Pits)
CMPCOE Message Processor
CMPCertified Magic Professional
CMPChristian Movement for Peace (Peru)
CMPChina Main Port
CMPCost Management Process
CMPCash Management and Payments
CMPCall My Phone
CMPCoastal Monitoring Program
CMPCâmara Municipal de Portel
CMPComponent Portion (ANSI)
CMPChris Moses Productions
CMPCiviel Medisch Personeel
CMPCounter Military Potential
CMPCervical Myofascial Pain
CMPCorrective Measures Plan
CMPCoupled Model Project
CMPCorporate Maintenance Philosophy
CMPCommunication Module Processor
CMP1-(1',4'-Cyclohexadienyl)-2-Methylaminopropane (found in methamphetamine)
CMPCruise Missiles Project
CMPClimate Modeling Program
CMPCommunity Mediation Project
CMPCalifornia Medical Physics, Inc.
CMPCitizen's Monitoring Program
CMPCooperative Management Protocol
CMPCritical Materials Program
CMPCustom Mass-Production
CMPComputational Map Processor
CMPConstrained Mirror Placement
CMPCommon Management Protocol
CMPCommand Monitor Panel
CMPConstant Monthly Prepayment
CMPControl & Maintenance Panel
CMPCommunity Managed Project
CMPCutting, Making, Packing
CMPContract Monitoring Point
CMPConventional Munitions Plan
CMPChapel Management Personnel
CMPCheyenne Mountain Air Station Message Processor
CMPConfiguration/Change Management Plan/Procedures
CMPConnecting Math and Physics
CMPContract Material Planning
CMPCurrent Maintenance Plan
CMPCommunication Management Process (ITI)
CMPColumbus Midrange Engine Plant (Indiana)
CMPCompact Model Potential
CMPChannel Module Processor
CMPCentral Message Processing
CMPCritical Maintenance Plan
CMPChocolate, Marshmallow, and Peanut
CMPCorpo Musicale di Parre




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