aristotelian method

ar·is·to·te·li·an meth·od

a method of study that stresses the relation between a general category and a particular object.

ar·is·to·te·li·an method

(ă-ris-tŏ-tē'lē-ăn meth'ŏd) A system of reasoning based on the teachings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384-322 bce). It posits that we form universal ideas (e.g., tree, beauty) by abstracting from reality and universal propositions (e.g., all men are mortal) by induction. True and certain knowledge can be attained by deduction through the vigorous applications of logical principles.


Greek philosopher and scientist, 384-322 B.C. Aristotelian method - a method of study that stresses the relation between a general category and a particular object.Aristotle anomaly