Bulgarian-Rumanian Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, and

Bulgarian-Rumanian Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance


a treaty signed in Bucharest on Jan. 16, 1948, by G. Dimitrov, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Bulgaria, for Bulgaria, and by P. Groza, chairman of the Council of Ministers of the People’s Republic of Rumania, for Rumania. It was concluded for 20 years. The treaty set forth the definite solution of all unsolved questions between Bulgaria and Rumania and reflected the interest of the two countries in strengthening friendly relations and peace, especially in the Balkans and Danube Valley. The contracting parties agreed, in conformity with the aims and principles of the UN, to cooperate and consult on all questions affecting the fate of their peoples. The two parties pledged to jointly take all measures to ensure the security, national independence, and inviolability of their territories. In case of an attack on one of the parties by Germany or another state the two parties would immediately extend military and any other assistance to each other. The parties pledged not to conclude alliances or take part in any actions against the other contracting party and to cooperate in all fields of economics and culture.


Durzhaven vestnik, 1948, no. 32. (In Bulgarian and Rumanian.)