Acronym | Definition |
CMP➣Connection Management Protocol |
CMP➣Communications plenum cable |
CMP➣Cooperative Marketing Partner |
CMP➣Certified Meeting Professional |
CMP➣Chemical Mechanical Polishing |
CMP➣Compare |
CMP➣Camp (street suffix) |
CMP➣Civilian Marksmanship Program |
CMP➣Code des Marchés Publics (French: Procurement Code) |
CMP➣Centre Médico-Psychologique (French community mental health center) |
CMP➣Camp On |
CMP➣Change Management Process |
CMP➣Computational |
CMP➣Corps of Military Police (various locations) |
CMP➣Condensed Matter Physics (various organizations) |
CMP➣Crédit Municipal de Paris (French bank; Paris, France) |
CMP➣Central Maine Power Company |
CMP➣California Museum of Photography |
CMP➣Commission Mixte Paritaire (French Parliament) |
CMP➣Chemical Mechanical Planarization |
CMP➣Container-Managed Persistence (Enterprise Java Beans) |
CMP➣Creative Media Production (various organizations) |
CMP➣Communications in Mathematical Physics (Springer publication) |
CMP➣Crapped My Pants |
CMP➣Cloud Management Platform (various companies) |
CMP➣Coastal Management Program |
CMP➣Calabogie Motorsports Park (Canada) |
CMP➣Corrugated Metal Pipe |
CMP➣Contrats et Marchés Publics (French: Public Contracts and Markets; LexisNexis) |
CMP➣Chinese Medicine Practitioner |
CMP➣Compensatory Mitigation Plan (various locations) |
CMP➣Cisco Meeting Place |
CMP➣Container Managed Persistence |
CMP➣Control and Monitoring Processor |
CMP➣Chip Level Micro Processing |
CMP➣Caching Multicast Protocol |
CMP➣Certificate Management Protocol |
CMP➣Content Management Platform |
CMP➣Chip Multi Processor |
CMP➣Connection Manager Profile |
CMP➣Camshaft Position |
CMP➣Centre de Médecine Préventive (French: Center for Preventive Medicine) |
CMP➣Comprehensive Master Plan (various locations) |
CMP➣Chemicals Management Plan (Chemical Substances; Canada) |
CMP➣Certificate Management Protocol (Internet protocol) |
CMP➣Comprehensive Metabolic Panel |
CMP➣Clamavi de Profundis (musical group) |
CMP➣Cardiomyopathy |
CMP➣Comprehensive Management Plan |
CMP➣Civil Money Penalty |
CMP➣Credential Maintenance Program (Green Building Certification Institute) |
CMP➣Current Market Price |
CMP➣Câmara Municipal do Porto (Portugal) |
CMP➣Controlled Materials Plan (US War Production Board) |
CMP➣Comprehensive Maintenance Plan (education) |
CMP➣Closed Material Procedure (law; UK) |
CMP➣Cytidine 5'-Monophosphate |
CMP➣Contract Manufacturing and Packaging (publication) |
CMP➣Chemistry and Molecular Physics (various schools) |
CMP➣Camshaft Position Sensor |
CMP➣Chip Multi-Processor |
CMP➣Configuration Management Plan |
CMP➣Congestion Management Program |
CMP➣Circuits Multi-Projets (French computer service organization) |
CMP➣Certified Meeting Planner |
CMP➣Captioned Media Program |
CMP➣Case Mix Programme (patient outcomes) |
CMP➣Certified Music Practitioner |
CMP➣Complete Meeting Package (convention/hospitality industry) |
CMP➣Command Module Pilot (US NASA Apollo missions) |
CMP➣California Mathematics Project (California) |
CMP➣Centre Microélectronique de Provence (French: Microelectronics Center of Provence; est. 2003) |
CMP➣Conservation Management Plan |
CMP➣Canadian Mounted Police |
CMP➣Colegio Médico del Perú |
CMP➣Clomipramine |
CMP➣Crisis Management Plan |
CMP➣Coastal Migratory Pelagics |
CMP➣Creative Management Platform (advertising) |
CMP➣Collections Management Policy (various organizations) |
CMP➣Complete Metabolic Panel |
CMP➣Central de Movimentos Populares (Portuguese: Popular Movement Center; Brazil) |
CMP➣Centre Mondial de la Paix (French: World Center of Peace) |
CMP➣Capacity Management Process |
CMP➣Conceptual Master Plan (various organizations) |
CMP➣Connected Mathematics Program |
CMP➣Common Mid-Point (reflection seismology, GPR) |
CMP➣Construction Management Professionals (various locations) |
CMP➣Condition Management Programme (UK government initiative) |
CMP➣Conseil Marketing Publicité (French: Marketing Advertising Council) |
CMP➣Case Management Program |
CMP➣Chamber Music Program (various organizations) |
CMP➣Common Minimum Program (Indian politics) |
CMP➣Community Master Plan (various locations) |
CMP➣Configuration Management Process |
CMP➣Central Metabolic Pathway |
CMP➣Construction de Mécanique de Précision (French: Construction of Precision Mechanics) |
CMP➣Cercle Magique de Paris (French: Magic Circle of Paris; Paris, France) |
CMP➣Chondromalacia Patella |
CMP➣Communications Message Processor (US DoD) |
CMP➣Clean Marina Program |
CMP➣Community Music Program (various locations) |
CMP➣Capital Markets Project (various locations) |
CMP➣Common Mid Point (seismic exploration) |
CMP➣Chamber Music PLUS (Tucson, AZ) |
CMP➣Canadian Military Pattern |
CMP➣Court Mediation Program (various locations) |
CMP➣Chip Level Multiprocessing |
CMP➣Commercial Multi Peril (insurance) |
CMP➣Certified Massage Practitioner (designation) |
CMP➣Carbon Management Programme (UK) |
CMP➣Congestion Management Procedure (various organizations) |
CMP➣Chemo-Mechanical Polishing |
CMP➣Cholet Mécanique de Précision (French: Cholet Precision Mechanics; Cholet, France) |
CMP➣Contract Management Plan |
CMP➣Cellular Multi Processing (Computer architecture designed by Unisys Corp) |
CMP➣Coalition for Medical Progress |
CMP➣Central Maintenance Panel |
CMP➣Carreaux et Mosaïques de Provence (French tile company) |
CMP➣Course Management Plan |
CMP➣Cable Management Panel |
CMP➣Compliance Monitoring Program |
CMP➣Community Meeting Point (UK) |
CMP➣Comprehensive Medical Plan |
CMP➣Command Message Processor (US DoD) |
CMP➣Colégio Municipal Pelotense (Portuguese: College Hall Pelotense; Brazil) |
CMP➣Class Maintenance Plan |
CMP➣Conference Meeting Package (various locations) |
CMP➣Cornell Migrant Program (Cornell University; New York) |
CMP➣Christian Music Place |
CMP➣Copenhagen Malmo Port |
CMP➣Courts Métrages de Providence (French: Short Films of Providence; film enthusiasts' club) |
CMP➣Cow Milk Protein |
CMP➣Complete Metabolic Profile |
CMP➣Certified Mulligan Practitioner |
CMP➣Common Message Processor |
CMP➣Cooperative Marketing Program |
CMP➣Certified Medical Planner |
CMP➣Continuous Monitoring Program |
CMP➣Canadian Mind Products |
CMP➣Concomitant Medical Problem |
CMP➣Cooperative Marketing Partner (DEC) |
CMP➣Companion Virus (virus scanners) |
CMP➣Committee for Missing Persons (Cyprus) |
CMP➣Compogravure Munsch Packaging (French packaging supply company) |
CMP➣Continuous Mill Plate (steel manufacturing) |
CMP➣Combat Marksmanship Program (US Marine Corps) |
CMP➣Critical Measurements Program (Missile Defense Agency) |
CMP➣Career Motivation Program (various organizations) |
CMP➣Comité Mixte à La Production (French) |
CMP➣Cooperative Mobility Program (Center for Technology, Policy, and Industrial Development, MIT) |
CMP➣Certified Management Professional (London Academy of Professional Management, London, England) |
CMP➣Complaint Mediation Panel (New York County Lawyers' Association) |
CMP➣Child Maintenance Premium (UK) |
CMP➣Complete Mentoring Program (software) |
CMP➣Community Manufacturing Partnership |
CMP➣Constrained Market Pricing |
CMP➣Chemical Measurement Process |
CMP➣Capacitively-coupled Microwave Plasma (usually seen as CCMP) |
CMP➣Chemicals, Metals and Pesticides (Pits) |
CMP➣COE Message Processor |
CMP➣Certified Magic Professional |
CMP➣Christian Movement for Peace (Peru) |
CMP➣China Main Port |
CMP➣Cost Management Process |
CMP➣Cash Management and Payments |
CMP➣Call My Phone |
CMP➣Coastal Monitoring Program |
CMP➣Câmara Municipal de Portel |
CMP➣Component Portion (ANSI) |
CMP➣Chris Moses Productions |
CMP➣Civiel Medisch Personeel |
CMP➣Counter Military Potential |
CMP➣Cervical Myofascial Pain |
CMP➣Corrective Measures Plan |
CMP➣Coupled Model Project |
CMP➣Corporate Maintenance Philosophy |
CMP➣Communication Module Processor |
CMP➣1-(1',4'-Cyclohexadienyl)-2-Methylaminopropane (found in methamphetamine) |
CMP➣Cruise Missiles Project |
CMP➣Climate Modeling Program |
CMP➣Community Mediation Project |
CMP➣California Medical Physics, Inc. |
CMP➣Citizen's Monitoring Program |
CMP➣Cooperative Management Protocol |
CMP➣Critical Materials Program |
CMP➣Custom Mass-Production |
CMP➣Computational Map Processor |
CMP➣Constrained Mirror Placement |
CMP➣Common Management Protocol |
CMP➣Command Monitor Panel |
CMP➣Constant Monthly Prepayment |
CMP➣Control & Maintenance Panel |
CMP➣Community Managed Project |
CMP➣Cutting, Making, Packing |
CMP➣Contract Monitoring Point |
CMP➣Conventional Munitions Plan |
CMP➣Chapel Management Personnel |
CMP➣Cheyenne Mountain Air Station Message Processor |
CMP➣Configuration/Change Management Plan/Procedures |
CMP➣Connecting Math and Physics |
CMP➣Contract Material Planning |
CMP➣Current Maintenance Plan |
CMP➣Communication Management Process (ITI) |
CMP➣Columbus Midrange Engine Plant (Indiana) |
CMP➣Compact Model Potential |
CMP➣Channel Module Processor |
CMP➣Central Message Processing |
CMP➣Critical Maintenance Plan |
CMP➣Chocolate, Marshmallow, and Peanut |
CMP➣Corpo Musicale di Parre |