Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge

Deer Flat National Wildlife Refuge

Parks Directory of the United States / National Wildlife RefugesAddress:13751 Upper Embankment Rd
Nampa, ID 83686

Established: 1909.
Location:4 miles southwest of Nampa, Idaho.
Facilities:Visitor center, hiking trails, auto tour route (29.5 miles), picnic areas, boat launch.
Activities:Fishing, swimming, mountain biking, hiking, horseback riding, hunting, educational programs.
Special Features:The refuge's Lake Lowell is approximately 9,000 acres at full pool and is fed by water out of the Boise River through the New York Canal. Water in the lake is manipulated to create a variety of aquatic and upland habitats for wildlife.
Habitats: 10,588 acres divided into two units: the 9,000-acre Lake Lowell sector made up of open water and wetlands, and the Snake River Island sector which includes 101 islands covered with sagebrush uplands, grasslands and riparian forests of the Snake River Islands.
Access: Open from dawn to dusk.
Wild life: Waterfowl, especially mallards and Canada geese. Also provides habitat for bald eagles, hawks, mule deer, yellow-bellied marmot, pocket gopher, gopher snake, bullfrog, and painted turtle.

See other parks in Idaho.