Deep-Water Pump

Deep-Water Pump


a subsurface immersible pump; a vertical pump of a centrifugal, piston, or other type, which is usually placed in a drill hole where it is immersed in liquid.

The deep-water pump is noted for its comparatively small lateral dimensions (200-400 mm). It can be adapted for water supply systems using underground water, for lowering the level of groundwater during construction, and also for extracting oil. The most common deep-water pump is the centrifugal type—for instance, the domestic TsEV pump (a centrifugal water pump with electric drive), with a lift of from 2 to 360 cu m per hr and a pressure of 25-675 m.


Khokhlovkin, D. M. Glubinnye nasosy dlia vodoponizheniia i vodosnabzheniia, 3rd ed. Moscow, 1962.