

(es-pūn'dē-ă), A type of American leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis that affects the mucous membranes, particularly in the nasal and oral region, resulting in grossly destructive changes; particularly common in the Amazon basin, where a significant proportion of people infected with L. braziliensis develop this condition; may develop metastatically from sores originally found elsewhere on the body. Synonym(s): Breda disease, bubas braziliana [Sp., fr. L. spongia, sponge]


(es-pŭn'dē-ă) A type of American leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania braziliensis that affects the mucous membranes, particularly in the nasal and oral region, resulting in grossly destructive changes; may develop metastatically from sores originally found elsewhere on the body.
Synonym(s): Breda disease.
[Sp., fr. L. spongia, sponge]


American LEISHMANIASIS. This disease is caused by the single-celled parasite Leishmania braziliensis and is spread by sandfly bites. It occurs in south Mexico, Brazil, Paraguay and Peru, causing disfiguring skin ulcers of the face and tissue destruction that extends into the cavities of the nose and mouth. It often persists for years and, if neglected, may lead to death from overwhelming secondary infection.


Achille, Italian dermatologist, 1850-1933. Breda disease - a type of American leishmaniasis. Synonym(s): espundia