familial partial lipodystrophy

fa·mil·i·al partial lip·o·dys·tro·phy

[MIM*151660] a disorder characterized by symmetric truncal and extremity lipodystrophy. Findings include full and rounded face, xanthomata, acanthosis nigricans, and insulin-resistant hyperglycemia. In affected patients, fat accumulates around neck, shoulders, and genitalia. Synonym(s): Dunnigan lipodystrophy, Kobberling-Dunnigan syndrome

fa·mil·i·al par·tial lip·o·dys·tro·phy

(fă-mil'ē-ăl pahr'shăl lip'ō-dis'trŏ-fē) Characterized by symmetric lipoatrophy of the trunk and limbs but the face is spared; with full rounded face, xanthomata, acanthosis nigricans, and insulin-resistant hyperglycemia; fat accumulates around the neck, shoulders, and genitalia.
Synonym(s): Kobberling-Dunnigan syndrome.