

单词 cte



abbr. chronic traumatic encephalopathy



(Coefficient of Thermal Expansion) The difference between the way two materials expand when heat is applied. This is very critical when chips are mounted to printed circuit boards, because the silicon chip expands at a different rate than the plastic board.


CTECareer and Technical Education
CTECenter for Teaching Excellence
CTECareer Technology Education
CTECoefficient of Thermal Expansion
CTECodigo Tecnico de la Edificacion (Spanish: Technical Building Code)
CTEChronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (degenerative disease)
CTEComité Technique d'Etablissement (French: Technical Establishment Committee)
CTECentre for Teaching Excellence (Canada)
CTECenter for Transportation and the Environment
CTEChurches Together in England
CTECenter to Edge (billiards)
CTECommon Table Expression (ANSI SQL-99 standard)
CTEContent Transfer Encoding
CTECommittee on Trade and Environment (WTO)
CTECentral Expressway (Singapore)
CTECentral Timing Equipment
CTEContent Transformation Engine
CTECambridge Technology Enterprises
CTECorporate Training and Education
CTECharge Transfer Efficiency
CTEContrat Territorial D'exploitation (France)
CTECutting Tool Engineering
CTECommitment To Excellence
CTECenter for Teaching Effectiveness
CTEContrôle Technique Européen (French: European Technical Control)
CTECease to Exist (blog)
CTECentre Tourisme Équestre (French: Equestrian Tourism Center)
CTECentre de Technologie de l'Education (Luxembourg)
CTEConstitutive Transport Element
CTEComunidad Teológica Evangélica de Chile (Spanish: Evangelical Theological Community of Chile)
CTECouncil on Teacher Education
CTECompagnons de Travaux Électriques (French: Companions of Electrical Works)
CTECentre Transfrontalier des Entreprises (French: Cross-Border Business Center)
CTECulminating Training Event (US Army)
CTEConditional Tail Expectation
CTEClub Travail d'Equipe (French: Teamwork Club)
CTECenter for Technology, Essex (Essex Junction, VT)
CTECountdown to Extinction (Megadeth album)
CTEContinuing Technical Education
CTEContent Transformation Engine (Cisco)
CTEClassical Text Editor
CTECaterpillar Technical English
CTEComp Time Earned
CTECarnegie Technology Education
CTECartilage Tissue Engineering
CTEChief Technical Examiner (India)
CTECentre for Terrestrial Ecology
CTEComputer Telephony Engineer (certification for the computer telephony industry)
CTECritical Technology Element
CTECommunications Test Equipment
CTEComputer Telephony Expo (conference)
CTECorporate Thugs Entertainment (record label)
CTEConnected Telecommunications Equipment
CTECommander, Task Element
CTECentral Tax Engine (Hewlett-Packard)
CTEChildren of the Earth (Michael Jackson fan club, Italy)
CTECenter for Teaching Enhancement
CTECoal Tar Enamel
CTECornell Teacher Education
CTECentrum För Tillämpad Etik (Sweden)
CTECertified Tree Expert (New Jersey)
CTECross Track Error (navigation)
CTEChubu Toshiba Engineering (Japan)
CTEChannel Translating Equipment (ITU-T)
CTEComputed Tomography Enterography
CTEChief Technology Evangelist
CTEConsolidated Turf Equipment (Canada)
CTECardio Tech International
CTECentury Telephone Enterprises, Inc.
CTEConference Technology Enhancements (Elk Grove Village, IL)
CTECustomer Termination Equipment (frame relay networks)
CTECentral Timing Equipment (NASA)
CTECampaign for Truth in Europe
CTEConnected Terminal Equipment
CTEChief Test Engineer
CTECommercial Test Equipment
CTECenter for Test and Evaluation
CTECertified Technical Expert
CTEConservatory Theater Ensemble
CTECommon Test Executive
CTECrew Training Emulator (US Air Force)
CTEContractor Test & Evaluation
CTEComponent Test Equipment
CTEColor Transform Engine
CTEChief Technical Engineer
CTECardholder to External System
CTECustom Training Education (Maricopa Community Colleges; Tempe, AZ)
CTECode-Timing Estimation
CTECompliance Testing and Evaluation (usually seen as CT&E)
CTECalifornia Track and Engineering (Fresno, CA)
CTEContractor Technical Evaluation
CTECommon Transporter Erector
CTEContingent Time Element (property insurance)
CTECorporate Technical Excellence
CTEClient Technology and Engineering
CTEContinuous Time Equivalent
CTEConnected Thinking for Excellence (PricewaterhouseCoopers International Ltd.)
CTECenter for Timber Engineering (UK)
CTECentre of Timber Expertise




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