

单词 cmo



Abbreviation for calculated mean organism; chief medical officer.


Abbreviation for:
career medical officer
case management organisation
Chief Medical Officer (Medspeak-UK)
Clinical Medical Officer (Medspeak-UK)
competitive medical organisation
cyclohexanone monooxygenase
cystoid macular oedema


Managed care Chief medical officer, see there.



See: Collateralized mortgage obligation

Collateralized Mortgage Obligation

An asset-backed security backed by mortgages. Banks package and sell their receivables on mortgages to investors in order to reduce the risk coming from defaults. Returns on CMOs are paid in tranches; that is, an individual mortgages backing CMOs have different maturities and investors are paid out according to their level of investment. Banks offer higher interest rates to investors willing to buy CMOs backed by higher-risk mortgages, such as subprime mortgages. See also: Collateralized loan obligation.


See collateralized mortgage obligation.

Collateralized mortgage obligation (CMO).

CMOs are fixed-income investments backed by mortgages or pools of mortgages.

A conventional mortgage-backed security has a single interest rate and maturity date. In contrast, the pool of mortgages in a CMO is divided into four tranches, each with a different interest rate and term.

Owners of the first three tranches receive regular interest payments and principal is repaid to reflect the order in which the tranches mature. The fourth tranche is usually a deep-discount zero coupon bond on which interest accrues until maturity, when the full face value is repaid.

CMOs usually involve high-quality mortgages or those guaranteed by the government. Their yield may be lower than those of other mortgage-backed investments.

However, the way in which they are repaid makes them especially attractive to institutional investors including insurance companies and pension funds.

The risk, as with all mortgage-backed securities, is that a change in interest rates can affect the rate of repayment and the market value of the CMO.


See collateralized mortgage obligation.


CMOChief Marketing Officer (various companies)
CMOChi-Mei Optoelectronics (TFT/LCD monitor technology)
CMOChief Medical Officer
CMOCentral Meteorological Observatory (Japan)
CMOCrédit Mutuel Océan (French bank)
CMOCongés de Maladie Ordinaire (French: Regular Sick Leave)
CMOCommunications and Marketing Office (various locations)
CMOCampus Ministry Office (various locations)
CMOCollateralized Mortgage Obligation
CMOCubic Mile of Oil (energy unit)
CMOChief Merchandising Officer (various companies)
CMOConfiguration Management Office
CMOCourt-Martial Order (US military)
CMOCivil-Military Operations
CMOChemult (Amtrak station code; Chemult, OR)
CMOContractor Management Outsourcing
CMOCare Management Organization
CMOCreep Me Out
CMOCommunication Médiatisée par Ordinateur (French: Computer Mediated Communication)
CMOChief Military Observer (US DoD)
CMOContract Manufacturing Organisation
CMOContract Management Office
CMOCentre Missionnaire Oblat (French: Oblate Missionary Center; Canada)
CMOChief Morale Officer (various organizations)
CMOConstructions Modernes de l'Ouest (French: Modern Buildings of the West)
CMOCurrent Market Outlook
CMOChief Magic Official (Disney job)
CMOCheck Me Out
CMOCommon Market Organization (European Union)
CMOCare Management Officer (health care)
CMOCisco Mobile Office
CMOCentre Militaire d'Océanographie (French: Military Oceanography Center)
CMOClezardin Machines et Outillages (French machinery manufacturer)
CMOContract Modification Order
CMOCertificate Management Office
CMOCount Me Out
CMOCaribbean Meteorological Organization
CMOCouncil of Ministers' Office (various organizations)
CMOConstruction Métallique de l'Ouest (French steel construction company)
CMOComfort Measures Only (similar to hospice care)
CMOConfiguration Management Office(r)
CMOCarrelage et Moquette de l'Océan (French flooring company)
CMOCrisis Management Operations
CMOCustoms Memorandum Order (Philippines)
CMOCompetitive Mounted Orienteering (equestrian sport)
CMOCollections Management Office(r) (US DoD)
CMOCentral MASINT Office (now Central MASINT Organization)
CMOConstruction Modulaire Organisation (French: Modular Construction Organization)
CMOConstructions Mécaniques Outillages (French: Mechanical Construction Tools)
CMOCentral Moneymarkets Office (UK banking)
CMOCorticosterone Methyloxidase
CMOCity Managers Office
CMOCentral MASINT Organization (formerly Central MASINT Office)
CMOChief Maintenance Officer
CMOCivil-Military Overview (NATO)
CMOCentro Médico Oftálmico (Spanish: Ophthalmic Medical Center)
CMOCivil-Military Officer
CMOCash Management Officer (job title)
CMOChief Mortgage Officer (various companies)
CMOCanonical Molecular Orbital
CMOCincinnati Metropolitan Orchestra (Cincinnati, OH)
CMOCollective Management Organization (World Intellectual Property Organization)
CMOCurrent Mode of Operation
CMOCatholic Media Office (UK)
CMOConvoy Movement Order
CMOCrisis Management Organization
CMOContract Manufacturing Operation
CMOChinese Mathematics Olympiad
CMOCalculated Mean Organism
CMOCarpathian Mountain Outreach (Ukraine)
CMOConfiguration Management Organization
CMOCoverage Mission Order
CMOCommodore's Messenger Organisation
CMOCentro Médico Odescalchi (Italian)
CMOCentrum Mot Olikfientlighet (Sweden)
CMOCourt of Military Order (Congo)
CMOCorporate Manufacturing Objects
CMOChicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, and Omaha Railroad
CMOCash Me Out (poker)
CMOChief Monitoring Officer
CMOCommunications Management Organization
CMOCollection Management Office/Organization
CMOControlled Materials Officer
CMOCommunity Manager's Office
CMOCentralized Mortgage Obligation
CMOCurrent Method of Operation
CMOClandestine Mission Objective
CMOCircuit Management Office




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