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DictionarySeeframeBalkan frame
frame [frām] a rigid supporting structure or a structure for immobilizing a part.Balkan frame an apparatus for continuous extension in treatment of fractures of the femur, consisting of an overhead bar, with pulleys attached, by which the leg is supported in a sling.Bradford frame a rectangular structure of gas pipe across which are stretched two strips of canvas, once used as a bed frame for patients with fractures or disease of the hip or spine.quadriplegic standing frame a device for supporting in the upright position a patient whose four limbs are paralyzed.Stryker frame see stryker frame.Bal·kan framean overhead frame, supported on uprights attached to the bedposts or to a separate stand, from which a splinted limb is slung in the treatment of fracture or joint disease. Synonym(s): Balkan beam, Balkan splintBal·kan frame , Balkan splint (bawl'kăn frām, splint) An overhead frame, supported on uprights attached to the bedposts or to a separate stand, from which a splinted limb is slung in the treatment of fracture or joint disease. Balkans, the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, which include Romania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia. Balkan frame - metal frame above a bed which provides for limb suspension, named for the Balkan wars, 1908-1913.Balkan nephrectomyBalkan nephritis - chronic progressive nephritis seen predominantly in Balkan countries.Balkan nephropathy - interstitial nephritis occurring in the Balkan countries. |