bullous keratopathy

bul·lous ker·a·top·a·thy

edema of the corneal stroma and epithelium; occurs in Fuchs endothelial dystrophy, advanced glaucoma, iridocyclitis, and sometimes after intraocular lens implantation.

bul·lous ker·a·top·a·thy

(bul'ŭs ker'ă-top'ă-thē) Edema of the corneal stroma and epithelium resulting in formation of bullae on the corneal surface. It occurs in Fuchs epithelial dystrophy, advanced glaucoma and iridocyclitis, endothelial failure, and sometimes after intraocular lens implantation.

bullous keratopathy

Either of two corneal edemas in an eye in which the natural lens has been removed, aphakic (ABK) or pseudophakic (PBK).See also: keratopathy