释义 |
bullous pemphigoid (redirected from bullous disease of the aged)pemphigoid [pem´f
ĭ-goid] 1. resembling pemphigus.2. any of a group of skin disorders similar to but clearly distinguishable from pemphigus.benign mucosal pemphigoid a chronic bullous disease of elderly persons, involving primarily the mucous membranes, particularly the conjunctiva and oral mucosa, with scarring.bullous pemphigoid a usually mild, relatively benign, self-limited blistering skin disease, predominantly affecting elderly persons. IgE antibodies are found at the basement membrane.localized chronic pemphigoid a form in which bulla formation is confined for many years to a circumscribed region, with scarring but without affecting the mucous membranes.bul·lous pem·phi·goida chronic, generally benign disease, most commonly of old age, characterized by tense nonacantholytic bullae in which serum antibodies are localized to hemidesmosomal components of the epidermal basement membrane, causing detachment of the entire thickness of the epidermis.bullous pemphigoid An acquired immunobullous disease characterised by subepidermal bullae formation, linked to deposition of IgG and C3 at the basement membrane in the groin, axilla, scalp, legs and oral cavity. Increased risk Immune-mediated diseases—e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis, primary biliary cirrhosis, diabetes. DiffDx Arthropod reactions, bullous amyloidosis, diabetic bullous disease, bullous impetigo, dermatitis herpetiformis, erythema multiforme, epidermolysis bullosa aquisita, linear Ig A disease, pemphigus vulgaris, porphyria cutanea tarda, suction blister. Pemphigoid variants Major • Bullous pemphigoid; • Mucous membrane (cicatricial) pemphigoid; • Pemphigus gestationis. Minor • Drug induced; • Lichen planus pemphigoides; • Paraneoplastic pemphigoid; • Pemphigoid nodularis; • Pemphigoid vegetans.bullous pemphigoid Dermatology A disease characterized by tense blister–bullae formation on mucocutaneous surfaces, caused by circulating antibodies–usually IgG to the basement membrane of stratified epithelium Clinical BP may be chronic and mild without affecting the general health Management Topical corticosteroids–may require high doses of systemic cortisone. Cf Pemphigus vulgaris. bul·lous pem·phi·goid (bul'ŭs pem'fi-goyd) A chronic, generally benign disease, most commonly of old age, characterized by tense nonacantholytic bullae in which serum antibodies are localized to the epidermal basement membrane, causing detachment of the entire thickness of the epidermis.bullous pemphigoid A skin disease of elderly people that features large tense blisters. The condition is caused by an immunological disorder and usually responds well to steroids or immunosuppressive treatment. |