Acronym | Definition |
CLT➣Cross-Laminated Timber (engineered wood product) |
CLT➣Community Land Trust |
CLT➣Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho (Brazil) |
CLT➣Central Limit Theorem (probability theory) |
CLT➣Charitable Lead Trust |
CLT➣Chronic Lymphocytic Thyroiditis (cancer) |
CLT➣Cognitive Load Theory (memory) |
CLT➣Communicative Language Teaching |
CLT➣Chinese Language Teaching |
CLT➣Customer Loyalty Team (various companies) |
CLT➣Cdr Label Template |
CLT➣Command List Table |
CLT➣Cairo Local Time |
CLT➣Computer Language Translator |
CLT➣Certified Laser Technician |
CLT➣Citizens for Limited Taxation (est. 1974; Massachusetts) |
CLT➣Currently Listening To (chat) |
CLT➣Certified Landscape Technician |
CLT➣Centre for Learning Technologies (various locations) |
CLT➣Certified Lymphedema Therapist |
CLT➣Complexity Leadership Theory |
CLT➣Chien Loup Tchécoslovaque (French: Czechoslovakian Wolfdog) |
CLT➣Canadian Learning Television |
CLT➣Cross-Linguistic Lexical Tasks (language assessment) |
CLT➣College Laboratory Technician (various locations) |
CLT➣Central Location Test |
CLT➣Connecticut Law Tribune (publication; Hartford, CT) |
CLT➣Compagnie Luxembourgeoise de Télédiffusion (French: Luxembourg Television Broadcasting Company) |
CLT➣Compañía de Logística y Transporte (Spanish: Logistics and Transport Company) |
CLT➣Clinical Laboratory Technologist |
CLT➣Chesapeake Light Tower (US NOAA) |
CLT➣Centre for Language Technology (various countries) |
CLT➣Combat Lasing Team (US DoD) |
CLT➣Company Landing Team (US Marine Corps) |
CLT➣Corporate Leadership Team |
CLT➣Competitive Landscaping Tool (iSuppli) |
CLT➣Classical Laminate Theory |
CLT➣Cairo Local Time (GMT+0200) |
CLT➣Casualty Liaison Team (US Army) |
CLT➣Cued Language Transliterator |
CLT➣College Libertarians of Towson (Towson, MD) |
CLT➣Container Load Trailer |
CLT➣Calculated Landing Time |
CLT➣Cool Like That |
CLT➣Certificate of Land Transfer |
CLT➣Common Leader Training |
CLT➣Compagnie Ligérienne de Transport (French transport company) |
CLT➣Combine Like Terms (algebra) |
CLT➣Communications Line Terminal |
CLT➣Closed Loop Training (speech synthesis) |
CLT➣Club de Loisirs de Tourlaville (French: Tourlaville Leisure Club; Tourlaville, France) |
CLT➣Compagnie Lyonnaise de Tramways (French tramway company) |
CLT➣Christian Love Test |
CLT➣Cooperative Learning Techniques |
CLT➣Closed Loop Test |
CLT➣Cellular Logistics Team |
CLT➣Stimpson's Surf Clam (FAO species code) |
CLT➣Cultures, Langues, Textes (French: Cultures, Languages, Texts) |
CLT➣Light Cruiser Training |
CLT➣Contracted Loaded Tip (marine propeller) |
CLT➣Cross-Language Transfer |
CLT➣Charlotte, NC, USA - Charlotte/Douglas International Airport (Airport Code) |
CLT➣Center for Law and Technology |
CLT➣Coordination des Lycées de Toulouse (French: Coordination of High Schools in Toulouse; Toulouse, France) |
CLT➣Controlled Leader Triggering (lightning protection) |
CLT➣Civic Little Theatre (now Civic Theatre of Allentown, Pennsylvania) |
CLT➣Charge Listing |
CLT➣Conditional Land Transfer |
CLT➣Customer Learning Terminal (aka: Kiosk) |
CLT➣Component-Level Testing (electronics) |
CLT➣Council on Law Enforcement Education and Training (Oklahoma) |
CLT➣Command Level Testing (US Navy) |
CLT➣Culture et Loisirs à Thorigny (French: Thorigny Culture and Leisure; Thorigny-sur-Marne, France) |
CLT➣Comprehensive Look Team (US Army) |