deep plantar artery

deep plantar artery

[TA] branch of first dorsal metatarsal artery (usually the direct continuation of the dorsalis pedis artery that penetrates the foot between first and second metatarsal bones to anastomose with the termination of the plantar arterial arch. Synonym(s): arteria plantaris profunda arteriae dorsalis pedis [TA], arteria plantaris profundus [TA], deep plantar branch of dorsalis pedis artery, ramus plantaris profundus arteriae dorsalis pedis

deep plan·tar ar·te·ry

(dēp plan'tahr ahr'tĕr-ē) [TA] Deep plantar branch of arcuate artery or its first metatarsal artery branch that penetrates the foot between first and second metatarsal bones to anastomose with the termination of the plantar arterial arch.
Synonym(s): arteria plantaris profunda [TA] .