Acronym | Definition |
CMM➣Capability Maturity Model (Software Engineering Institute) |
CMM➣Coordinate Measuring Machine (laser tracker) |
CMM➣Computerized Maintenance Management (job) |
CMM➣Certification in Meeting Management (Meeting Professionals International) |
CMM➣Coal Mine Methane |
CMM➣Communauté Métropolitaine de Montréal |
CMM➣Color Management Module |
CMM➣Call Me Maybe (song) |
CMM➣Center for Molecular Medicine (various locations) |
CMM➣Calvert Marine Museum (Maryland) |
CMM➣Chad Michael Murray |
CMM➣Center for Molecular Modeling (US NIH) |
CMM➣Centre for Multilevel Modelling (University of Bristol; Bristol, UK) |
CMM➣Conflict Management and Mitigation (USAID) |
CMM➣Capability Maturity Model |
CMM➣Color Matching Method |
CMM➣Coefficient Memory Module |
CMM➣Common Mptn Manager |
CMM➣Cisco Multicast Manager |
CMM➣Corel Multimedia Manager |
CMM➣Condition Monitored Maintenance |
CMM➣Chassis Management Module |
CMM➣Coordinate Measuring Machine |
CMM➣Cisco Communication Media Module |
CMM➣Consulting Marketing Management (various locations) |
CMM➣Component Maintenance Manual |
CMM➣Communication Media Module (Cisco) |
CMM➣Cluster Management Module (various companies) |
CMM➣Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma |
CMM➣Centre de Morphologie Mathématique (Ecole des Mines de Paris, France) |
CMM➣Certified Marina Manager (business designation) |
CMM➣Consumer and Multimedia (Optus; Australia) |
CMM➣Câmara Municipal de Mangualde (Portugese: City Council of Mangualde) |
CMM➣Cash Money Millionaires |
CMM➣Creative Media Marketing (New York, NY) |
CMM➣Common Meta-Model (computing) |
CMM➣Certified Matchmaker |
CMM➣Consommation Moyenne Mensuelle (French: Average Monthly Consumption) |
CMM➣Consistent Mass Matrix (structural mechanics) |
CMM➣Center for Medicare Management (major component of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) |
CMM➣Color Matching Module |
CMM➣Centre for Molecular Medicine |
CMM➣Converting Machinery/Materials (Conference) |
CMM➣Conformal Mapping Method (geometry) |
CMM➣Centre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (University of Western Australia) |
CMM➣Certified Medical Manager (Professional Association of Health Care Office Management) |
CMM➣Commission for Marine Meteorology (WMO) |
CMM➣Crusaders of Might and Magic (gaming) |
CMM➣Contextual Menu Module |
CMM➣Certified Medical Micropigmentologist (cosmetics) |
CMM➣Contextual Menu Manager (Apple Macintosh) |
CMM➣Customized MarketMail (USPS) |
CMM➣Cranial Mediastinal Mass |
CMM➣Coordinated Measuring Machine |
CMM➣Christian Music Ministries (Birmingham, England) |
CMM➣Classic Motor Monthly (Magazine) |
CMM➣Centre de Météorologie Marine |
CMM➣Channel Marketing Manager |
CMM➣Color Management Method |
CMM➣Cubic Meter per Minute (air flow measurement) |
CMM➣Civilian Manpower Management |
CMM➣Commander of the Order of Military Merit (Canada) |
CMM➣Certified Municipal Manager (Ontario Municipal Management Institute) |
CMM➣Cercle des Mycologues de Montreal (French: Mycologists Society of Montreal; Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
CMM➣Computer Measuring Machine |
CMM➣Celebrity Model Management |
CMM➣Commercial Maintenance Manual |
CMM➣Change Management Methodology (telephony) |
CMM➣Central Maine Midwives |
CMM➣Computerized Measuring Machine |
CMM➣Corporate Mid Market (corporate sector) |
CMM➣Center for Modular Microsystems (Louisiana State University) |
CMM➣Connell Mott Macdonald (civil engineering firm) |
CMM➣Chief Machinist Mate (US Navy) |
CMM➣Chaudronnerie Mécanique Montoise (French boiler mechanics company) |
CMM➣Configuration Management Method (UK project management) |
CMM➣Condition Monitored Maintenance (NASA) |
CMM➣Common Modular Missile |
CMM➣Coal Market Module (DOE, NEMS) |
CMM➣Composants Mobilier Métallique (French: Metal Furniture Components) |
CMM➣Configuration Management Manual |
CMM➣Certified Minerals Manager |
CMM➣Coquillages Mer Méditerranée (French: Mediterranean Sea Shells) |
CMM➣Comfrey, Marshmallow, Marigold (ointment) |
CMM➣Congress of Molecular Medicine |
CMM➣Correlation Memory Matrix |
CMM➣Crisis Management Manual |
CMM➣Construction Mécanique et Maintenance (French: Construction and Maintenance Mechanics) |
CMM➣Conseil des Musulmans à Massy (French: Council of Muslims in Massy; Massy, France) |
CMM➣Construction Method Modeler |
CMM➣Corridor Map Method |
CMM➣Cargo Movement Module |
CMM➣Chassis Monitoring and Management |
CMM➣Claymore Mine |
CMM➣Core Memory Module |
CMM➣Compagnie Marseillaise des Métaux (French metal trading company) |
CMM➣Cell Membrane Model |
CMM➣Civil and Mechanical Systems division (National Science Foundation) |
CMM➣Computer Main Memory |
CMM➣Computational Molecular Modeling |
CMM➣Crisis Management Model |
CMM➣Catastrophic Major Medical Insurance |
CMM➣Core Memory Model |
CMM➣Christ de Maison en Maison (French Christian group) |
CMM➣Centre Musical de Marsannay-la-Côte (French music center) |
CMM➣Composite Memory Modules |
CMM➣Congregation of Marian Hill Missionaries (religious order) |
CMM➣Covenant Messenger Ministries (Ghana, West Africa) |
CMM➣Corrective Maintenance Management |
CMM➣Channel Marketmakers Ltd. (Southampton, England) |
CMM➣Club Multisport de Mutigny (French: Multisport Club of Mutigny; Mutigny, France) |
CMM➣Control/Mechanics/Materials |
CMM➣CNO (Chief of Naval Operations) Morning Meeting (US DoD) |
CMM➣Centre du Management Mental (French information security company) |
CMM➣Citrate Minimal Medium |
CMM➣Ciment Métallurgique Mixte (French: Metallurgical Mixed Cement) |