CMKCline Mining Corporation (stock symbol; Canada)
CMKCentral Milton Keynes (UK)
CMKConsumer & Market Knowledge
CMKCytidine Monophosphate Kinase (genetics)
CMKCity of Milton Keynes (UK)
CMKCreate My Keepsake
CMKC. M. Kornbluth (Lemony Snicket)
CMKChurch Membership Keeper
CMKCrabbet, Maynesboro and Kellogg (equestrian bloodline)
CMKCeza Muhakeme Kanunu (Turkish: Criminal Procedure Code)
CMKCentre Média Keewu (French; Senegalese educational project)
CMKClassical Music for Kids (American Classical Orchestra)
CMKConstructions Mécaniques Kvaternik (French mechanical engineering company)
CMKConti Mobility Kit (flat tire repair)
CMKCarroll, McNulty and Kull LLC (law firm; metropolitan New York, NY)