deep tissue sculpting

deep tissue sculpting

A type of bodywork (deep tissue massage) characterised by firm, constant compression and strokes applied parallel to the muscle fibres. This penetrating form of therapeutic touch was developed in the 1970s by C Osborne-Sheets, who borrowed from Gestalt therapy, primal re-education, chua ka, Swedish and Esalen massage, Rolfing and Tragerwork. The technique is performed by placing pressure or traction on a muscle followed by releasing; it is an adjunct to physiotherapy, and believed to be useful in relieving tension in muscles that are chronically tense due to injury, emotional trauma or repetitive movements, as seen in athletes or in occupational medicine. Deep tissue sculpting is also believed to be effective in treating poor posture, whiplash injuries, scoliosis, lordosis, and in rehabilitating shortened or tight muscles.