

单词 cma



abbr. certified medical assistant



(astronomy) Canis Major


Concert Multithread Architecture from DEC.



 Canadian Medical Association; Certified Medical Assistant.


Abbreviation for Certified Medical Assistant.


abbr. certified medical assistant


Abbreviation for:
Canadian Medical Association
Certified Medical Assistant
Community Medical Alliance
cost minimisation analysis (Medspeak-UK)
cow milk allergy
cranial mesenteric artery


Abbreviation for certified medical assistant.


Certified Management Accountant

An accountant who specializes in the study of how managers use accounting and/or financial information in current or future business decisions. Management accountants use both qualitative and quantitative information in their work. Unlike other accountants, they primarily report to the internal management of a company, rather than to an external body like shareholders or tax collection agencies. In order to become a certified management accountant, one must pass a series of tests sponsored by the Institute of Management Accountants. These tests examine one's knowledge in four subjects: business analysis, management accounting and reporting, strategic management, and business applications.


See Certified in Management Accounting.


See comparative market analysis.


CMACountry Music Association (country music awards)
CMACertified Management Accountant
CMAComparative Market Analysis (real estate)
CMACertified Medical Assistant
CMACanadian Medical Association
CMACanadian Marketing Association
CMACleveland Museum of Art
CMACompetitive Market Analysis (real estate)
CMACrystal Meth Anonymous
CMACarbon Monoxide Alarm (various companies)
CMACalifornia Medical Association
CMACompetition and Markets Authority
CMACurrent Market Analysis (real estate sale price estimate)
CMACapital Market Authority (Oman)
CMACatchment Management Authority (Australian water program)
CMACensus Metropolitan Area
CMAComerica Incorporated (stock symbol)
CMAConverged Management Application (trademark of Polycom; teleconferencing)
CMAClearwater Marine Aquarium
CMACommunications Management Association (UK)
CMAChemical Manufacturers Association
CMAChambre de Métiers et de l'Artisanat
CMAChemical Materials Agency
CMACollege Media Advisers
CMAChristian and Missionary Alliance
CMACable Management Arm (computing)
CMACreative Model Associates (trains)
CMACanadian Museums Association
CMAConstant Modulus Algorithm
CMAClinical and Molecular Allergy (journal)
CMAChristian Music Association (Nashville, TN)
CMAChromosomal Microarray Analysis
CMACase Manager Assistant (various organizations)
CMACabinet Makers Association (Milwaukee, WI)
CMAColumbus Museum of Art (Columbus, OH)
CMAChinese Medical Association
CMACalifornia Maritime Academy
CMAComplete My Album (Apple iTunes)
CMAConcert Multithread Architecture
CMACommon Management Agent
CMACommunication Managers Association
CMAComplement Accumulator
CMACore Micro Architecture
CMAConnectivity Management Architecture
CMACanis Majoris
CMACenter for Missing Adults
CMAContent Management and Archiving (software)
CMACentre of Mathematics for Applications (Norway)
CMACongestion Management Agency
CMACommunity Media Association
CMAChamber Music America (New York, NY)
CMACommission for Minority Affairs (South Carolina)
CMAContent Management Administration (software)
CMAComputer Misuse Act
CMACentre for Mathematics and its Applications (Australia)
CMAChristian Missionary Alliance
CMACongrès Mondial Acadien
CMAChinese Martial Arts
CMACentered Moving Average
CMACommon Monetary Area (South African economic zone)
CMAChief Medical Advisor (various organizations)
CMACatholic Medical Association
CMACash Management Account
CMACommon Mode Analysis (aircraft safety engineering)
CMAColorado Mining Association
CMAChambre de Métiers d'Alsace (French: Alsace Chamber of Trade; Alsace, France)
CMACardiomyopathy Association (UK; formerly HCA)
CMAContent Management Application
CMACreative Marketing Associates (various locations)
CMACompagnie Maritime d'Affrètement (French: Marine Chartering Company)
CMAChocolate Manufacturers Association
CMACenter for Medicare Advocacy
CMACovariance Matrix Adaptation (algorithm)
CMACoastal Management Area (various locations)
CMACommunity Money Advice (UK)
CMAChristian Motorcyclist Association
CMACanadian Motorcycle Association
CMAChristian Management Association
CMACarnegie Museum of Art
CMACongrés Mondial Amazigh (French: World Amazigh Congress; North Africa)
CMAComputer Matching Agreement
CMACompetent Medical Authority
CMACertified Movement Analyst
CMACommunications Managers Association
CMACurrent Mailing Address
CMAConcentration Maximale Admissible (French: Maximum Allowable Concentration)
CMACarbon Management Association
CMACylindrical Mirror Analyzer
CMACentre des Musiques Actuelles (French: Center for Contemporary Music)
CMACivil and Military Alliance
CMACulver Military Academy
CMACanadian Manufacturers Association
CMACampus Ministry Association (various schools)
CMACourt of Military Appeals
CMAChristian Martial Arts
CMACentre de Mathématiques Appliquées (French: Center for Applied Mathematics)
CMAControl and Monitor Application
CMACounty Ministerial Association (various locations)
CMACalifornia Modified Assessment (grade level testing)
CMACORBA Management Agent
CMAChristian Mission Aid
CMACalifornia Military Academy
CMACingulate Motor Area
CMAConcert Multi-Thread Architecture
CMACountryside Management Association
CMACivilian Military Assistance
CMACaldwell Marketing and Advertising (various locations)
CMACase Management Agency
CMAChicago Media Action (Chicago, IL)
CMACost-Minimisation Analysis
CMACarbon Market Analyst (publication; Point Carbon)
CMACover My Ass
CMAChrysler Museum of Art
CMAClassical Music Archives (since 1994)
CMACredit Managers Association
CMACumulative Meta-Analysis
CMAChartered Asset Manager
CMACenter for Movement Arts (Portland, OR)
CMACookware Manufacturers Association (Birmingham, Alabama)
CMAComprehensive Maritime Awareness (Naval Research Lab program)
CMAChartered Market Analyst
CMAChinatown Merchants Association (variuos locations)
CMACertificate in Municipal Administration (various schools)
CMACustomer Marketing Agreement
CMAComputer-Marked Assignment (Open University, UK)
CMACumbre Mundial de la Alimentación (Spanish: World Food Summit; UN)
CMAChina Meteorological Agency
CMAClosure Manufacturers Association
CMAComponent Modelling Approach
CMACommunity Management Account
CMACareer Management Association (Canada)
CMACustomer Membership Agreement
CMACarolina Marathon Association (Columbia, SC)
CMAComputer Museum of America
CMAClassical Midi Archives
CMACollection Management Authority
CMACité des Métiers et des Arts (French: City of Arts and Trades)
CMAChange Management Analyst
CMACritical Medical Anthropology
CMAClothing Monetary Allowance
CMACommunity Medical Assistant
CMAContext Management Application (aeronautical telecommunications)
CMAClothing Maintenance Allowance
CMACentrale Marketing-Gesellschaft mbH der Deutschen Agrarwirtschaft (German: German Agricultural Marketing Board)
CMAClinical Movement Analysis Laboratory (US NIH)
CMACoop Mineraloel AG (Swiss oil company)
CMAColumbia Military Academy
CMAConfiguration Management Accounting
CMACentrally Managed Allotment
CMAConnecticut Maritime Association, Inc.
CMACalgary Musicians Association
CMACM Administrator
CMACustomer Management Automation (division of Bell Atlantic)
CMAComposites Moulés Aveyronnais (French plastics company)
CMAClub des Mouvements Anormaux (French: Abnormal Movements Club; neuroscientist association; est. 1986)
CMACorps Member Advisor
CMAContract Management Application
CMAChinese Morphological Analyzer
CMACommunity Mail Agent (Australia Post)
CMAControl, Monitor and Alarm
CMAConfiguration Management Agent
CMACenter for Management Assistance
CMACabinet Messin d'Avocats (French law firm)
CMAControlled Movement Area (airfields)
CMACeramic Multilayer Actuator
CMACertified Marketing Analyst (AAPRMA)
CMACharring Material Ablation
CMAContact Motion Analysis
CMACouncil of Magickal Arts, Inc (Fort Worth, Texas)
CMAConfiguration Management Application (CACI)
CMAClothing Manufacturers Association of the USA
CMACentrally Managed Account (USAF)
CMACooperative Merchandising Agreement
CMACoalition Medical Assistance (US Army)
CMAChemically Modified Asphalt
CMACylindrical Mirror Assembly (NASA)
CMACanis Majors
CMACenter on Minority Aging (University of North Carolina)
CMACommonwealth Medical Associations (UK)
CMACyan Magenta Amber (intelligent stage lighting)
CMACommunity Medical Auxiliary
CMACentral Meteorological Agency (Japan)
CMAConception de Matériel Agricole (French agricultural equipment manufacturer)
CMACooperative Ministry on Aging
CMACorps Maintenance Area
CMAC4ISR Mission Assessment Support for QDR
CMACroatian Military Art (website)
CMAChartered Member of Security Analyst Association (Japan)
CMACambodian Medical Association
CMAClemmow, Mullaly, and Allis (diagram)
CMACircular Mils Area (wire industry)
CMAChildrenswear Manufacturers Association
CMAContinued Membership Application
CMANonlinear digital video editing project file, proprietary to Avid Cinema, a division of Avid Technology)
CMACow Milk Adverse reaction
CMACommunications Management Architecture (Bellcore)
CMACumulants Matching Approximation (Algorithm)
CMACore Marketing Agreement
CMAComputation Mission Area
CMAChildren's Miracle Award (CIBC)
CMAChartreuse Mountain Airsoft (French airsoft association)
CMACapital Market Assumption
CMACadet Management Association (US Coast Guard Academy)
CMACasey Martin Award (Nike)
CMACommunications Monitor Assembly




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