consumers surplus

(b) The loss of consumers’ surplus because of monopoly.
consumers’ surplus
the extra satisfaction or UTILITY gained by consumers from paying an actual price for a good that is lower than that which they would have been prepared to pay. See Fig. 32 (a) . The consumers’ surplus is maximized only in PERFECT COMPETITION, where price is determined by the free play of market demand and supply forces and all consumers pay the same price. Where market price is not determined by demand and supply forces in competitive market conditions but is instead determined administratively by a profit-maximizing MONOPOLIST, then the resulting restriction in market output and the increase in market price cause a loss of consumer surplus, indicated by the shaded area PPm XE in Fig. 32 (b). If a DISCRIMINATING MONOPOLIST were able to charge a separate price to each consumer that reflected the maximum amount that the consumer was prepared to pay, then the monopolist ould be able to appropriate all the consumer surplus in the form of sales revenue.Business strategists can use the concept of the consumers’ surplus to increase the firm's profit (see VALUE-CREATED MODEL). To illustrate: you are a Manchester United football fan; tickets for a home game are currently priced at £50 but you would be willing to pay £75. Hence, you have ‘received’ as a consumer ‘perceived benefit’ or ‘surplus’ of £25 over and above the price actually charged. Manchester United, however, instead of charging a single price of £50 could segment its market by charging different prices for admission to different parts of the ground (see PRICE DISCRIMINATION, MARKET SEGMENTATION) in order to ‘capture’ more of the consumers’ surplus for itself. Thus, it could continue to charge the ‘basic’ price of £50 for admission to certain parts of the ground, £75 for seating in the main stand and £120 for an ‘executive box’ seat. Compare PRODUCERS’ SURPLUS.