Acronym | Definition |
CSOM➣Client-Side Object Model (computing) |
CSOM➣Carlson School of Management (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) |
CSOM➣Carroll School of Management (Boston College; Chestnut Hill, MA) |
CSOM➣Center for Sex Offender Management |
CSOM➣Colorx Static Object Model |
CSOM➣Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media (middle ear and mastoid cavity inflammation) |
CSOM➣Christchurch School of Medicine (New Zealand) |
CSOM➣Customer Service Order Management (various organizations) |
CSOM➣Canadian Society for Orthomolecular Medicine |
CSOM➣Chronic Serous Otitis Media (middle ear infection) |
CSOM➣Computer System Operator's Manual |
CSOM➣Computer Software Operator's Manual |
CSOM➣Computer Security Operations Manager |
CSOM➣Computer Systems: Operation and Management (University College of the Cariboo) |
CSOM➣Customer Service Operations Manager |
CSOM➣Computer Software Operation Manual |
CSOM➣Computer System Operations Manager |