

单词 cmm
释义 DictionarySeesei



Capability Maturity Model


(Capability Maturity Model) A process developed by SEI in 1986 to help improve, over time, the application of an organization's supporting software technologies. The process is broken into five levels of sequential development: Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Managed and Optimizing.

Rating an Organization's Maturity
The levels provide a scale for measuring an organization's capacity to effectively use its software technologies. They also help prioritize software improvement efforts. The more an organization depends on formal rules to keep software projects relevant, within budget and on schedule, the more advanced the organization's software development "maturity."

CMMI (CMM Integration)
A more rigorous version of CMM, CMMI defines more process areas and best practices. For more information, visit www.sei.cmu.edu/cmmi. See SEI.


CMMCapability Maturity Model (Software Engineering Institute)
CMMCoordinate Measuring Machine (laser tracker)
CMMComputerized Maintenance Management (job)
CMMCertification in Meeting Management (Meeting Professionals International)
CMMCoal Mine Methane
CMMCommunauté Métropolitaine de Montréal
CMMColor Management Module
CMMCall Me Maybe (song)
CMMCenter for Molecular Medicine (various locations)
CMMCalvert Marine Museum (Maryland)
CMMChad Michael Murray
CMMCenter for Molecular Modeling (US NIH)
CMMCentre for Multilevel Modelling (University of Bristol; Bristol, UK)
CMMConflict Management and Mitigation (USAID)
CMMCapability Maturity Model
CMMColor Matching Method
CMMCoefficient Memory Module
CMMCommon Mptn Manager
CMMCisco Multicast Manager
CMMCorel Multimedia Manager
CMMCondition Monitored Maintenance
CMMChassis Management Module
CMMCoordinate Measuring Machine
CMMCisco Communication Media Module
CMMConsulting Marketing Management (various locations)
CMMComponent Maintenance Manual
CMMCommunication Media Module (Cisco)
CMMCluster Management Module (various companies)
CMMCutaneous Malignant Melanoma
CMMCentre de Morphologie Mathématique (Ecole des Mines de Paris, France)
CMMCertified Marina Manager (business designation)
CMMConsumer and Multimedia (Optus; Australia)
CMMCâmara Municipal de Mangualde (Portugese: City Council of Mangualde)
CMMCash Money Millionaires
CMMCreative Media Marketing (New York, NY)
CMMCommon Meta-Model (computing)
CMMCertified Matchmaker
CMMConsommation Moyenne Mensuelle (French: Average Monthly Consumption)
CMMConsistent Mass Matrix (structural mechanics)
CMMCenter for Medicare Management (major component of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services)
CMMColor Matching Module
CMMCentre for Molecular Medicine
CMMConverting Machinery/Materials (Conference)
CMMConformal Mapping Method (geometry)
CMMCentre for Microscopy and Microanalysis (University of Western Australia)
CMMCertified Medical Manager (Professional Association of Health Care Office Management)
CMMCommission for Marine Meteorology (WMO)
CMMCrusaders of Might and Magic (gaming)
CMMContextual Menu Module
CMMCertified Medical Micropigmentologist (cosmetics)
CMMContextual Menu Manager (Apple Macintosh)
CMMCustomized MarketMail (USPS)
CMMCranial Mediastinal Mass
CMMCoordinated Measuring Machine
CMMChristian Music Ministries (Birmingham, England)
CMMClassic Motor Monthly (Magazine)
CMMCentre de Météorologie Marine
CMMChannel Marketing Manager
CMMColor Management Method
CMMCubic Meter per Minute (air flow measurement)
CMMCivilian Manpower Management
CMMCommander of the Order of Military Merit (Canada)
CMMCertified Municipal Manager (Ontario Municipal Management Institute)
CMMCercle des Mycologues de Montreal (French: Mycologists Society of Montreal; Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
CMMComputer Measuring Machine
CMMCelebrity Model Management
CMMCommercial Maintenance Manual
CMMChange Management Methodology (telephony)
CMMCentral Maine Midwives
CMMComputerized Measuring Machine
CMMCorporate Mid Market (corporate sector)
CMMCenter for Modular Microsystems (Louisiana State University)
CMMConnell Mott Macdonald (civil engineering firm)
CMMChief Machinist Mate (US Navy)
CMMChaudronnerie Mécanique Montoise (French boiler mechanics company)
CMMConfiguration Management Method (UK project management)
CMMCondition Monitored Maintenance (NASA)
CMMCommon Modular Missile
CMMCoal Market Module (DOE, NEMS)
CMMComposants Mobilier Métallique (French: Metal Furniture Components)
CMMConfiguration Management Manual
CMMCertified Minerals Manager
CMMCoquillages Mer Méditerranée (French: Mediterranean Sea Shells)
CMMComfrey, Marshmallow, Marigold (ointment)
CMMCongress of Molecular Medicine
CMMCorrelation Memory Matrix
CMMCrisis Management Manual
CMMConstruction Mécanique et Maintenance (French: Construction and Maintenance Mechanics)
CMMConseil des Musulmans à Massy (French: Council of Muslims in Massy; Massy, France)
CMMConstruction Method Modeler
CMMCorridor Map Method
CMMCargo Movement Module
CMMChassis Monitoring and Management
CMMClaymore Mine
CMMCore Memory Module
CMMCompagnie Marseillaise des Métaux (French metal trading company)
CMMCell Membrane Model
CMMCivil and Mechanical Systems division (National Science Foundation)
CMMComputer Main Memory
CMMComputational Molecular Modeling
CMMCrisis Management Model
CMMCatastrophic Major Medical Insurance
CMMCore Memory Model
CMMChrist de Maison en Maison (French Christian group)
CMMCentre Musical de Marsannay-la-Côte (French music center)
CMMComposite Memory Modules
CMMCongregation of Marian Hill Missionaries (religious order)
CMMCovenant Messenger Ministries (Ghana, West Africa)
CMMCorrective Maintenance Management
CMMChannel Marketmakers Ltd. (Southampton, England)
CMMClub Multisport de Mutigny (French: Multisport Club of Mutigny; Mutigny, France)
CMMCNO (Chief of Naval Operations) Morning Meeting (US DoD)
CMMCentre du Management Mental (French information security company)
CMMCitrate Minimal Medium
CMMCiment Métallurgique Mixte (French: Metallurgical Mixed Cement)




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