CTIDCoronado Tourism Improvement District (California)
CTIDCity Till I Die
CTIDCancer Treatment-Induced Diarrhea
CTIDCarrosserie Tôlerie Industrielle Deprez (French industrial sheet metal company)
CTIDCommunications Transmission Identifier (US DoD)
CTIDChaudronnerie Tuyauterie Industrielle de la Dordogne (French: Dordogne Industrial Piping and Boilermaking; Dordogne, France)
CTIDCentre for Tropical and Infectious Diseases (Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine; UK)
CTIDChurches Together in Daventry (UK)
CTIDCurrent Topics in Infectious Diseases (conference)
CTIDClothing, Textiles and Interior Design (various locations)
CTIDChemically Targeted Identification
CTIDCorporate Technology I.D. (Newport Beach, CA)
CTIDChelsea 'til I Die (football club fan slogan)