Acronym | Definition |
CMEP➣CM (Carl Marks) Equity Partners |
CMEP➣Churches for Middle East Peace |
CMEP➣Critical Mass Energy Project |
CMEP➣Caisse de Maladie des Employés Privés (French) |
CMEP➣Columbus Midrange Engine Plant (Indiana) |
CMEP➣Cummins Midrange Engine Plant (Indiana) |
CMEP➣Centre for Marine Environmental Prediction (Canada) |
CMEP➣Comité Mixte d'Evaluation et de Prospective (French) |
CMEP➣Child Medical Evaluation Program |
CMEP➣Climate Model Evaluation Project |
CMEP➣Centre for Middle Eastern Plants (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh; UK) |
CMEP➣Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Process |
CMEP➣Center for Multicultural Education and Programs (New York University) |
CMEP➣Civil Military Emergency Preparedness |
CMEP➣California Metering Exchange Protocol |
CMEP➣Centre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism (Singapore) |
CMEP➣Centro Municipal de Estudos Preparatórios (Portugese) |
CMEP➣Child Medi-Cal Enrollment Project (Los Angeles, California) |
CMEP➣Coalition of Mainstream Employment Programs |
CMEP➣Continuing Medical Education Plan |
CMEP➣Commission for the Modernization of Public Enterprises (Haiti) |
CMEP➣Community Mobilization & Empowerment Project |
CMEP➣Change Management Effectiveness Profile |
CMEP➣Class Maintenance Employment Profile |
CMEP➣Commandable Manual Entry Panel (US military) |
CMEP➣Community Mediation Extension Program |
CMEP➣Comprehensive Medical Expense Plan |
CMEP➣Coupled Model Ensemble Prediction |
CMEP➣Cuprex Metal Extraction Process |
CMEP➣Cost Management for Engineering Projects |