Fizkultura i Sport

Fizkul’tura i Sport


an illustrated magazine published by the Committee on Physical Culture and Sports of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. The magazine, founded in 1922, is published once a month in Moscow. It publishes national and international sports news, as well as popular science and publicist articles, essays, and short stories dealing with physical culture and sports. It also includes methodological information on the organization of physical fitness activities at work and at home. Circulation, 425,000 (1977).

Fizkul’tura i Sport


a publishing house of the USSR State Committee on Publishing, Printing, and the Book Trade. The publishing house, founded in 1923, is located in Moscow. It publishes works on physical culture and sports for the general reader and specialists.

Fizkul’tura i Sport publishes books and pamphlets promoting sports, collections of sketches about leading athletes (the series Hearts Devoted to Sports and Stars of World Sports), and training manuals for independent use and for the system Ready for Labor and Defense of the USSR. It publishes books on hiking, bicycling, fishing, hunting, and chess (the series Our Native Expanses, For the Beginning Fisherman, For the Young Hunter, and Outstanding Chess Players of the World), as well as the almanacs Sports Fishing and Hunting Horizons. It also puts out textbooks and annual publications on ten different sports. In addition, it publishes six magazines and journals, including Fizkul’tura i sport (Physical Culture and Sports), Legkaia atletika (Track and Field), and Shakhmaty v SSSR (Chess in the USSR).

In 1975, Fizkul’tura i Sport published 113 book titles, totaling 6.2 million copies and 54.1 million printer’s sheets. The publishing house was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor in 1973.