foramen cecum medullae oblongatae

fo·ra·men ce·cum me·dul·lae ob·lon·ga·tae

(fōr-ā'mĕn sē'kŭm me-dŭl'ē ob-long-gā'tē) [TA] A small triangular depression at the lower boundary of the pons that marks the upper limit of the median fissure of the medulla oblongata.

Vicq d'Azyr,

Félix, French anatomist, 1748-1794. Vicq d'Azyr bundle - a compact, thick bundle of nerve fibers that passes from the mamillary body to terminate in the anterior nucleus of the thalamus. Synonym(s): mamillothalamic fasciculusVicq d'Azyr centrum semiovale - the great mass of white matter composing the interior of the cerebral hemisphere. Synonym(s): centrum semiovaleVicq d'Azyr foramen - a small triangular depression at the lower boundary of the pons that marks the upper limit of the median fissure of the medulla oblongata. Synonym(s): foramen cecum medullae oblongatae