Bunich, Pavel
Bunich, Pavel Grigor’evich
Born Oct. 25, 1929, in Moscow. Soviet economist. Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1970). Member of the CPSU since 1956.
Bunich graduated from the economics department of Moscow State University in 1952. In 1955 he embarked on a career of scholarly research and teaching, becoming a professor in 1963. In 1972 he was made chairman of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR on the Comprehensive Study of the Scientific Foundations of Profit-and-Loss Accounting. Bunich’s principal works are on economic management, the fixed capital stock and production capacities of industry, the circulating capital of industry, and socialist finance.
Aktual’nye voprosy effektivnogo ispol’zovaniia proizvodstvennykh moshchnostei i osnovnykh fondov. Moscow, 1963.Voprosy polnogo khoziaistvennogo rascheta v promyshlennosti. Moscow, 1966.
Effektivnost’ ispol’zovaniia osnovnykh fondov. Moscow, 1966.
Problemy khoziaistvennogo rascheta i finansov v usloviiakh reformy. Moscow, 1970.
Khoziaistvennyi raschet i effektivnost’ proizvodstva. Moscow, 1974.
Ekonomika mirovogo okeana. Moscow, 1977.