Bighorn National Forest
Bighorn National Forest
Sheridan, WY 82801
Size: 1,115,073 acres.
Location:North-central Wyoming. Accessible by US 14, 16, and 87. Nearby cities/towns include Buffalo, Cody, and Sheridan.
Facilities:7 lodges, 32 campgrounds, 14 picnic areas, 2 ski areas, visitors centers, trails (1,500+ miles), lookout towers, boat ramps.
Activities:Camping, hunting, fishing, boating, hiking, horseback riding, off-road driving, mountain climbing, cross-country and downhill skiing, snowmobiling.
Special Features:Medicine Wheel National Historic Landmark; Fort Phil Kearney State Historic Site (see entry in Wyoming state parks section); Bighorn Mountains; three rivers, four natural lakes, ten reservoirs, and nine streams.
See other parks in Wyoming.