Bulgarian-Turkish Treaty of 1915

Bulgarian-Turkish Treaty of 1915


(also called the Bulgarian-Turkish Convention of 1915), on the adjustment of Bulgarian-Turkish frontiers.

The Bulgarian-Turkish Treaty of 1915 was signed in Sofia on August 24 (September 6). Under pressure from Germany, which was eager to draw Bulgaria into the war against the Entente, Turkey agreed to move the Bulgarian-Turkish frontier 2 km east of the left bank of the Maritsa River. Turkey also agreed to cede to Bulgaria, presumably in compensation for the latter’s neutrality, an area of 2,600 sq km, including the Adrianople suburb Kara Agach with its railroad station.


Kesiakovu, B. D. Prinosu kumu diplomaticheskata istoriia Bulgariia, [vol. 1]. Sofia, 1925.