

单词 cmb


Noun1.CMB - (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2.725 kelvinCBR, CMBR, cosmic background radiation, cosmic microwave background, cosmic microwave background radiationcosmogeny, cosmogony, cosmology - the branch of astrophysics that studies the origin and evolution and structure of the universecosmic radiation - radiation coming from outside the solar system



Abbreviation for:
Central Midwives Board, see there (Medspeak-UK)
Clinical Management Board (Medspeak-UK)
concentric membranous bodies
corporate management board (Medspeak-UK)


Abbrev. for Central Midwives' Board.


CMBCosmic Microwave Background
CMBCell and Molecular Biology (various locations)
CMBColor Me Beautiful (various locations)
CMBColumbus, OH
CMBCertified Mortgage Banker
CMBChina Merchants Bank
CMBCity of Miami Beach (Miami Beach, FL)
CMBCenter for Molecular Biophysics (various organizations)
CMBCaribbean Mercantile Bank (Aruba)
CMBCommon Management Bus
CMBCombo Box
CMBChannel Measurement Block
CMBCombat Medical Badge
CMBCenter for Mind and Brain (University of California, Davis)
CMBCompagnie Maritime Belge
CMBCore-Mantle Boundary
CMBChemical Mass Balance
CMBCasa da Moeda do Brasil
CMBChase-Manhattan Bank
CMBCommunity Mail Box (various locations)
CMBCash Management Bill
CMBCrédit Mutuel de Bretagne (French bank)
CMBCentre Marc Bloch (French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs social science research institute; Berlin, Germany)
CMBComputational Molecular Biology
CMBCash Money Brothers
CMBCompagnie Monégasque de Banque (French: Monaco Bank Company; Monaco; est. 1976)
CMBCall Me Back
CMBComputational Medicine and Biology (various organizations)
CMBCertified Master Baker
CMBCereal Malt Beverage
CMBColor Me Bad (band)
CMBChange Management Board
CMBCiti Markets & Banking (financial services)
CMBContact Memory Button
CMBCensus Monitoring Board (est. 1997)
CMBConstruction Millet Bois (French wood construction company)
CMBCommunity Message Board (various organizations)
CMBConfiguration Management Board
CMBCampus Ministry Board (various universities)
CMBCenter Mass Bell (Sorinex)
CMBConcrete Median Barrier (highway infrastructure)
CMBCuban Medical Brigade
CMBCash Money Boys (band)
CMBConfederação das Mulheres do Brasil
CMBCrushed Miscellaneous Base (recycled aggregate)
CMBCellular and Molecular Biosciences
CMBChild Maintenance Bonus (UK)
CMBCavalier Marching Band (Charlottesville, VA)
CMBConserverie et Moutarderie Belge (French: Canning and Belgian Mustard; Belgium)
CMBCisco Media Blender
CMBCharles Montgomery Burns (Simpsons cartoon)
CMBColombo, Sri Lanka - Katunayake International (Airport Code)
CMBClub de Modélisme Belleysan (French radio controlled car club)
CMBCommunity Mail Bag (Australia Post)
CMBCustomer Management and Billing
CMBCovenant Ministries of Benevolence
CMBCaspar Melchior Balthazar (religion)
CMBCommunications and Marketing Branch
CMBCommon Method Bias (statistics)
CMBConstitution Making Body (South Africa)
CMBCallaway Multipurpose Building
CMBCampus Mailbox
CMBCarbolic Methylene Blue
CMBCanadian Mathematics Bulletin
CMBClub Modéliste Beaumontois (French radio controlled airplane club)
CMBChemistry-Metallurgy Baker Division (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
CMBColeman Building (Silver Spring, MD)
CMBCash Money Billionaires (gaming clan)
CMBChal Mere Bhai (Hindi movie)
CMBCaparo Merchant Bar PLC (steel company)
CMBCercle Magie Bretagne (French magician association)
CMBCombat Mobility Branch
CMBCapacity Management Branch (US Internal Revenue Service
CMBConfiguration Management Branch
CMBCollection Management Branch
CMBClub Motocycliste du Beaujolais (French: Beaujolais Motorcycle Club)
CMBCertification Management Board
CMBCarnaud Metal Box Asia Ltd (Singapore)
CMBConsequence Management Board
CMBChartered Media Buyer (AAPRMA)
CMBCharacterization and Monitoring Branch (US EPA)
CMBComplex Multiplications per Bit
CMBCritical Mass Balance
CMBCommon Map Background
CMBCombat Maneuver Battalion
CMBConstruction Métallique du Bocage (French steel construction company; est. 1973)
CMBCharleston Metropolitan Bands (Charleston, WV)
CMBCirconférence Musculaire du Bras (French: Arm Muscle Circumference)
CMBCarrelage Maçonnerie Bâtiment (French: Tile Masonry Building)


  • noun

Synonyms for CMB

noun (cosmology) the cooled remnant of the hot big bang that fills the entire universe and can be observed today with an average temperature of about 2


  • CBR
  • CMBR
  • cosmic background radiation
  • cosmic microwave background
  • cosmic microwave background radiation

Related Words

  • cosmogeny
  • cosmogony
  • cosmology
  • cosmic radiation




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