

单词 ctb



On drawings, abbr. for “cement treated base.”


CTBCouncil Tax Benefit (UK)
CTBCódigo de Trânsito Brasileiro (Portuguese: Brazilian Traffic Code)
CTBCommonwealth Transportation Board (Virginia Department of Transportation)
CTBCoopération Technique Belge (French: Belgian Technical Cooperation)
CTBCommunity Tool Box (various organizations)
CTBCement Treated Base
CTBCreate This Book (series)
CTBCommunication Tool Box
CTBCipher Type Byte
CTBComprehensive Test Ban
CTBComposite Triple Beat
CTBCitybus (Hong Kong)
CTBChild Tax Benefit (Canada)
CTBCheck-The-Box (US IRS)
CTBCompagnie des Transports de Bourges (French transportation company)
CTBCeylon Tourist Board (Ceylon, Sri Lanka)
CTBConvention Tourism Bureau (various locations)
CTBCentre Théâtral du Bourget (French theater association)
CTBCholera Toxin Subunit B (also seen as CTXB)
CTBColor Temperature Blue
CTBCounter Terrorism Bureau
CTBConseil en Techniques du Bâtiment (French: Technical Building Council)
CTBCentre Technique du Bois (French)
CTBConsumer Taxation Branch (Canada)
CTBChange the Bank
CTBCadbury Trebor Bassett (confections; UK)
CTBCut Bank, Montana (airport code)
CTBCharpentes et Traditions Bois (French: Carpentry and Wood Traditions)
CTBCatch the Bus (commit suicide)
CTBCeylon Transport Board (now Sri Lanka Central Transport Board; public transit)
CTBCyclotouristes Belfortains (French cycling club)
CTBCalifornia Technical Bulletin
CTBCollegetown Bagels (Ithaca, NY)
CTBCourtage Technique du Bâtiment (French: Technical Brokerage Building)
CTBCopieurs Télécopieurs Bureautique (French: Office Copiers Fax Machines)
CTBCiticorp Trust Bank
CTBCustomer Technical Bulletin (various companies)
CTBChange the Business
CTBCut-Throat Bitch
CTBCars, Trucks, Buses (Phish song)
CTBCargo Transfer Bag (NASA)
CTBHalf Countercurrent Tank (separators)
CTBCreative Tampa Bay (Tampa Bay, FL)
CTBCalifornia Testing Bureau
CTBClear to Build
CTBCraig Thatcher Band
CTBConcrete Traffic Barrier
CTBCombat Trauma Bag
CTBCapture the Bag (gaming)
CTBCapture the Briefcase (gaming modification of Action Quake2)
CTBCombined Targeting Board
CTBCentral Thermal Bus
CTBCache Transfer Bus
CTBCentral Tape Bus
CTBCarrying the Banner
CTBCentral Texas Basketball
CTBCease to Breathe
CTBCary Town Band
CTBColonie Town Band
CTBCeramic Technology Berlin GmbH (Berlin, Germany)
CTBCarlisle Town Band (Carlisle, PA)
CTBConduit Training Barge
CTBCommercial Traffic Bulletin
CTBCommand Training Brief
CTBConsolidated Trial Balance
CTBConventional Tapered Beamformer
CTBConsolidated Test Bed
CTBCommunications Test Bed
CTBCertified Texas Bred (Texas bred and produced show pigs)
CTBCommon Track Block
CTBCertified Tissue Bank
CTBCentralized Tank Battery (group of tanks located around oil fields)
CTBComputerized Tomography-Brain (radiology)




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