extrachromosomal element


(plaz'mid), A genetic particle physically separate from the chromosome of the host cell (chiefly bacterial) that can function and replicate stably and usually confer some advantage to the host cell; not essential to the cell's basic functioning. Synonym(s): extrachromosomal element, extrachromosomal genetic element, paragene [cytoplasm + -id]

ex·tra·chro·mo·so·mal element

(ĕk′strə-krō′mə-sō′məl)n. See plasmid.


(plaz'mid) A genetic particle physically separate from the chromosome of the host cell (chiefly bacterial) that can stably function and replicate; not essential to the basic functioning of the cell.
Synonym(s): extrachromosomal element, extrachromosomal genetic element.
[cytoplasm + -id]